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Archived Social media management


May '18

PIVX Proposal - May 2018

Prepared by: David MacInnis, Catalyst communications choreography
Good morning, afternoon, or evening! My name is David (better known to the community as @deejayem) and I am submitting this proposal for Social Media Management, Coordination, and Marketing Support on behalf of my employer, Catalyst communications choreography. Since graduating from the Advertising & Marketing Communications program at Georgian College in Barrie, Ontario, Canada in 2014, my career has been focused in the digital marketing & social media fields - with a specialty in organic growth and community building.
For those of you I have not had the pleasure of encountering, our company has been working closely with Chad Ballantyne of Rhubarb Media since October of 2017. While we were contracted for roles including PR, content management, and branding - my personal area of focus has been coordinating all core Social Media efforts. I have thoroughly enjoyed becoming part of, and growing alongside, the PIVX community; learning about what makes the community tick, as well as helping to expand this project across their main social media and content channels: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram.
Evolution of the Role
For the first few contracted projects in 2017 - the main communications channel was only through Rhubarb media, with the role being very project focused, production forward, task oriented.
As my understanding and my footing in the community grew, the job description has also grown to include a laundry list of additional support roles as my influence and voice within the community has evolved:
  • Promotional Spend Testing
  • Content Coordination
  • Content (Blog Content, Web Copy) Creation
  • Media Outreach/Coordination
  • Web Content Coordination
  • Web Content Creation
  • Community Coordination
  • Community Management
  • Creative Input With Direct Communications With Core Design Team
  • Development Communication
Purpose of this Proposal
Due to the expansive nature of the role and prompted by the community, it was decided to submit a separate proposal that will encompass the appropriate allocation and management of PIVX’s ongoing social media efforts.
This will allow:
  • Better use, and allocation, of the budget for paid, targeted, qualified reach
  • Smarter employment of best available expert resources from Global PIVX Community
  • Paid growth campaigns
  • Top tier management of messages, core concepts and brand championing across all channels
Accountability / Reporting
All social media efforts moving forward will require a comprehensive monthly report, made publicly available, that depicts the efforts the team has been working towards.
As a DAO elected PIVX team, any discrepancies will be dealt with following PIVX due process until such a time that PACKS are able to expedite the process.
Future Proposal / Social Media Efforts
The hope for this proposal is to lay the groundwork for ongoing Social Media support; we aim to incorporate DAO appointed PACKS in the future to help manage roles and decide key positions.
  • ie:. If this proposal is passed and after the three month period - it is decided that a new Social Media Manager or other team members are to be replaced - the PACK will have the ability to do so.
Quality vs. Quantity
Lastly, it must be noted that at each and every turn - the priority for the PIVX community has always been to focus on building a lasting and engaging community of followers. Our primary focus has been to seek out and attract these engaged and interested people who will not only buy into the appeal of cryptocurrency but can buy into the long-term benefits of a community built on trust and loyalty. These are the PIVians who will help PIVX grow within their inner circles.
To date, this strong base of followers has helped to build an even greater platform of trust, as depicted by the types of interactions throughout the PIVX social hemisphere.
Please see the case study attached at the bottom of this proposal for my overview of contrasting social media community growth strategies.

Social Media is only going to play an increasingly greater role in the cryptocurrency world - and while there is a place for automation and high-frequency posting - in order to build and maintain an active, engaged, interested follower base, it will always require strategic, daily nurturing and support, the larger our PIVX community grows.
Key Growth Notes: October 2017 -Present
  • Twitter Growth (Organic) 24K - 62K*
  • Facebook Growth: 7.2K - 12K
*There is currently inaccurate information available stating that the _PIVX main twitter account is 50% bot likes. I have personally gone ahead and funded a paid review of the profile with the following results: