Title: PIVXemailrenewal
Name: PIVXemailrenewal
Term: 1 Cycle
Cycle Amount: 2768
Total Amount: 2768
Author: Jeffrey
Receiver: Jeffrey
Address: D7hbRbTGSATnWoESS1aP4WrnAoLbbdJg2X
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 7324c0f74af6348029bdaece9cec2d944babc308394542230ff2ed43de29b152
Brief Introduction:
Greetings, everyone!
This proposal will be used to cover the costs of our email hosting for a period of 1 year. During this time I will also be looking for alternatives however this hosting plan has worked sufficiently.
The total cost for our emails is $510.56 annually. A cheaper alternative that can guarantee deliverability without issues from spamhaus etc will be researched in the mean time.
Due to this requiring me to convert to BTC which includes fees of transfer as well as the potential of the exchange rate of PIVX adjusting I will be asking for 650 USD in PIVX. Any remaining amount after the conversion will be announced here in this thread and can be used towards the next renewal.
This covers:
16 email accounts plus our catch all email address configuration for a period of 1 year.
For this round I will be asking for a 2718 PIVX + my 50 PIVX in submission fees bringing it to a total of 2768 PIVX.
Voting Details:
To Vote YES for this proposal:
mnbudgetvote many 7324c0f74af6348029bdaece9cec2d944babc308394542230ff2ed43de29b152 yes
mnbudgetvote many 7324c0f74af6348029bdaece9cec2d944babc308394542230ff2ed43de29b152 no