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Proposal pass rate discussions

Should there be a higher consensus for masternode voters to pass budget proposals?

  • Yes but don't know how much

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • 20%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 30%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 40%

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • 50%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Reading again I can see @Gerrald agreed with you @Eric_Stanek on change of consensus votes. Cool so both of you are in agreement.

Now as for your other statement that is something I completely agree on. We need to look at the value of the person when voting. Questioning is okay but pertain it to the work and be respectful. Can we all agree on this for the future?
@Eric_Stanek you are also correct many a time but sometimes your statements can come across as attacking

Yep. That's intentional. It is frustrating to explain things in a simple and polite way, yet they are ignored. The 'attacking' tone is a last ditch effort to get Borris to wake the f up and hear what we are trying to say. Alas, I agree, it doesn't work either.

Many of us have tried polite respectful conversation. That hasn't worked.

We've tried being LOUD. That hasn't worked.

We've tried ignoring him. That hasn't worked.

What's next?
I have put in stupid money from the start into pivx, hugely contributing a stupid amount of pivx
PIVX is a Meritocracy. By definition, your skills, efforts and respect within the Community define your power. NOT how much you invested.

This is the disconnect that I think is causing you the most stress.

I agree it is difficult to work within a DAO/Meritocracy. Someone once said;

"Getting things done in a DAO is like herding cats."

It's true! But, conversely, the DAO manages itself quite well, and just needs some small nudges here and there. Each small group pretty much polices themselves to stay on track, self-correcting where needed over time.
As you say I vote on budget and what I see. I have questioned leacy and hwatch on both of their proposals. One replied the other shut down the conversation and now I've heard is thinking of leaving? Maybe she needs to take a step back and reevaluate if socials are for her because I wasn't even trolling which effects some people very badly, just stating facts and statistics provided by herself.

I suggested splitting the proposal up for the stuff she's good at and hand the reigns over to someone else for socials. I suggested creating open discussions on how to improve in discord with everyone invovled. I can't reply to her as she has locked her proposal so no criticism, advice, discussions whatever can be told. This doesn't sound like the right person for controlling socials. Defo need some thicker skin for that.

Even got people I don't have a clue who they are refusing to discussion because it's me In this thread. If there new the only thing they have seen is this forum and I have never insulted just provided a differing view that isn't with the Group consensus. Maybe the view I am coming from is the correct one? Votes sure seem to be reflecting differently recently. This is a dao, things change all the time.

She's locked comments and replies on most of the socials because she either hasn't got time to filter through it, if this is the case then definitely someone else should be focusing on just socials and not all the other tasks she does. Or maybe she just doesn't want to as it is alot of work, I don't know as she's locked her thread.

I've agreed with the voting, I've tried and suggested things but all you see is an attack because your friend is getting voted out currently...this could change. First step would be for her to start engaging and discussing.

All of you take a step back and think maybe we should be better at communicating and not just shutting down differing opinions. A middle ground is always reachable.

That's my 2 piv.

Have a great day.
PIVX is a Meritocracy. By definition, your skills, efforts and respect within the Community define your power. NOT how much you invested.

This is the disconnect that I think is causing you the most stress.
No one ever said it was a Meritocracy this is what has been imposed and I have stuck by that from the start. If your voted out your out is my view. Back to normal status and back to like everyone else. No control over decisions, no admin rights, access to information that not all the community has access to.

I am part towards the Meritocracy as no one should be handed control but if your not getting paid and voted out that should be it.
I sense you are frustrated, because you feel you haven't been heard. But you have, and many people have responded. Ironically, you are not hearing those people. THAT is the issue.

You were eventually banned from Discord, because you kept coming back with the exact same points that others refuted. You never came back with more information, new logic or rational thought. You just got louder and louder each time. That's not how respectful discussion works.

Pretty much everyone is my friend here in PIVX. But, I defend them on merit, and how much purple blood flows through their veins.

You are completely free to find someone else to submit a proposal for socials. That's how the system has always worked and it is the only way they can be paid by the Treasury. Further, there is nothing stopping people from volunteering to help with socials. Many spots need help. These points have been made recently. Have you heard them? If you have, why are you bringing it up again instead of coming forward with new information etc.?
No one ever said it was a Meritocracy this is what has been imposed and I have stuck by that from the start. If your voted out your out is my view. Back to normal status and back to like everyone else. No control over decisions, no admin rights, access to information that not all the community has access to.

I am part towards the Meritocracy as no one should be handed control but if your not getting paid and voted out that should be it.
Well, that doesn't work in a DAO where there is no central authority, and more importantly, where a huge amount is done by volunteers.

If you, or I, or both of us dissappear, PIVX is still a Meritocracy. It was never imposed. It just is. Last person who tried to change it was S3v3nH4cks. Perhaps you would feel more comfortable moving to Veil?
Just because you don't like a view does not mean it's wrong. I repeat because that's what i believe. You shut it down because you couldn't take the repetition by sounds of it.

You said all I do is vote so my discussions here are to try and help solve problems are pointless. Do you want me just vote and not engage? Tried that and I get flooded with messages when people are losing funding. If people's votes count that much why remove them from the community?

Tbh I am getting bit bored of the back and forth. I've been polite, tried to find middle grounds and all I seem to be is attacked and insulted. But luckily I have thicker skin and don't just shut down conversation even tho it's completely the opposite view of mine.

Let's go back to vote and not discuss. This is taking to much of my time now. If people are voted out so be it, that's the dao.

Have a terrific day. I'll deactivate this account as I cba with the checking up. Luckily @Jeffrey is a start and remains impartial.

Bye bye 👋 😘
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