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Archived PIVXorgTranslation

Title: PIVXorgTranslation
Name: PIVXorgTranslation
Term: 4 cycles
Cycle Amount: 2400
Total Amount: 9600
Author: PM
Receiver: PM
Address: DGrpJ7ckFNouTxCYhiw4dU2sqG1MixwtkA
Created: November 16, 2020
Status: Proposal

Dear PIVX community!
We continue to translate our updated website PIVX.org to key languages.

What was done:
German - click to check
Russian - click to check

In progress
Chinese (almost done)
Spanish (half done)
Portuguese Br. (half done)
Japanese (started)

With the current budget for 4 moths, we are planning to translate website to more 8 languages:
1. French
2. Turkish
3. Dutch
4. Indonesian
5. Italian
6. Swedish
7. Vietnamese
8. Arabic

Why it’s important?
As you may know, we live in a multilingual world and PIVX main goal is to give freedom to every person that needs it the most.
With our work we are helping people that don’t know English to understand why PIVX is needed, and how it can help to defend their privacy.

I am not asking about proposal fee 50 PIV

I would be glad if you could vote for my proposal as we want to make PIVX as more adopted as possible.

To Vote YES for this proposal:

mnbudgetvote many 22e0abb4f4d3bb00a8c1c57b4a4e47800f3beabeae9bd1b2cc4b78f91aa5e412 yes

To Vote NO for this proposal:

mnbudgetvote many 22e0abb4f4d3bb00a8c1c57b4a4e47800f3beabeae9bd1b2cc4b78f91aa5e412 no

If you will have any questions regarding this proposal, will be glad to answer your questions in PIVX Discord (PM#2879)

Kind regards,
Last edited:

1. We currently began to translate additional content for the website into all languages that are already published.
2. Indonesian translation is done and currently being checked for errors before implementation