Title: PIVX-Spanish-Feb24
Name: PIVX-SF24
Term: 3 cycles
Cycle Amount: 3000
Total Amount: 9000
Author: ElenaCC
Receiver: ElenaCC
Address: DHgBxEwD9NDMs6wRs9axR2f1h5jvtoJm3m
Status: Ended
Vote Hash: mnbudgetvote many d69d97c657e6073634e894422f3478536036bad95740246028405eda77052c58 yes
Hello PIVX Community!! This is the renovation of the PIVX in Spanish proposal. In the past month, I have successfully got the proposed goals, unifying and strengthening the Spanish-Speaking community and I have promoted the most important news of the PIVX community, using Twitter, Instagram, Discord, and Telegram as main content platforms.
I have completed the translations into Spanish, graphic editions and publish, in all the community social platforms. In addition, I have carried out dynamics and contests to reach more people, promoting the participation of users, both experienced and novice, and thus continue with the growth of the community. The results are that today we have begun to speak Spanish within our community and more and more Hispanics are interested in PIVX.
For the continuation of the proposal, I again request 3000 PIV per month. These funds, as usual, would cover the translation of official posts, graphics, creation of special graphics, if necessary, management of the most popular social media accounts (X and Instagram). I will add Telegram News channel as a plus of the proposal, and some Redeem Codes of MYPIVXWallet to rewards the most active users and to promote the community.
In the renewal of my proposal, @ONeZetty has agreed to help me one more time, helping me with translations and its high knowledge of PIVX and the communication with the core team.