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Archived PIVX Slush Fund Sept 2024


Staff member
Title: PIVX Slush Fund Sept 2024
Name: Slush-Fund-2024-9
Term: 1 Cycle
Cycle Amount: 5500 PIV
Total Amount: 5500 PIV
Author: leacymck
Receiver: leacymck
Address: DL9Rrvsa8dtc25dfD4egS26cZZqvGoBwcG
Created: Sept 15, 2024
Status: Active

Back Story:
This proposal is a continuation from the previous Slush Fund proposal in March 2024 where 2000 PIV was awarded.
Having a pool of PIV to use to tip community members that step up when needed is a necessity so the core team can acknowledge their work, and to let them know they are appreciated. Giving prizes of PIV to the recipients of contests has proven to be beneficial for PIVX as 99% of the winners stay and become active community members, and last but not least, helping pay costs for events and if a team member needs financial support for work of their own, supports the team.

We went through the March slush fund faster than the prior one submitted in December due to community contests, paying for AMA with CryptoKaffy and Hans Koning, tips to active community members that post to socials daily, (and that don't have a proposal themselves.), we donated to Hawtch and Jeffrey for PIVX related events/tools. Please see the Prior Proposal, March '24 for all entries of costs incurred.

Goals for this funding with costs breakdown:
This amount is the largest I have asked for in the past 1 1/2 years.
We need to fund:
- The joint cross-marketing event with Travala (2000 PIV)
-1 PIVXcommunity privacy writing contest (1000 PIV)
- Financial support for Boullia (PIVX core and admin member) when he attends the 3-day WebSummit again and represents PIVX this November in Lisbon. (1500 PIV) (Bouilla will be meeting with one of our OG PIVX members, Buer.)
- Random community contests, tips and any extra fees that show up in which we can give to the team member who may need it for a PIVX related cause. (1000 PIV)

I wish to have the 50 PIV reimbursed to me from submitting this proposal. I will keep track of all expenses again in the replies so that everyone can see where the funds go. Past slush fund proposals show all documentation of where funds went.

Please note: There is 110 PIV leftover from the prior proposal. I will add all costs incurred to this proposal in the reply section.

Thank you for reading, It is really great to be able to have extra events which bring new users to PIVX without being stressed as to where the payment will come from. The fees needed are all mentioned so you can see exactly why we need the funding. If you have any issues with the events being paid for please (kindly) leave a reply.

Vote Hash:
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Total PIV: (carried from above and added to the 5000 PIV from proposal passing) 5110

Sept 29th -150 PIV
( PIVXcommunity contest ) = 4960 PIV
Oct 2 -100 PIV
( Gifted to the person who runs SmartCryptoNEWs1 on Twitter as they promote PIVX official posts to this account which has 57K active followers. The followers also repost and reply with comments about PIVX so they can be tipped. They entered into a PIVXcommunity contest 5 years ago and have been super supportive ever since.) = 4860 PIV
Oct 31st - 100 PIV
(Taste the world with PIVX monthly Discord contest ) = 4760 PIV
Oct 23rd - 250 PIV
(Donated to @Elenac for the PIVX en Espanol Halloween contest so they could have a better chance at getting entries.) = 4510 PIV
Oct 28th - 2000 PIV
(Sent to Bouilla - PIVX core/admin member who attends WebSummit every year in November promoting PIVX. This donation will enable Bouilla to attend this well known crypto/blockchain event in Lisbon, Portugal by helping him with expenses incurred staying at a hotel and for PIVX memorabilia as he pays for his own flights. We are working together on planning for next year's event in which we want a booth and 1 more member to attend to talk about PIVX.) = 2510 PIV
Oct 26th - 100 PIV
( Attempted to make a contest around a controversial and trending topic, 2 winners of 50 PIV each. x.com/PIVXcommunity/status/1850163326208143529) = 2410 PIV
Oct 31st - 100 PIV
(Random Halloween PIVXcommunity contest. ) = 2310 PIV

Nov 23 - - 100 (https://x.com/PIVXcommunity/status/1860348076918964543) = 2210
Nov 30 - 50 (Taste the World with PIVX Discord contest) = 2160
Nov 30 -Dec3 -2000 PIV (contest with Travala, paid the 2 winners 1000 PIV each) both notified via PIVX.org email of which I kept for proof but won't post due to privacy and security of winners.) = 160 PIV
Dec 3 -50 for proposal submission fee = 110 PIV
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