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Should a PIVX-Dash merger be explored?

I'm new to the community, but I can imagine the impact of this.

In short, the hype and the bullish cycle of BTC will only boost both communities, this seems evident to me.

My opinion is that the PIVX project loses a lot with the merger, as PIVX has a unique personality, intuitive, simple to use, the most friendly website/forum among the projects I've seen, the best stake and stability.

PIVX needs adherence and demand, there are other ways to acquire this, time itself will provide this.

Making a decision like this will be a turning point for the project. and this makes me afraid to continue to contribute and promote pivx in my country.

Funny you ask this -- someone over in the Dash forum just suggested the opposite thing -- that he could see only PIVX benefitting from a merger.

I'll copy-paste my response to him:

"If someone came to you and said he'd give you a 400 Troy ounce gold bar, but only if he could give two of them to the man next to you... would you say no?

Isn't it always better to be better off?

Besides, if you really believed that the PIVX holder would be better off than the Dash holder after a merger, you would simply sell some Dash for PIVX ahead of time, and scoop up the very profits you say you'd envy.

Win-win all around.

Finally, as to the overall benefits, they are the reasons that mergers have taken place in every competitive environment throughout history: the merging parties both end up with more resources of every kind. We'd both have more users, more developers who know the Dash codebase, and potentially lower combined infrastructure costs.

And potentially the most powerful of all, we may well both end up with far more market attention than we had before. Because this market does not need another token or blockchain. Everyone is sick to death of them. What it needs is fewer, better blockchains.

It's time for consolidation. How else will digital cash be able to compete with digital gold?"


What are your thoughts?

"It's time for consolidation. How else will digital money be able to compete with digital gold?"

I agree with you, in the end it would make sense to close the two projects and start a new one merging the concepts and community. would take advantage of all the hype from the Auta cycle and establish the new concept.
Making a decision like this will be a turning point for the project. and this makes me afraid to continue to contribute and promote pivx in my country.
Rest assured this will not happen. I agree that we lose more than we gain. PIVX devs are awesome. A simple example is that Dash DMNs can only run on IPV4. It was said to be technically impossible! PIVX upcoming DMNs can run on IPV6 and even over TOR. Privacy IS important and PIVX stays true to it's roots unlike Dash which changes it's tune as much as a US politician.
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These insights are very much informative as a new member I wish to contribute too and looking forward for more such discussions.😇