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Archived PIVX Spanish Boost 24

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Staff member
Title: PIVX Spanish Boost 24
Name: PSB24
Term: 3 cycles
Cycle Amount: 4000
Total Amount: 12000
Author: ONeZetty
Receiver: ONeZetty
Address: DELY6LdSbHpzpAa4GmUscwgJoqZCXDoGis
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 1b3bba7407941584f9ddd854f98efdab0ca3135e02faf41a9bad2514b2d4de2f
Donations: DELY6LdSbHpzpAa4GmUscwgJoqZCXDoGis
Shield Donations: ps1gvgsuw8lml42nc29m23wwsa68urnq6z594rp79vafvyltemdyq3atac5u44c7pfzvanm2z9tata

mnbudgetvote many 1b3bba7407941584f9ddd854f98efdab0ca3135e02faf41a9bad2514b2d4de2f yes

mnbudgetvote many 1b3bba7407941584f9ddd854f98efdab0ca3135e02faf41a9bad2514b2d4de2f no

Hello PIVX community members!

Over the past few months, ElenaCC has done a great job on PIVX's Spanish language communication channels, achieving good metrics and positioning PIVX in the Spanish language cryptoverse.
Thanks to the feedback from several community members, I have decided to create this proposal with the intention of improving and verifying social media profiles, as well as increasing attention and promotion of PIVX through paid ads and advertorials. The proposal aims to boost visibility and engagement in our community, which in turn can result in increased recognition and adoption of PIVX, as well as attracting Latin American investors.

Why ONeZetty?
Due to delicate geopolitical situations, ElenaCC must remain off the radar of the tax authorities in her country. Since I do not have any of those difficulties and my geographic and political position is more friendly to current US corporate legislation, it is much more accessible to do so from Mexico.

Improve the quality and authenticity of PIVX's social media profiles: This will include verifying profiles on key platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, ensuring that users can easily identify official PIVX accounts and avoid potential scams or misinformation.
Increase visibility through paid ads: Implement targeted advertising campaigns on popular platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Twitter Ads to reach specific audiences interested in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
Generate interest through advertorials: Collaborate with relevant media outlets to produce and distribute informative and engaging advertorials about PIVX, highlighting its technology, use cases, and competitive advantages.

Budget Details Use:
  • Verification and Improvement of Social Media Profiles
  • Advertising campaigns on X, Google and Instagram
  • Advertorials to measure the impact of paid posts.

This project will be carried out over a three-month period. The intention is to use this budget throughout 2024, with ongoing monitoring and periodic evaluations to measure progress and make adjustments as needed. Above all, to know if this type of publication has any positive impact on the community.

I appreciate your consideration and support for this proposal to improve and promote the PIVX community. We are confident that, with the implementation of these strategies, we will reach new levels of success and adoption.

EDIT: This post will be closed on the forum from now on, to avoid the harassment and trolling that I have been subjected to. However, as you know, I am open to your comments on Discord and Telegram or to my email onezetty (a) pivx.org.

Thank you very much!
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So from my understanding and discussing with people you want $1500 to be kyc and boosting posts? Maybe the social media person who is paid to do that can be the kyc @LeacyMcK who has already got the ticks or whatever on the platforms. Then ElenaCC can work for the social person with translations etc. This whole department is being segmented to much. This splitting up of multiple channels I have always seen and said is a problem and now it's showing that more funding is needed for it. It's going be a no and I hope everyone else sees that but as always the votes decide.
So from my understanding and discussing with people you want $1500 to be kyc and boosting posts?
Yeah, the plan is to have enough money to use it in all 2024, but no, not me. I'm doing because it is easier for a Mexican than a Venezuelan, I know this would be uneasily to understand, but it is. Besides, you need to KYC and a credit card accepted in the USA to post ADS in X and Instagram. But I'm doing for the Spanish PIVX community, as a payback, what they're done for me.

Maybe the social media person who is paid to do that can be the kyc @LeacyMcK
Probably, but It's going to be very difficult for a non-Spanish speaker to get through the identity verifications in Latin America. Plus, I think they're already doing a lot of work with the English accounts, so I don't want to give them any more work just for the sake of it.

This whole department is being segmented to much. This splitting up of multiple channels I have always seen and said is a problem and now it's showing that more funding is needed for it.
The whole point of a DAO is decentralization, but now, are you telling me you want to centralize it? "splitting" it is not a bad thing, the decentralization and no one having complete control is one of the foundations of cryptocurrencies, the sole idea of centralizing everything is the reason for being here.

It's going be a no and I hope everyone else sees that but as always the votes decide.
@Gerrald I really appreciate you taking the time to read my proposal, and voting for it, no matter if you vote yes or no. I'm doing this thanks to @Jeffrey 's recommendation, since the idea of requesting more funding and promoting and boosting, was basically his idea, so like you just post, let the votes decides Jeffrey was right. Thanks!
Yeah, the plan is to have enough money to use it in all 2024, but no, not me. I'm doing because it is easier for a Mexican than a Venezuelan, I know this would be uneasily to understand, but it is. Besides, you need to KYC and a credit card accepted in the USA to post ADS in X and Instagram. But I'm doing for the Spanish PIVX community, as a payback, what they're done for me.

Which is why I think the funding should be with one central role. @LeacyMcKP

Probably, but It's going to be very difficult for a non-Spanish speaker to get through the identity verifications in Latin America. Plus, I think they're already doing a lot of work with the English accounts, so I don't want to give them any more work just for the sake of it.

difficulty would never have happened if socials were all under one control.

The whole point of a DAO is decentralization, but now, are you telling me you want to centralize it? "splitting" it is not a bad thing, the decentralization and no one having complete control is one of the foundations of cryptocurrencies, the sole idea of centralizing everything is the reason for being here.

Its never a bad thing no but socials are socials. One person @LeacyMcK shouls benin charge and then the other communitys translate and post how they feel best post times are. Lets remember that amazing translation team we used to have. Hamnah delegates to the others which is how this should work.

@Gerrald I really appreciate you taking the time to read my proposal, and voting for it, no matter if you vote yes or no. I'm doing this thanks to @Jeffrey 's recommendation, since the idea of requesting more funding and promoting and boosting, was basically his idea, so like you just post, let the votes decides Jeffrey was right. Thanks!

Thanks for replying so detailed. Any more discussion please tag me.
I think there is more to it, People will reply to these social accounts in their given language. It's like any exchange they have different BD and social managers for each region / language

Spanish is a massive one, one we are missing out on if we don't cater more for it as well as provide some advertising. The KYC for social media and marketing / advertisements is extensive so it's a blessing that @ONeZetty is willing to do this

I vote yes, lets give zetty a chance and see how the paid ads and more work out, Id also like zetty to help me with reaching out to exchanges within Mexicon, Spain etc.

Also I appreciate all of you for talking and dealing with this so respectively. It's refreshing <3
In the short time (past year) @Elenac has been running the Spanish accounts with Zetty's support I have seen their posts getting a lot more attention. Its as if the PIVX Spanish community has been waiting patiently for someone to start sharing PIVX news in their own language again. I understand that it is near to impossible for Elena to be able to post paid adverts due to laws that govern her country. @ONeZetty is offering a workaround to this and will get the ads created, which to me is a win/win. :). Thank you to both @Elenac and @ONeZetty.
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