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Some ideas on how we can ALL "Just Keep Building" PIVX.

I support Talk's idea of having a baseline figure (paid in PIVX )for all ambassadors. There's also no need to start off with multiple ambassadors. We can start with 2 or 3 regions.

When we say ambassadors need to work their way up, what's duties are they expected to perform at the lowest level? What are the KPIs for measuring performance at this level?

If the responsibility will cost an ambassador significant effort or expenses then they need to be paid from the onset.

I propose that just as we have the TCF, we can create a fund for the Ambassador program too while things are being fledged out.

What is obtainable in the US, may not be applicable in Africa - both in expenses and local modalities. While ambassadors should all receive the same pay irrespective of their location, I propose having an extra fund to support local efforts.

I should have to use my monthly pay to organized a physical meetup.

But first, we must itemize and clearly outline the roles and responsibilities of an ambassador.