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Pivx mixer


Active Pivian
I know it is a really really grey area but pivx couldn't be held to account if someone was to make a site that did exchanges/swaps with pivx shielded being the "mixer" not sure what would it call i but a true hide your Crypto exchanger.

Using zksnarks shielded transactions the fees would be burned thus lowering our inflation, possibly deflationing our supply!
This can effectively be done just by sending SHIELD to yourself repeatedly (in Monero, they call it 'churning', the same effect is achieved with Shield).

No point in this being a centralised service, as it's needless risk and liability.

Potentially a feature idea for MPW, it exists in some Monero wallets so I'm not against it, it would just need team consensus for being implemented.
I think the idea is a good way to stir the discussion of what is said above!

There was talks on some private mode for MPW. Where we can auto shield and deshield for the users enhanced privacy. We just need to find the right marketing angles if we go this route.

Tornado Cash is code and a protocol, which is OK, with new rulings, but we have to evaluate also our methods.
Do it! But, create a new GitHub account with username Gerrald. That way, our devs don't end up buried in legal issues. :)
But I wasn't actually talking piv. Eg. I was thinking I have doge. That address has been linked to me numerous times. I then use the pivx "mixer" to exchange to pivx in shielded, the shielded then is then used to buy doge again but this time to a completely unused address with no transactions, effectively clearing all transactions that have ever been used with my doge.

But both ideas thinking about it seem like great ideas
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Yep. Great ideas. They have been around for almost as long as crypto has existed, but they are risky for the developers. Basically, it needs to be legal globally, although the USA has been the biggest threat so far and that appears to have subsided slightly recently. You should make sure the idea is captured though by entering it in the 'Ideas Room' in the Labs Discord.
Yep. Great ideas. They have been around for almost as long as crypto has existed, but they are risky for the developers. Basically, it needs to be legal globally, although the USA has been the biggest threat so far and that appears to have subsided slightly recently. You should make sure the idea is captured though by entering it in the 'Ideas Room' in the Labs Discord.
I don't use discord. Forum is all I use and the occasional browse of twitter. You all need to stop sharing information on one platform. Maybe this is why we don't seem to be expanding fast? This closed group has always been mentioned by myself.

If this has been mentioned before why has it not been discussed? Or is it another closed group of people? More people viewing it, more solutions. My initial thoughts are set this up in another country from your comments.
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The PIVX Discords are open, to those that follow the rules. What I meant was that this mixer topic has been discussed before across the Internet from many others in crypto, outside of PIVX. We can't force people to copy their chats into platforms not intended for chats, but for topic specific conversation, especially when they don't even know about PIVX. Last time it was discussed at length in PIVX (that I am aware of) was when we were going to develop zDEX, but then 7 decided it was his personal project. It never went anywhere.

You do keep mentioning 'closed group'. There isn't one. There are open groups with reasonable rules. Breaking the rules has consequences. Besides, this is a FREEDOM and PRIVACY focused project. People are FREE to have PRIVATE conversations, or public, but only in their preferred platform if they wish.

The exchange/swap functionality you are asking for, is a huge amount of work, already being done by others (Basic Swap etc.) and would have unique challenges like liquidity pools etc. that are very difficult and expensive to solve.

I don't think it is good enough to 'set this up in another country' as the USA reaches globally, and we can't prevent people from using it from other countries, without doing KYC, which we're obviously not going to do.
But I wasn't actually talking piv. Eg. I was thinking I have doge. That address has been linked to me numerous times. I then use the pivx "mixer" to exchange to pivx in shielded, the shielded then is then used to buy doge again but this time to a completely unused address with no transactions, effectively clearing all transactions that have ever been used with my doge.

But both ideas thinking about it seem like great ideas
What would be the method for figuring out the "Clean" doge address? This method sounds more like it'll be difficult because it introduces the traceability aspect, which is stronger with more usage, but it would be worse if you could filter things out. Now this does not negate the idea but requires a cryptographic method potentially to make it more secure than just running it through PIVX Shield. Just discussing the idea and if someone sees a viable way we can discuss that.
What would be the method for figuring out the "Clean" doge address? This method sounds more like it'll be difficult because it introduces the traceability aspect, which is stronger with more usage, but it would be worse if you could filter things out. Now this does not negate the idea but requires a cryptographic method potentially to make it more secure than just running it through PIVX Shield. Just discussing the idea and if someone sees a viable way we can discuss that.
Great to see discussions. People like hiding things, zksnarks seems like the best way, just figuring out a process of how to do it
Great to see discussions. People like hiding things, zksnarks seems like the best way, just figuring out a process of how to do it
Yeah usually that's the biggest portion is finding the right path. We can continue this discussion here if others have ideas to kick into the pot and then maybe the dev team will look into outlining and implementing in due time. We have features that touch on this aspect that may be workable instead of going the whole path. We will see what we can shake out as we get them done.