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Archived PIVXpress and PIVX Spanish Team 3


Staff member
Hello everyone, this is ONeZetty!

This is the Proposal Discussions for the next budget of the PIVXpress in Spanish for July, August and September 2019.

You can read all about my last proposal and then the results obtained here: https://forum.pivx.org/index.php?threads/proposal-pivxpress-in-spanish.28/ is very important to point that my last proposal was full founded.

A full report of my last proposal here: https://forum.pivx.org/index.php?threads/proposal-pivxpress-in-spanish.28/#post-260

In the last months I been working to increase the Spanish community in PIVX, not only making the videos but joining to other crypto communities and expanding the UPF. Now the Spanish community is starting to a grownup, and it was because of the great support of all the community, developers, marketing team, and all the PIVX family.

My goal now is to keep integrate more the Spanish community to PIVX. So I decided to continue with this team and invite Samgiset to make small video capsule about PIVX in the Spanish version of PIVX DYK videos, "SQP" (Sabias Que PIVX).

My new proposal still includes a budget for 3 collaborators that help me, Michael Mitnick, MariiChuy, SamGiset and we are planning to include more people to the team.

My idea as always is that soon they will participate more in the DAO by them self.

I'm asking 2151 PIV or 717 PIV monthly for 3 months:

600 PIV for ONeZetty host of the PIVXspress in Spanish
600 PIV for Michael Mitnick Spanish trade analyzer
150 PIV for MariiChuy to handle the Spanish PIVX Instagram
150 PIV for MariiChuy to handle the Spanish PIVX Steemit
300 PIV for SamGiset to SQP Videos the Spanish PIVX DYK
300 PIV for Video editing and upload the videos and management of the Spanish team
50 PIV for the fee proposal.

I will be in charge to measure the quality of the videos and the post and I will make some correction if is needed, I will lead this small team but there will receive my full support if they like to abandon the project, make their own proposal or stop doing, in that case, I will look for a substitute and save those PIV.

PIVX Central: https://pivxcentral.org/view-proposal?id=171

LOVE 💜 :
mnbudgetvote many b3ed6934df88592900910350bbc6cd31b9a5a9d7cd6ab1f096f8420387a4293d yes

MEH 💔 :
mnbudgetvote many b3ed6934df88592900910350bbc6cd31b9a5a9d7cd6ab1f096f8420387a4293d no

Check ours links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pivx_Espanol
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtDgwMmxiSu7k2T-BDQZy7Q
Instagram: https://instagram.com/pivxcrypto_es
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@pivx.espanol
¿Por qué PIVX? https://porquepivx.com/

Thanks. ONeZetty

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¡Gracias por la oportunidad OneZetty! Realmente, se ha conformado un buen equipo de trabajo, responsable y afecto al proyecto, podemos seguir proyectando PIVX en la comunidad hispana con éxito, incentivar a toda la comunidad a continuar esta integración, De nuevo, gracias por esta oportunidad, me siento muy bien en este equipo de trabajo y sobre de ser parte de la familia PIVX.
Llevo un tiempo en la comunidad de español y me encanta, es muy receptiva y está pendiente de educar a las personas interesadas. Conozco a Sandra y a Mari, son personas influyentes en otros comunidades, sin hablar de su trabajo en blogs como Steemit.

Por ello me gusta verlas en esta propuesta y sé que harán un excelente trabajo. Lo mismo con Michael, ya que he estado viendo lo que hace. Se merecen esto, esta propuesta tiene mi apoyo.


I have been in the Spanish community for some time and I really like it, it is very receptive and is looking forward to educating interested people. I know Sandra and Mari, they are influential people in other communities, not to mention their work in blogs like Steemit.

So I like to see them in this proposal and I know they will do an excellent job. Same with Michael, since I've been watching what he does. They deserve this, this proposal has my support.
La comunidad de PIVX en español se consolida cada vez más en la región y el valor de este ecosistema blockchain se hace cada vez más sólido y comprometido en avanzar hacia una mayor privacidad y proyección de su mercado en general. Vamos a seguir adelante en llevar el mejor contenido en español sobre PIVX a todos los rincones posibles. Que la tendencia alcista les acompañe.
Están realizando un gran trabajo con la comunidad de PIVX en español, yo como una persona activa en el mundos de las blockchains, lo reconozco y seguir con este tipo de propuesta, harán que la familia de PIVX siga creciendo.
Hi! The PIVX Spanish Team want to thanks all the MNO you for SUPPORT, the proposals pass but weren't enough for funding the project, all the team members are very enthusiastic about keep working till we can, we hope to have better luck the next superblock.
