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Archived PIVX Twitter Blitz


  1. Introduction:
    • Known under the pseudonym Sigge Baskero on Twitter, I have been and am one of the most active promoters of PIVX since 2019, organically attracting 1800 followers.
    • I now seek support from the PIVX community to conduct an additional activity to further promote PIVX on Twitter.
    • As this is my first proposal, I hope to inspire other community members to submit proposals also for smaller projects and campaigns, raising awareness for financial privacy and PIVX.
  2. Campaign Overview:
    • The campaign entails multiple daily tweets promoting PIVX, emphasizing its privacy features and advantages.
    • Addressing the privacy concerns surrounding traditional banking systems, fiat currencies, and the rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), PIVX will be positioned as a viable alternative for both exchange and storage of value.
    • Tweets will be crafted by me, incorporating relevant current events and news to attract attention.
    • Interaction with and response to other relevant accounts will be used to expand reach beyond our existing audience.
    • Some of the campaign content will also be shared on LinkedIn, albeit less frequently.
  3. Timeline:
    • The campaign will run for one month only, starting after the payout.
    • I will dedicate my efforts to this campaign for even days a week throughout the month.
  4. Budget:
    • I am requesting only 900 PIV for the one-month campaign, amounting to approximately 30 PIV per day.
    • Based on an average of 1 hour of work per day, the cost calculates to $6.9 per hour, considering the current PIV value of $0.23 per PIV.
    • No other expenses, such as campaign management or additional costs, are anticipated. I do not ask for refund
  5. Collaboration:
    • Collaboration will take place with the social media team and graphic designers.
    • If available, I will encourage community newcomers to contribute relevant graphics; otherwise, I will utilize existing graphics resources.
  6. Alignment with PIVX's Mission:
    • PIVX requires increased awareness and promotion on social media platforms.
    • By demonstrating that consistent marketing efforts on Twitter and other social media platforms can be rewarded through the DAO treasury, we can motivate more individuals to become dedicated promoters.

Conclusion: In conclusion, I kindly request the support of the PIVX DAO for funding my one-month Twitter campaign. By leveraging my established Twitter presence and engaging with current events, I aim to raise awareness about PIVX's privacy features, position it as an alternative to traditional banking and CBDCs, and attract a wider audience. This campaign aligns with PIVX's mission and offers an opportunity to motivate more community members to contribute to PIVX's marketing efforts. Thank you for considering my proposal, and I look forward to contributing to the growth and success of PIVX.

I do not ask for refund of the proposal fee.
You've blocked me so can't see anything on your twitter. Not even sure I have even tagged you, spoke to you about anything that would warrant a block? Please enlighten me.
You've blocked me so can't see anything on your twitter. Not even sure I have even tagged you, spoke to you about anything that would warrant a block? Please enlighten me.
If it's you who is Borris on Twitter, then I did block you, so I wouldn't be disctracted by too much negativity. More of a energy-preserving move than anything else. I like to stay happy by choice. If you really care to read my tweets with an open mind I'd be happy to unblock you :)
Edit: Unblocked.
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which topics / accounts will you be aiming to tweet around? Do you have a time of day that you wish to share your tweets? will you be sharing metrics so that we can measure the success of these tweets in terms of engagement? do you have means of measuring other metrics such as new members to discord or new twitter (pivx main account) followers?

Good luck! You have my support.
which topics / accounts will you be aiming to tweet around? Do you have a time of day that you wish to share your tweets? will you be sharing metrics so that we can measure the success of these tweets in terms of engagement? do you have means of measuring other metrics such as new members to discord or new twitter (pivx main account) followers?

Good luck! You have my support.
Thank you for your support and your questions :)

I already started the campaign, and as of now I am focusing on topics around CBDCs, where I expect people to be more aware of privacy, or rather the lack thereof. Other topics are millennials, freelancers, and merchants.

I don't have any specific time where I plan to tweet, but my tweets will go out when I have time to act. I will use Twitters analytics tools to measure engagement.
If it's you who is Borris on Twitter, then I did block you, so I wouldn't be disctracted by too much negativity. More of a energy-preserving move than anything else. I like to stay happy by choice. If you really care to read my tweets with an open mind I'd be happy to unblock you :)
Edit: Unblocked.
Negativity or a view you didn't like? They seem very close. Can you explain how it was negative and maybe then I can change my wording of how I explain things? I will admit my explanation and choice of words is very direct and you may not like how my view is put across. I personally would rather everyone be direct and say what's on there mind. If your doing a shit job you need to be told. If your getting fat you need to be told loose some weight (working on it 🤣🤣🐷) I think @Cryptosi can agree with that? Everything I have ever said and done is for my view and direction I think pivx should go and my vote and others with recent proposals that have been submitted has and always will be a deciding vote. Just because a certain "click" of people has removed multiple people from the discord, forum etc which silencing thst view does not mean it is the wrong direction. I already know what's coming on what I was banned for but it's pure politics. You doxed people (wouldn't have a clue where to start. Computer turns on computer turns off. Simple) you dont know what your talking about is always a good one (usually the same for the person im discussing as i would only be saying your doing a terrible job) you were insulting people...no my words are direct and you may not like what I say if your shit.

My votes and multiple others deserves to be able to say that else it's a no vote and you may not get paid out of the budget. This is the point I have always tried to get across but just get shut down.

I heard more about pivx from multiple proposal people once a few votes got blocked. If our view is not needed why even contact? The votes control the funds so the vote controls who works for pivx.

Anyone can work for free and call themselves whatever they want. This argument gets pulled up too often and i cba, it will just get shut down again so best just to leave it but I always try to get my point across.

Everything seems good atm. I think @Jeffrey has pulled it all together.


Nice to see your tweets
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Nice to see your tweets

Thanks for giving me positive feedback, it's appreciated.

PIVX is marketing itself as being a friendly community. This is one value that separates us from others, therefore it's very important to hold this value high, higher than our egos in endless public discussions, where said egos tend to take over the actual topic, leading to a toxic environment, making PIVX unattractive to newcomers. Each one of us has a responsibility for that. And I mean each one.

Best wishes :)
Today is the last day of my one month long PIVX Twitter Blitz (actually I started already in July...). Summer recess is over for me. Real-world work calls, and I need to focus again on educating myself, preparing to start up my business, and of course taking care of my kids. Hopefully someone else takes over and submits a new small proposal, to fund their extra time to try to attract more people to this wonderful, loving and diverse community all over the world.I hope that we succeed in encouraging more people to actually like and share our content on social media. Small things, done by many, will do so much! Hopefully we all see the big picture, which is to help PIVX succeed. That's the power of our community! Thanks to everyone for the support! I will still be here, but not as often. Love you all