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Which platforms specifically are lacking or is it across like all X accounts etc? We are tackling an issue with one account currently.

Siggie is not paid *yet* lol. I think the goal is to be if it passes?
Leacy doesn't control socials OK. Who does? Or is planning to? We're years into this now and still we have no social person?

I see the problem of trust with the accounts but you gotta take a chance on people. I'm saying @SiggeB steps up for this and you all trust him I assume? He posts alot already. Or maybe @Hawtch ? Bring in another team member?

Bring me into the fold again and let me know what's going on. Maybe thats the bridge you need to do and if I know what's going on there will be no need to call out/you see as an attack. But until I see some sort of plan as there is none seen here and you've banned me and multiple others from Discord so we can't get this information.

Leacy refuses to engage which is absolutely ridiculous. Explain the problems, find solutions together.

I won't change my way of speaking but maybe that would change if information was easily available such as asking people on discord, telegram whatever. I don't even know who to ask as nothing is wrote down, who's in charge of what etc and I am sick of asking and saying stuff! I really am. I don't want to be ranting all the time, I've got other things to do.

Regarding belittling words there words. That's all. If you can't take someone saying something tuff. I won't be going woke on that stuff. If your doing a bad job you will be told and votes will reflect it.

My twitter is literally looking at news and i check whats been posted on pivx. I don't use it.

I hope @SiggeB is voted in, personally.​

I think he would do a great job uniting all the people running socials, for sure. Despite our struggle with being a maritocracy and multiple people running the accounts, I think he could help act as both a mediator, manager, and connector. He is very consistent when it comes to temperament, communication across the whole team, and interacting with the community on Socials + Discord.

I think SiggeB could be the solution to help organize alot of our efforts and foster the community more. He isn't a Snappy or a Jeffrey but THAT'S OK - he is calmer but still exciting. He's a SiggeB :).
I think that is needed in a time when crypto has been oversold and overhyped. He knows PIVX like the back of his hand and everyone seems to like him (as far as I've seen).

One of things missing in PIVX, in my opinion, is a community manager type of person. Someone to interact with the community and still be involved in uniting/keeping accountable the team. It's a role that is really tough to find someone for because they need to be known/trusted by the community and also intimately acquainted with the details of PIVX.

I foresee some roadbumps along the way to this being a fully accepted and understood role - we all need to learn the value of what this role is and why it's necessary despite it not always bringing measureable benefits. For instance, SiggeB could spend a whole bunch of time rallying the community, speaking at livestreams, organizing/hosting meetings, and being present, positive and consistent across all our socials - all the while people could see that as 'not offering much' or something a 'community member could do'. This doesn't seem like much, but someone with intentionality and some authority that comes with connection - that person can make a huge different to internal and external community sentiment, which is a huge need.

If I had masternodes, I would vote for SiggeB: Proposal Link

I hope @SiggeB is voted in, personally.​

I think he would do a great job uniting all the people running socials, for sure. Despite our struggle with being a maritocracy and multiple people running the accounts, I think he could help act as both a mediator, manager, and connector. He is very consistent when it comes to temperament, communication across the whole team, and interacting with the community on Socials + Discord.

I think SiggeB could be the solution to help organize alot of our efforts and foster the community more. He isn't a Snappy or a Jeffrey but THAT'S OK - he is calmer but still exciting. He's a SiggeB :).
I think that is needed in a time when crypto has been oversold and overhyped. He knows PIVX like the back of his hand and everyone seems to like him (as far as I've seen).

One of things missing in PIVX, in my opinion, is a community manager type of person. Someone to interact with the community and still be involved in uniting/keeping accountable the team. It's a role that is really tough to find someone for because they need to be known/trusted by the community and also intimately acquainted with the details of PIVX.

I foresee some roadbumps along the way to this being a fully accepted and understood role - we all need to learn the value of what this role is and why it's necessary despite it not always bringing measureable benefits. For instance, SiggeB could spend a whole bunch of time rallying the community, speaking at livestreams, organizing/hosting meetings, and being present, positive and consistent across all our socials - all the while people could see that as 'not offering much' or something a 'community member could do'. This doesn't seem like much, but someone with intentionality and some authority that comes with connection - that person can make a huge different to internal and external community sentiment, which is a huge need.

If I had masternodes, I would vote for SiggeB: Proposal Link

Wow, thank you for your nice words, they warm my heart <3

One small correction only. The correct link to the correct proposal is this one: https://forum.pivx.org/threads/dao-community-coach.2647/

Edit: Here's a clarification of my intentions with my Community Coach proposal, just in case of any misunderstandings: Many of us agree that there could be improved ways of collaborating, of communicating, and maybe even an outward 'face'. However this role might develop, would be an ongoing process formed by the community. I want to make very clear though that I have never intended to, and never will, be stepping into a role that takes away any duties or honor of any other active community member without their consent. I think each and everyone of you does a wonderful and important job. I see my role as motivating and celebrating all you have done, do, and will do, and together with you find ways to make it even better, with more love and dedication. Nothing more, nothing less. Some community members expected me to have answers before my task has even started. But as I have made clear, I'm not going to be a manager of any kind, but a catalyst for you all who do the real work.

However, as of now it seems my proposal will not succeed, and that's okay for me. I would have loved doing this for PIVX, and it might have been good for the community, but the masternode owners think otherwise.
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