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Active Pivian
How come all posts cant be shared across all platforms! I am sick of repeating myself yet still nothing happens. We are seriously lacking on social reach. Are you that useless you cant log in and copy and paste to another social channel @LeacyMcK ? Or have you completely given up on everything bar the stuff you control? Please explain why you were hired as the social person yet cant post on all platforms...I managed to get out of whoever last time you have outsourced stuff. You've outsourced to useless people and thus your held to account.

@Hawtch your paid for marketing? Have you not noticed this huge lack of what I would see as a basic thing??? You asked about ads. Lets get the basics done first! The posts are done on one and are just copy and pastes! or just use available stuff to auto post! https://ifttt.com/ is an easy to use one!

@SiggeB you post alot and are paid for this. Why not expand for all platforms? Its only copy and paste or use auto post sites!

@Jeffrey your the glue that seems to be going soft. Call these people out!
How come all posts cant be shared across all platforms! I am sick of repeating myself yet still nothing happens. We are seriously lacking on social reach. Are you that useless you cant log in and copy and paste to another social channel @LeacyMcK ? Or have you completely given up on everything bar the stuff you control? Please explain why you were hired as the social person yet cant post on all platforms...I managed to get out of whoever last time you have outsourced stuff. You've outsourced to useless people and thus your held to account.

@Hawtch your paid for marketing? Have you not noticed this huge lack of what I would see as a basic thing??? You asked about ads. Lets get the basics done first! The posts are done on one and are just copy and pastes! or just use available stuff to auto post! https://ifttt.com/ is an easy to use one!

@SiggeB you post alot and are paid for this. Why not expand for all platforms? Its only copy and paste or use auto post sites!

@Jeffrey your the glue that seems to be going soft. Call these people out!
Which platforms specifically are lacking or is it across like all X accounts etc? We are tackling an issue with one account currently.

Siggie is not paid *yet* lol. I think the goal is to be if it passes?
Which platforms specifically are lacking or is it across like all X accounts etc? We are tackling an issue with one account currently.

Siggie is not paid *yet* lol. I think the goal is to be if it passes?
Facebook for one? I'm not on all of them but if its not on one it's not on others. Siegge has been been paid 2 months so far. He's actually put another one in before his other 3 month one has ran out. But it's not much anyway and he does post more and does replies which is a big thing for interaction more than the official!
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How come all posts cant be shared across all platforms! I am sick of repeating myself yet still nothing happens. We are seriously lacking on social reach. Are you that useless you cant log in and copy and paste to another social channel @LeacyMcK ? Or have you completely given up on everything bar the stuff you control? Please explain why you were hired as the social person yet cant post on all platforms...I managed to get out of whoever last time you have outsourced stuff. You've outsourced to useless people and thus your held to account.

@Hawtch your paid for marketing? Have you not noticed this huge lack of what I would see as a basic thing??? You asked about ads. Lets get the basics done first! The posts are done on one and are just copy and pastes! or just use available stuff to auto post! https://ifttt.com/ is an easy to use one!

@SiggeB you post alot and are paid for this. Why not expand for all platforms? Its only copy and paste or use auto post sites!

@Jeffrey your the glue that seems to be going soft. Call these people out!
The core of decentralization is community involvement and participation on the one hand and dealing with different points of view on the other. To that challenge pivx is no exception, as we try to keep that balance managed.

I have been privileged to represent pivx a few times on different platforms for ama's and was able to do so because of the relentless drive of @LeacyMcK and many others. My experience is that things are done adequate and professional by all involved, so disagree with you Gerrald.
Facebook for one? I'm not on all of them but if its not on one it's not on others. Siegge has been been paid 2 months so far. He's actually put another one in before his other 3 month one has ran out. But it's not much anyway and he does post more and does replies which is a big thing for interaction more than the official!
Happy to start a convo offline with to see if we can take away some of your concerns.
The core of decentralization is community involvement and participation on the one hand and dealing with different points of view on the other. To that challenge pivx is no exception, as we try to keep that balance managed.

I have been privileged to represent pivx a few times on different platforms for ama's and was able to do so because of the relentless drive of @LeacyMcK and many others. My experience is that things are done adequate and professional by all involved, so disagree with you Gerrald.
So you think not posting on all socials is acceptable? It's literally copy and paste or use ai or a website which I have tagged. Your blindness to something so basic makes me question your judgement.
The website for automation is a vulnerability. If the sites or solutions ever had security flaws and leaked access it could mean the social channels of PIVX posting stuff that could ruin our reputations or result in our followers being scammed. I understand @Gerrald that you want PIVX to be represented across all social media channels and I believe it’s all being worked on, takes time when a lot of our community are volunteers. I will always be against any form of automation where access is exposed, I also think having content made unique for each platform is a great way forward which is what I just recommended for the proposal regarding Bastyon.

I think having a private chat between you and @Prof Metaverse is great! I’ve had a few with him and it has always been fruitful for me. If you guys come up with some solutions let me know so I can be apart of making them happen.
So you think not posting on all socials is acceptable? It's literally copy and paste or use ai or a website which I have tagged. Your blindness to something so basic makes me question your judgement.
There are many things I would like to say, but few are helpful in an online thread. Things easily get off topic, out of context or misinterpreted. My hand is extended for a chat Gerrald.
The website for automation is a vulnerability. If the sites or solutions ever had security flaws and leaked access it could mean the social channels of PIVX posting stuff that could ruin our reputations or result in our followers being scammed. I understand @Gerrald that you want PIVX to be represented across all social media channels and I believe it’s all being worked on, takes time when a lot of our community are volunteers. I will always be against any form of automation where access is exposed, I also think having content made unique for each platform is a great way forward which is what I just recommended for the proposal regarding Bastyon.

I think having a private chat between you and @Prof Metaverse is great! I’ve had a few with him and it has always been fruitful for me. If you guys come up with some solutions let me know so I can be apart of making them happen.
Website is a vulnerability OK. What's wrong with copy and pasting? The posts are already done it's literally a few more minutes of wheovers time.

You believe it's being worked on? It's the most BASIC of things to do. @LeacyMcK was hired for social media posting which she has progressed into content development so she's already making the posts. But with this progression she outsourced her posting to useless people or just stopped doing the posting. Not sure which one is true?

It's not asking alot? Bloody hell it's copy and paste. A child can do that. Add an extra few thousand piv on to your proposal @SiggeB and copy and paste it on all if leacy cba to do it. So simple there's nothing to discuss between yourselves.
Website is a vulnerability OK. What's wrong with copy and pasting? The posts are already done it's literally a few more minutes of wheovers time.

You believe it's being worked on? It's the most BASIC of things to do. @LeacyMcK was hired for social media posting which she has progressed into content development so she's already making the posts. But with this progression she outsourced her posting to useless people or just stopped doing the posting. Not sure which one is true?

It's not asking alot? Bloody hell it's copy and paste. A child can do that. Add an extra few thousand piv on to your proposal @SiggeB and copy and paste it on all if leacy cba to do it. So simple there's nothing to discuss between yourselves.
Do you think low-effort posting is going to get us somewhere? Copy and pasting is not the path to success as each has different formats and things that work for their userbase, and algorithm, whether video or text.

I personally hate social media and have been posting and interacting to grow everything. It is not just the onus on the social media posters/managers, the community needs to reply, comment and engage on the posts so that the reach can be grown. So yes, it's nice to want to have them on every social, but without the interactions from us to kick it off, it is not going to help. We are growing the team, Rome was not built in a day.

McDonalds gets interaction because people want to talk about McDonalds, they know it and are aware, who is that for us? Our community. We need to help also.
A start would be to have the posts...can't comment if there is none!

If your hired to be social manager that's not x alone. If you can't see that posting it on all platforms would not be advantageous why do I even bother? Even if it only attracts a few people atleast the brand gets seen. @Hawtch was talking about ads. Ads on all socials would get the brand seen. If you see the logo "o I've seen that before" subliminally imprinting the image somewhere in your brain.
Er .... @LeacyMcK doesn't have access to all accounts. She can't post to them anymore than she can post to your accounts. Further, it's not her job. The people that own and control those accounts can pick up and repost content.

I've noticed your X account has 20 followers. Why don't you copy all the PIVX material to grow your own account?

It has been explained to you many times that the @_PIVX account is for people who want the high level updates, releases, and events. They don't want to be bombarded. @PIVXcommunity is for people who want lots of posts.

It's hypocritical of you to argue your views are not accepted, when you never accept anyone else's views. All the above has been explained many times.

Recently you pushed hard for lots of hashtags to be added to tweets. The reasons for why minimal and selective hashtags are used was explained to you multiple times, and you refused to accept those views too. As it turns out, @LeacyMcK was 100% correct. Here is proof from a guy that knows better than you. At a minimum you should concede that point. Best would be an apology to @LeacyMcK . Regardless, Thank You for the continuous opportunities to highlight her skills and knowledge, increasing the Community's respect for her each time.

A start would be to have the posts...can't comment if there is none!

If your hired to be social manager that's not x alone. If you can't see that posting it on all platforms would not be advantageous why do I even bother? Even if it only attracts a few people atleast the brand gets seen. @Hawtch was talking about ads. Ads on all socials would get the brand seen. If you see the logo "o I've seen that before" subliminally imprinting the image somewhere in your brain.

Yes, it's called confirmation bias. See something enough you also believe it to be true.

Sure there may be lacking posts on Facebook but they require different things. There are other socials to post on, that do have posts and no comments!

So we can beat the same drum. It’s great that you have passion for PIVX and want us to use all social media platforms but each one also needs a person or even better a group of people to respond to comments and private messages, it is more than a copy paste of posts and also posts are needing to be changed based on the platform they are on. We want to work together and not bash those who are actively putting a lot of their time into PIVX. We need to handle the way we respond/interact better and try to get our points across without attacking each other because as we have seen it’s futile and leads nowhere.

For example, you are blunt yes, but starting the post off as "I am sick of this!" and then belittling the work of others, how do we expect to have a productive conversation with these users about doing more? That is not helpful or constructive criticism it's demeaning and an issue for morale.

I agree that there are areas of improvement in socials, and we can discuss those things but you need to do it in a better way for it to be an actual conversation that goes somewhere. For instance, "I am sick of repeating myself yet still nothing happens. " this is because we have tried to tell you a way to better address the issue and you choose not to, so nothing changes. Next? "Are you that useless", if someone leads off the conversation calling me useless, now we are just going to butt heads, I will not hear you because you right off the rip insulted me. As a boss would go no one would work for you like this, you would be out of business and that's that. You persistently do not change but want change, do you see the irony?
Leacy doesn't control socials OK. Who does? Or is planning to? We're years into this now and still we have no social person?

I see the problem of trust with the accounts but you gotta take a chance on people. I'm saying @SiggeB steps up for this and you all trust him I assume? He posts alot already. Or maybe @Hawtch ? Bring in another team member?

Bring me into the fold again and let me know what's going on. Maybe thats the bridge you need to do and if I know what's going on there will be no need to call out/you see as an attack. But until I see some sort of plan as there is none seen here and you've banned me and multiple others from Discord so we can't get this information.

Leacy refuses to engage which is absolutely ridiculous. Explain the problems, find solutions together.

I won't change my way of speaking but maybe that would change if information was easily available such as asking people on discord, telegram whatever. I don't even know who to ask as nothing is wrote down, who's in charge of what etc and I am sick of asking and saying stuff! I really am. I don't want to be ranting all the time, I've got other things to do.

Regarding belittling words there words. That's all. If you can't take someone saying something tuff. I won't be going woke on that stuff. If your doing a bad job you will be told and votes will reflect it.

My twitter is literally looking at news and i check whats been posted on pivx. I don't use it.
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How the DAO works, is people offer to take on responsibilities. You can't demand people take on more.

Frankly, the way you treat people, combined with your complete lack of understanding how things work, and refusal or inability to listen, I am not surprised no one wants the role of Social Media Manager. Your actions chase away talent and damage passion for those still here. That hurts PIVX.

If you desire to be better informed, why did you leave the PIVX Labs Discord?

If you desire to be better informed, why do you insult and attack people?

You have the power and choice to treat people respectfully and professionally, or continue the way you have been. Clearly you've focused on the latter, and obviously it doesn't work. Time to upgrade to Borris 2.0.
Leacy doesn't control socials OK. Who does? Or is planning to? We're years into this now and still we have no social person?

I see the problem of trust with the accounts but you gotta take a chance on people. I'm saying @SiggeB steps up for this and you all trust him I assume? He posts alot already. Or maybe @Hawtch ? Bring in another team member?

Bring me into the fold again and let me know what's going on. Maybe thats the bridge you need to do and if I know what's going on there will be no need to call out/you see as an attack. But until I see some sort of plan as there is none seen here and you've banned me and multiple others from Discord so we can't get this information.

Leacy refuses to engage which is absolutely ridiculous. Explain the problems, find solutions together.

I won't change my way of speaking but maybe that would change if information was easily available such as asking people on discord, telegram whatever. I don't even know who to ask as nothing is wrote down, who's in charge of what etc and I am sick of asking and saying stuff! I really am. I don't want to be ranting all the time, I've got other things to do.

Regarding belittling words there words. That's all. If you can't take someone saying something tuff. I won't be going woke on that stuff. If your doing a bad job you will be told and votes will reflect it.

My twitter is literally looking at news and i check whats been posted on pivx. I don't use it.
Facebook is Bouilla, we have told you this, he created that a long time ago and we do not have the logins for it. We need him to pass it off or start over.
Social Media Accounts, we are establishing an encrypted database for the logins and have most recoverable through a pivx.org email moving forward. The problem is we also can only work on the time of the volunteers.

Now to address the "I won't change my way of speaking but maybe". We have explained this numerous times why you are in the position you are in. It is not about woke stuff. You can not sit here and call someone useless and then expect open dialogue. They do not have to. The fact that the next move is threatening them about pay, so be it. You will be removed from the forum if you decide to continue to ignore the direction of the admins on how you should work towards getting the things you want done.

I have time and time again tried to be neutral and be a person making a bridge to get you back into the fold as you want, and you constantly fuck me over. So now I have to put my foot down too. This is the final warning.

There is a simple way to fix things and that is by simply fixing the way you put it out there. Now the choice is yours.

Edit: I also did not ban you from discord, and you need to understand you have not helped me to help you any with the new admins to get this ban reversed.
Hey, I volunteered to handle the FB account when I have time because no one would do it. I've been doing it for a few years now when I have time, the last few months were quit hectic for me, but I still post when I can, I never was paid for that of course, never asked to be, if anyone wants to take over running it, feel free!
Hey @Bouilla !

Thanks for all you do!

I avoid Facebook like the plague, but I know many people do use it. Based on your experience, can you please give us an idea of how much time it takes to run the account, assuming you had the free time to do it well, and were posting 'tweaked' content from Twitter etc? I am guessing the posting is pretty easy, but the moderation is time consuming. What happens if you post something, and don't take the time to moderate it? Or, maybe I've got it wrong, and the real effort is in engaging users that post so they are not left hanging?

Thanks in advance for your feedback. It may help us find the right person to take over, or at least lighten the load by engaging when you post.
Hey @Bouilla !

Thanks for all you do!

I avoid Facebook like the plague, but I know many people do use it. Based on your experience, can you please give us an idea of how much time it takes to run the account, assuming you had the free time to do it well, and were posting 'tweaked' content from Twitter etc? I am guessing the posting is pretty easy, but the moderation is time consuming. What happens if you post something, and don't take the time to moderate it? Or, maybe I've got it wrong, and the real effort is in engaging users that post so they are not left hanging?

Thanks in advance for your feedback. It may help us find the right person to take over, or at least lighten the load by engaging when you post.
Hey, removing all the spam is what is taking a lot of time. Some months there is more than others I feel
And to be honest for posts it's not just copy and paste like mentioned, but often adapting the x posts to FB so they still look good there. I'll try and spend more time on it but when I started I was clear that i'd be only doing it every now and then, when I took over, the FB page had been completely inactive for years and all the info was outdated. I think Snappy also still has access to the account but need to double check, he is the one who handed it to me, in 2019 I think?