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Archived PIVX Infrastructure Management + Support Lead - Jeffrey


Staff member

Title: PIVX System Administration and Support Management V4
Name: SysAdmin20206
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 5200
Total Amnt: 15600
Author: Jeffrey
Address: DCgfneftCpzNr4qUhchnfZz3a4mS9o45xc
Status: Proposed

As always I would like to thank everyone for your continuous support of my proposals, I have been actively involved in the PIVX community as a Systems administrator (Infrastructure manager) and Support since early 2017 and would like to renew my position in PIVX with this proposal which is a continuation of my previous proposal.



My proposal includes the following responsibilities:
  • Being the official Support Lead for PIVX which entails providing support inside various PIVX communities such as the forum, anywhere requested especially the PIVX Discord.
  • Creating guides and support material to simplify fixing issues for the client.
  • Management of the majority of the PIVX related servers.
  • Installation and setup of new PIVX communities or websites as well as managing their servers.
  • Website migration, beta testing and deployment.
  • Exchange co-ordination where requested.
  • PIVX brand representation as well as onboarding of new merchants to use PIVX wallets and resources.
  • Running test environment to replicate bugs and find solutions.
  • Customer support via tickets on https://pivx.freshdesk.com/
These are the current PIVX related sites I manage:
For this round I will be asking for a 5200 PIVX every cycle for 3 cycles bringing it to a total of 15600 PIVX which will be used to fund my position as a full time staff member in PIVX

I will not be asking for the 55 PIV in submission and processing fees to be reimbursed.

Voting Details:

To Vote YES for this proposal:

mnbudgetvote many e7663c274ba6835b5dff2fe016124b7e8b7a43fa6f9a595331b4a7b55f59a25a yes
To Vote NO for this proposal:
mnbudgetvote many e7663c274ba6835b5dff2fe016124b7e8b7a43fa6f9a595331b4a7b55f59a25a no
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I'm thinking maybe you should split this up into support and business and rethink your fee on the business side. Don't want to start going back to those super proposals we used to have.

I know you do alot but as pointed out in budget proposals on discord you've jumped from $1380 priced in at 23rd march prices for 3 cycles to your new cycle that at current prices is $2476.

I'm sure everyone would like a jump in budget monies they take out but is that possible at current prices? I don't think so. We've had proposals passing but not funded so the funds are not there yet.

Fuzzbawls only took 7000piv per month from last cycle and that was at the lower prices so I'm suggesting rethinking.
Proposal update:
Official PIVX riot server which can be joined and registered using https://chat.pivx.org has been setup. Still needs configuring and further testing from the community so please dm for help.

Setup has begun on official pivx snapshot site which will be hosted by me thanks to servers provided by @Eric_Stanek , work done will include a modified website with 2 snapshots done in 24 hour based and published on snapshot.pivx.org thanks to collab with Merge Project

500 GB hdd encrypted and setup as offline backup for PIVX orientated websites
Some updates for today:
Cloud.pivx.org major update to 18.0.3, server optimized for longer timeouts preventing users from having logging in our out issues as well as displaying folders.
Users can now manually change skins, If you are a PIVX team member and want to gain access to the cloud setup DM me!

Forum.pivx.org updated to latest version, server errors dating back to march 20th have not appeared again.

Backups/Snapshots taken of both websites.

Further testing on a video chat based solution for team members has been worked on :
Jitsi and BigBlueButton.

PIVX Daemon setup on Matrix server for testing of new snapshot solution
Cpanel projects server updated to latest version as well as antivirus installed to monitor all pivx websites including the forum hosted on it.

Thank you everyone!
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Some updates for today:
Cloud.pivx.org major update to 18.0.3, server optimized for longer timeouts preventing users from having logging in our out issues as well as displaying folders.
Users can now manually change skins, If you are a PIVX team member and want to gain access to the cloud setup DM me!

Forum.pivx.org updated to latest version, server errors dating back to march 20th have not appeared again.

Backups/Snapshots taken of both websites.

Further testing on a video chat based solution for team members has been worked on :
Jitsi and BigBlueButton.

PIVX Daemon setup on Matrix server for testing of new snapshot solution
Cpanel projects server updated to latest version as well as antivirus installed to monitor all pivx websites including the forum hosted on it.

Thank you everyone!

Great work. This is how ALL proposals bar Devs ones should be, as we can see their work from GitHub.
Another update for today.

All PIVX based websites currently hosted using the WHM environment have had all of their SSL certificates updated as DV and extended for a year.

I have also setup a depends cache fallback host for the PIVX developers which is hosted on the same environment. SSL added.

Support tickets and monitoring on pivx.freshdesk.com as usual. Looking at options of permanently migrating/updating the FAQ from the freshdesk to a self hosted KB.
New updated

pivxplaces migrated to our community based cpanel server, SQL tables enhanced. Pending website CSS fix. will update
Cpanel updated as well as antivirus installed.
cloud.pivx.org updated to 18.0.6

Support tickets via freshdesk monitored as well as all support work done on Discord :)

Contact me if you have any PIVX related website and want us to host it.
Time for another update :) Thank you to all Masternode Owners for your vote.

As usual I have spent many hours daily providing support both in Discord,Facebook,Twitter, PIVX Freshdesk and various other platforms. This past month has been really good for PIVX with me assisting the setup process of over 10 new masternodes! Good to see growth like this

Various tutorials have been created by me and they are now available here in the PIVX forum, More tutorials to come so please request!

All PIVX servers maintained, Security hardened for our NextCloud server to reach a level A+ by their security test. PIVXAmbassador server wordpress updated, email smtp configured and forms fixed so that newly submitted ambassador applications will definitely be received by the PIVX team member(s) in charge.

Email server maintained to reduce old unnused email accounts and to make way for new ones to be utilized by our new and upcoming website.

Overall been busy especially in the support department where many new comers have become PIVIANS and masternode owners!
Appreciate all the support thus far as we are about to enter the 3rd month of my proposal in which I will renew for another 3 months.

As of today I have continued to provide regular support and assisted in the setup of many new masternodes, Both via Discord as well as here in the forum.
All essential backups have been made locally and cloned to an additional drive.
PIVX project server as well as forum have undergone a major update today leading to around 5 minutes of server downtime
I have also been assisting with 3 exchange listings for PIVX via Telegram.

All servers maintained as well as additional email accounts created and some removed.

Looking forward to more successful work within the PIVX community
