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Ended PIVX Spanish Social Media 2021-1

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You're DIRECTLY paying people in TZC to like/retweet/comment on your post, so YOUR interactions are also USELESS, can you not see the difference between ORGANIC and PAID viewership?

I can pay 1000s of people to see PIVX but it won't help much if 99% of those are only there to take your goddamn money.
Hell, I can buy 10,000 botted accounts to like/retweet/follow for a couple dollars, isn't that more money-efficient in your eyes? Don't need real people if bots can do the same job! /s
You still dont get the point. I bet on OneZettys posts, his friends are liking and sharing it if you look at the impressions/interactions. So its better to have 10 impressions that are from a small cycle that nobody will ever see it? Or having 50000 impressions where even top crypto people can see it cause it pops up on their news feed even tho they dont directly interact with it?

But sure, OneZettys impressions are way better, cause they are "low" and organic :D I dont get why you guys still try to defend it. Even if you dont use any service/bot/whatever, his numbers are not even close to good. You might just do paid ads on twitter with that money.
Dont get me wrong, I think @ONeZetty is a really valuable and good community Member. He should be paid for going to events and push PIVX locally at his area, social media might not be his strength, according to the numbers.
@ChekaZ the problem is that those are not "my numbers", those are only a screenshot I did for the proposal the number of the results are in my last proposal (I'm sure you did not take a chance to read it).

And yep, you do not understand, this month we did not get any funds, there is no "new content" because my proposal already finished, so do you understand what am I saying? The Spanish community is working for free and @Borris is saying we have not "results".

We had results, more than 50,000 organics, not paying results, but is never been enough, I can pay for bots, but that is not the point, I ask PIV to share the PIVX spirit, not to impress with fake numbers.
This proposal should fail. You've also tried/sort of already banned me from commenting but obviously the ban in forum doesn't work properly. If this gets deleted again by zetty for saying how rubbish this proposal is the end of free speech for pivx.

There are more people voting for no than there are yes. Its just because of the 1 huge whale voting through whatever. More mn owners need to stand up and vote this down. Its obvious they already are with how many no votes are on it but to cancel out the 1 whale is difficult, not impossible so if you have a vote make sure you cast it!
The right to Free speech does not give you the right to attack people or spread misinformation. Just like in a movie theater, Free Speech doesn't give you the right to prank the audience and yell "There's a bomb! Everyone get out!". There are consequences for that.

Absolutely, everyone should inform themselves and vote! Even better - there should be many more proposals submitted to compete for those votes. The best one should win! But right now, there is 'money on the table' (3,800 PIV) not even including this proposal. So it seems some MNOs would rather not see that wasted, even if they feel this proposal is 'mediocre' or 'poor'.

You want the funds to be used efficiently. Voting everything down just because they are not 'perfect' by your definition does not improve efficiency. However, empowering others to submit more proposals does.
The right to Free speech does not give you the right to attack people or spread misinformation. Just like in a movie theater, Free Speech doesn't give you the right to prank the audience and yell "There's a bomb! Everyone get out!". There are consequences for that.

Absolutely, everyone should inform themselves and vote! Even better - there should be many more proposals submitted to compete for those votes. The best one should win! But right now, there is 'money on the table' (3,800 PIV) not even including this proposal. So it seems some MNOs would rather not see that wasted, even if they feel this proposal is 'mediocre' or 'poor'.

You want the funds to be used efficiently. Voting everything down just because they are not 'perfect' by your definition does not improve efficiency. However, empowering others to submit more proposals does.
Unfortunately that is the only way to change as this is the dao and the votes decide. You have your fingers in everything and everyone is so far up your arse with what I call large bribes not tips to the exact same people that come running to your defence when I call anything out.

A reset is needed. I would rather the funds not be created than wasted on proposals like this.

Zetty has been deleting posts, banning me(which seems to have fixed now) changing my avatar to a crying baby.

Your view of Free speech is a lefties view. You don't agree with what is being said so you silence the other side. Blatantly obvious. Not on the discord due to a ban by you and then the other volunteers(bribed people) obviously agree with you, but I have heard more problems being mentioned not just by me now. The walls are coming crashing down on you and the volunteers Eric so change direction. Find a common ground or prepare for the push.
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@ChekaZ the problem is that those are not "my numbers", those are only a screenshot I did for the proposal the number of the results are in my last proposal (I'm sure you did not take a chance to read it).

And yep, you do not understand, this month we did not get any funds, there is no "new content" because my proposal already finished, so do you understand what am I saying? The Spanish community is working for free and @Borris is saying we have not "results".

We had results, more than 50,000 organics, not paying results, but is never been enough, I can pay for bots, but that is not the point, I ask PIV to share the PIVX spirit, not to impress with fake numbers.
I will re-create the post.

You have had 50000 people browse passed your posts in stupid time. No ones clicking them, no ones interacting with them. Impressions are not views as you all keep saying.

Waste of funds.

1 pointless post of mine had destroyed your numbers. May be paid tip but it works.
We've been over these Governance points you make multiple times.

Going to set some new rules.

1. Comments made on proposals should be specific to the proposals themselves.
2. Comments should be constructive criticism, or applicable questions.
3. Comments should always be respectful.
4. Comments related to the PIVX Governance System should be made in the PIVX Governance Discussion section of the forum.

Failure to follow these rules will prompt various outcomes, escalating if appropriate, or immediately to a full ban if needed, and decided on a case-by-case basis.
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Our proposal (PSSM-21-1) did pass but was not enough PIV to fund it. Every donation is welcome to keep the Spanish team working on the PIVX promotion. ¡Gracias!

Receiver: ONeZetty Address: DLXxfRwQn1cNe22Dr9LQt1G8PtKoJEvNiB

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