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Active PIVX Interactive Art Proposal, Engaging the Community through Creativity


New Pivian
Title: PIVX Interactive Art Proposal  
Name: PIVXArtProposal  
Term: 3 Cycles  
Cycle Amount: 4,500 PIVX  
Total Amount: 13,500 PIVX  
Author: mx12Art  
Receiver: mx12Art  
Address: D8e2oqAZ8qGC1nSGRbE66FAVtBHzYU3FQk  
Status: Active

Goals and Deliverables:

  1. Monthly Artwork Production:
    • Deliver one artwork that is loaded with PIVX or integrated with its ecosystem.
    • Share detailed creation videos/photos with the community to enhance transparency and engagement.
  2. Promotion & Raffle Organization:
    • Use social media platforms (X, Instagram, Facebook and Nostr) to promote the artwork.
    • Conduct a community raffle or contest to give the artwork away.
  3. Community Engagement:
    • Host at least one live Q&A or AMA session each month to discuss the artwork, its creation, and its connection to PIVX.
  4. Feedback Collection:
    • Encourage community members to share feedback on the project to refine and improve future proposals.

Expected Benefits for PIVX:

  1. Increased Community Engagement:
    • The interactive nature of the artwork encourages participation and brings the community together.
  2. Brand Awareness:
    • Creative and visually appealing artworks attract attention on social media and beyond.
  3. Promotion of PIVX Ecosystem:
    • The artwork highlights PIVX's features, such as privacy and usability, to a broader audience.
  4. Innovative Use of Cryptocurrency:
    • Tying physical art to digital currency demonstrates PIVX's versatility and innovation.

Artist Experience and Background: Known as the OG Pivian :) The Purple Rain Guy

As an experienced Bitcoin and crypto artist, I have spent years creating unique, value driven artworks that bridge the gap between physical and digital media. My work often integrates cryptocurrency concepts, emotions, and memories, while pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology in art.

In addition to my artwork, I have successfully created a soft book in partnership with 21 Bitcoin Magazine as the lead illustrator. This magazine is focused on Bitcoin education, delivering valuable insights and knowledge to the community while showcasing visually captivating illustrations.

You can explore more about my work and projects here:

My work focuses on building meaningful connections through art, promoting decentralized values, and making cryptocurrency concepts accessible and engaging. I aim to bring the same level of success and innovation to PIVX by creating interactive, value integrated artworks that inspire and educate the community.
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Hello everyone,

At the very beginning, I started connecting with the community via Discord #pivx-lounge, where we had short discussions about the most important aspects of PIVX. That’s where I first shared this idea and left a message.

Some of you know me as the Bitcoin art guy, but today, I’m starting something different. I’ve been given the opportunity to create a special PIVX artwork, and I know this might raise some eyebrows.

But here’s the thing… after my accident, this community was there for me. The support I received during my recovery meant the world. Now, I see this as a chance to give something back, to create, inspire, and build through art.

Will it be provocative? Maybe.
Will it be something completely unique? Absolutely.
Let’s make something amazing together! Drop your ideas below

I feel good about zkSNARKs they feel like a magical box, secure, mysterious, and powerful.

I’ve already posted about this on Nostr and Twitter, tagging PIVX. I’m also sharing this in the pivx lounge, but let me know which other channels are best to use. Of course, I’ll also create a post on the forum as well. (DONE)

I’ve also connected with PIVX on Nostr. We’re still very early there, but I got some responses, and there were comments from people who were excited to create something together with the community.

On Twitter, I accidentally tagged the wrong PIVX account, but I’ve now noted all the correct accounts for future posts.

PIVX Wallet Integration Idea

Before moving on to the art concepts, I also had the idea of integrating a PIVX wallet into the artwork. I reached out to the Satochip founder, and unfortunately, they don’t currently plan to list PIVX.

However, since the code is open source, I could fork it and create loadable PIVX cards inside the artwork. Even I wouldn’t be able to see the private key.

I don’t want to post any links here, but you can easily find more info online. If we decide to move forward with this, the Satochip founder would check in from time to time to see how we’re doing, but of course, it’s a lot of work. Still, it could be an interesting way to introduce PIVX to newcomers or create a collectible that also holds value.

Let me know what you think!

Concepts & Artwork Direction

I still need a couple of days to come up with the first concepts, but here’s an idea:

  • A mystery figure in the foreground or background
  • A magical box in the center with the PIVX symbol
  • The box itself could be mysterious, and someone could be on the other side, representing zkSNARK
  • Maybe mix in some symbols or text
  • Can anyone explain zk-SNARKs using a real-life situation ? I personally see it as a magical box, but we could include some important zk-SNARK-related details inside the artwork so everything makes sense.
In a couple of days, I’ll come up with the first sketches, and I’ll also start some giveaways with PIVX merch that I created earlier. If you have any ideas on the best way to do the giveaways, let me know!

Final Artwork & Raffle

For the final artwork, how should we organize the raffle?

  • What’s the best way to do it?
  • Where should we host it?
  • Should we do it across all platforms, assign numbers to participants, and then use the PIVX blockchain to select the winner for full transparency and fairness?
After the artwork is released, I’ll provide files so it can be used for banners, merch, social media, and more.

I’m super excited about this, it’s a big project, and I truly believe it will be something special!

Thank you!
Is this actual art that gets sent to people? Or nft stuff?
This is going to be a real physical artwork, gallery bound, with a wooden frame,(shadow gap) aluminum, and acrylic materials and of course, the artwork will be large enough that you will need to find a nice wall for it
I’ve been working on this for a while, and inspired by the community, I decided to take the zkSNARKs feature this far.

I don’t want to say too much about it, but I’d really appreciate any critiques or suggestions on what could be included in the artwork.

Does anyone here know about timestamps, like how VERISART works? We could use Verisart to create a certificate for this artwork, or we could explore using the PIVX blockchain instead. In the end, it’s all about the timestamp, but using the PIVX blockchain would likely be a better option or at least sound more fitting.

As for the raffle, I want to run it across all platforms simultaneously, with each participant receiving a number. I plan to use the PIVX blockchain to fairly select the winner.


This is how I will pick the winner of this physical PIVX artwork. I’ll use the PIVX blockchain so everyone can verify it, and everything will be live.

Now I need to decide how the community can get their number, but it has to be a simple and fair system. I want to prevent people from using multiple accounts, and since this is for the PIVX community, it should be truly fair.

I'll launch it on Discord, Nostr, and X, maybe Instagram, but I'm unsure about the audience there. I think this giveaway could really help boost PIVX on Nostr and X.

Should participants share, like, and tag someone? Or maybe share and quote? What do you think? Once they complete the task, they’ll receive their number for the raffle.
The artwork is finished, and all materials have been bought. The final image of the physical artwork will be ready in 5–7 days. I’m very happy with this one, and it will be the only one of its kind in this size, very large, no second or third artwork.

I’m also working on a code to choose the winner, but it takes time. I want to bring people into the game and get them to interact with the PIVX wallet. They should send 1 PIVX to the burn address (or another designated address), and after winning, they will need to prove that they own the wallet.

For this, I’m using the PIVX blockchain and Python, and maybe there will be an option to integrate it into our explorers.

Otherwise, I’ll get back to you all tomorrow with a surprise and some small gifts

How do you feel about me going for a timestamp certificate via the Bitcoin blockchain? Verisart? A high quality certificate? Or would you prefer me to create a certificate using the PIVX blockchain? Verisart could be a nice combination

Good morning, guys! I have some PIVX developer mugs for giveaways. I'll keep a few for social media raffles, but I also have some for you, just let me know if you want one. This is kind of a thank you gesture and a reminder to appreciate our developers. I know everyone always talks about how great PIVX is, but with this, I want to highlight the people who are (and were) behind it. :)

Otherwise, for privacy reasons, if you don't want to leak your address or meet someone at night in a dark corner to receive a mug, I've got you covered! I also have the developer card file and mug file I used for printing, so you can print one yourself.

And of course, there's always another option, If I marry someone from your family, then we become family, and I can personally deliver the mug. 😂

I see that some people are voting against funding this art project. If possible, please let me know why and the reasons behind it. Your feedback will help me improve and adjust the project in the right direction.

We have around 7 days to launch this physical artwork raffle, so let's start building some excitement around it! :)
Pivians! The PIVX Lottery is up and running, and the test has already started!

This is a test, but there WILL be winners!
I’ll keep rolling block after block, so expect lots of winners! 💜 Even though it’s a test, it’s the real deal for those who join!

No Worries About the Final Block Number:
Even though I mentioned a specific block earlier, all valid entries (1 PIVX or more) sent to the lottery wallet will be included in the draw!

How the Winner is Picked:
1. I enter the minted block number when it’s time to draw.
2.The system gets the block hash from that block.
3. The block hash is turned into a number.
4. I use this simple formula:

winning_number = int(block_hash, 16) % total_tickets + 1
(I will also open the Python code for everyone to use later, via GitHub)

This picks the winner fairly and randomly based on the PIVX blockchain!

Each time I enter a new block number, we roll again!

How to Join:
  • Send 1+ PIVX to the lottery wallet: DCb22d9MKzaJHfdhtEYkB1Myz1jLLDkAbj (Each ticket is counted per transaction, so if someone wants multiple tickets, they’ll need to send multiple transactions, regardless of the amount sent per transaction)
  • 1 valid transaction = 1 ticket 🎟️

What’s Next?
With this foundation set, I’m already thinking about how to take this further! 💡
  • A dedicated website where the community can follow the raffles
  • Ability to add new items to the raffle
Shielded transactions will play a big role! Winners will be able to verify ticket ownership and send a shielded message to privately share the delivery details for their raffle prize!
I hope I’m doing everything right, but I’m sure the community will help if needed! 💜

This way, we’re not only making the raffle fun but also promoting PIVX’s powerful privacy features!

This could grow into something really awesome for the community! 💜

Send 1 PIVX. Scan. WIN
the physical artwork! 🎉

Easiest wallet to use → MyPIVXwallet.org - https://app.mypivxwallet.org/?pay=D7PbXE9idKtpV355JS6DeU4BpRab5xhSLB&amount=1&desc=MX12 Art Contest

(If you can’t scan the QR code) You can also enter by sending 1 PIVX to the wallet address - D7PbXE9idKtpV355JS6DeU4BpRab5xhSLB

I could manually add names, but this way brings more action and real use of PIVX. It’s a small amount and helps build excitement

Good luck everyone! This artwork was created with the power of the community, without you, it wouldn’t exist! 💜

Do you want this physical artwork? Now is your time!
➡️ Send 1 PIV from your $PIVX wallet to:
📩 D7PbXE9idKtpV355JS6DeU4BpRab5xhSLB
💜 If you need PIVX for it, I’ll send it to you, just let me know! There’s a huge chance that you’ll win.

📝 Drop a comment with your transaction, and I’ll assign your public, forum, Twitter, or Nostr name to the PIVX entry. Don’t forget to share with others!

About the Next Artwork
Let’s brainstorm concepts for the next on, something simple, something even a child can understand. A sweet, childbook style illustration that represents PIVX in an easy to grasp way.

The first artwork was for longterm PIVians, but let’s do something more for newbies, something that shows what PIVX is about. I have an idea, a real world use case for payments. What do you think?

I’m also gonna share a high quality image of this artwork so you can stay private and print it yourself if you want.
If you’d like me to handle printing, I can do it for you! I have good connections for high quality prints and can offer smaller formats as well. Just let me know


Hello guys, we are good to go! The final PIVX block is set, let's raffle! I hope the winner will showcase the artwork live. This is a beautiful marketing piece that will spark conversations about zk-SNARKs and PIVX itself.

I'm also working on a new PIVX Developer Mug Collection. I will use part of the budget for production, with the idea of creating PIVX Labs team avatars, PIVX themed mug series. Once all the designs and test prints are finalized, I plan to create a PIVX themed mug box to hold the full collection, turning it into a cool collectible.

For this PIVX Labs avatar collection, I have to give a huge thanks to jsKitty, without their generous tip and encouragement to keep going with the Developers on Fire mug series, I might not have pursued it. Thank you! I’m really enjoying this project.

Contests are always challenging to organize, but what do you think about this second artwork? Should we do another giveaway, or would it be better to gift it to a business that accepts PIVX payments? Let me know your thoughts! This piece is designed to highlight the power of PIVX payments