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Active Pivian
I'm liking this approach by @SiggeB

If this was done on the official socials aswell as all other of the community groups. Spamming across all cryptos calling them out, anger creates discussions. No one likes being called out. Some even block you when they can't take it or refuse to engage...but it defo creates discussions, engagement and views!

Backed up with facts obviously. Maybe some of those comparison charts that used to always pop up made @Hawtch @RedByrd maybe some comparison videos explaining it all for the illiterate or those who cba to read.

All out attack on the other cryptos. The animal pivx chose maybe a panther but we need to be king of the jungle and to do that we need to destroy all credibility of other coins that claim to be privacy when there not and also others to show the transparency of the blockchain, that your transactions are stored and seen for the world.
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I think theres a key in balance here. When we are say working on bringing up the Privacy Space and doing Spaces and such with other Privacy groups we should not disparage people we are trying to work with.

Now in terms of XVG, or maybe Veil we can poke at but theyre also pretty not relevant.

We should point things out if its wrong and correct it but not always be on the attack, because thats when people attack back too. When we do not have the social army that some of these other groups have can overwhelm our socials.
I think theres a key in balance here. When we are say working on bringing up the Privacy Space and doing Spaces and such with other Privacy groups we should not disparage people we are trying to work with.

Now in terms of XVG, or maybe Veil we can poke at but theyre also pretty not relevant.

We should point things out if its wrong and correct it but not always be on the attack, because thats when people attack back too. When we do not have the social army that some of these other groups have can overwhelm our socials.
That's why I said backed up with facts. Charts, videos. You piss off a whole larger than our community, they will do nothing but engage and try and defend their view. Look at my discussions...probably the most discussed things on the forum! Because i poke a nerve that you dont like to talk about. You just need to know how to poke the bear.

If you can back it up with facts and easy to read/view information. That's how you turn people or at the very least the exposure.
That's why I said backed up with facts. Charts, videos. You piss off a whole larger than our community, they will do nothing but engage and try and defend their view. Look at my discussions...probably the most discussed things on the forum! Because i poke a nerve that you dont like to talk about. You just need to know how to poke the bear.

If you can back it up with facts and easy to read/view information. That's how you turn people or at the very least the exposure.
I do not disagree but remember the original post, "all out attack on other cryptos". I wanted to make sure to clarify if the method is going as you said should be facts. But it should also not be angrily written by us. Evoking an angry response is one thing, but we should not seem like we are foaming out the mouth when it comes to the posts. Someone could have misconstrued your point is all.

Facts are facts we cannot avoid those. I want us to remember when we poke, we have flaws too. Be prepared for people to call out zerocoin etc.