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Archived PIVX x FinSavvy


Staff member
Title: PIVXxFinSavvy
Name: PIVXxFinSavvy
Term: 1 Cycle
Cycle Amount: 3587 PIVX
Total Amount: 3587PIVX
Author: Jeffrey
Receiver: Jeffrey
Address: DAADBrb3L577tkXhWw5GX3CCfvsRQ3DwkC
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 50144af610b9806e626fc4dce8eba037d8625cb35b57a80033908f42414061ea

Hi Everyone,

This proposal will be a marketing collaboration/sponsorship between PIVX and FinSavvy. This would entail that for a period of 6 months PIVX will be advertised and published within their books that are distributed to financial institutions/universities and more within South Africa. The goal of this is to attract students studying finance to learn about cryptocurrency and mostly PIVX. Their proposal is as follows:

FinSavvy (Pty) Ltd is offering PIVX the opportunity to advertise their brand and services in prominent real estate in the FinSavvy book titled “The Basics of Taxation for The Youth and Adults” at a cost of R21 000 (1110 USD) for a period of 6 months.
The buyers of FinSavvy’s book are people who are looking to educate themselves on financial concepts, in this case taxation, and this therefore demonstrates that they are willing to learn more as more compelling content is offered or placed in front of them. Digital Assets is a topic we have been constantly asked about as someone with a finance background and we believe that it would be a beneficial partnership between FinSavvy andPIVX if we could direct everyone who has questions about digital assets to the PIVX community of resources.

At FinSavvy we believe that becoming financially literate is the key to individuals beginning a life of being self sufficient and autonomous in their decisions in their lives. In believing this, we acknowledge that the financial world is ever changing and that digital assets with their blockchain technologies will play a prominent role in how finances are managed going into the future. This is why we would love to work with PIVX to contribute to the work of ensuring people are more well informed about digital assets and less likely to fall to dishonest players within the digital assets industry. We hope that you will see value in our proposal to work together to shine a light on the digitalassets industry through placing your branding and offerings on the FinSavvy book for the next 6 months.


We will also leverage this opportunity to garner trust from companies within South Africa (One of the highest cryptocurrency regions in the world) as well as get listed on major South African exchanges such as LUNO, VALR, ICE3X, Altcointrader. We will also plan some potential in person meetups to provide further education on the topic based on the reach we receive from this sponsorship.

What is FinSAVVY?
FinSavvy (Pty) Ltd is an organisation which is incorporated with the goal and intention of identifying societal problems and subsequently creating simple, innovative and sustainable solutions. This goal is rooted in supporting the national effort to create more capable & self-sufficient members in society through collaboration and information sharing. Emphasis is placed on the national effort to support the improvement of the financial literacy of the average member in society in order for that individual to be able to make informed financial decisions regardless of their socio-economic background. This effort is justified through FinSavvy launching the book titled “The Basics of Taxation for the Youth and Adults: Volume 1” which was created together with a qualified auditor who independently reviewed the book to ensure that the contents were according to the tax laws of South Africa. The book is now on sale on the Snapplify eCommerce platform and to date has sold over 1 200 physical copies (January 2024).

1110 USD.
However due to volatility and costs involved converting PIVX to USDT then to ZAR (Bank) I will ask for an additional 10% to ensure we meet the payment total. Remaining funds will be pooled towards liquidity if required or posted here to be used towards a future proposal if it doesn't meet funding due to volatility
So total = 1221 USD
I will also be asking for my 50 PIV back used to submit this proposal.

Which brings us to 3587 PIVX

Voting Details:
To Vote YES for this proposal:

mnbudgetvote many 50144af610b9806e626fc4dce8eba037d8625cb35b57a80033908f42414061ea yes
To Vote NO for this proposal:
mnbudgetvote many 50144af610b9806e626fc4dce8eba037d8625cb35b57a80033908f42414061ea no
Last edited:
Is this like an loose insert included in the new textbook, or is it printed on a page in a section of the textbook?

Are there examples of what has been done before?

1,200 copies were sold over what time frame?
Apologies for the late response
They recently started selling online so that’s sales for 1 year period and doesn’t include the physical and ones given away to institutions.

We can also choose where we wanted it printed. It will be a full page