Title: PIVX System Administration and Support Management V4
Name: SysAdmin20206
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 5200
Total Amnt: 15600
Author: Jeffrey
Address: DCgfneftCpzNr4qUhchnfZz3a4mS9o45xc
Status: Proposed
As always I would like to thank everyone for your continuous support of my proposals, I have been actively involved in the PIVX community as a Systems administrator (Infrastructure manager) and Support since early 2017 and would like to renew my position in PIVX with this proposal which is a continuation of my previous proposal.
My proposal includes the following responsibilities:
- Being the official Support Lead for PIVX which entails providing support inside various PIVX communities such as the forum, anywhere requested especially the PIVX Discord.
- Creating guides and support material to simplify fixing issues for the client.
- Management of the majority of the PIVX related servers.
- Installation and setup of new PIVX communities or websites as well as managing their servers.
- Website migration, beta testing and deployment.
- Exchange co-ordination where requested.
- PIVX brand representation as well as onboarding of new merchants to use PIVX wallets and resources.
- Running test environment to replicate bugs and find solutions.
- Customer support via tickets on
- (WHM management)
For this round I will be asking for a 5200 PIVX every cycle for 3 cycles bringing it to a total of 15600 PIVX which will be used to fund my position as a full time staff member in PIVX
I will not be asking for the 55 PIV in submission and processing fees to be reimbursed.
Voting Details:
To Vote YES for this proposal:
mnbudgetvote many e7663c274ba6835b5dff2fe016124b7e8b7a43fa6f9a595331b4a7b55f59a25a yes
mnbudgetvote many e7663c274ba6835b5dff2fe016124b7e8b7a43fa6f9a595331b4a7b55f59a25a no
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