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Archived TranslationV1--Vote down

Title: TranslationV1

Name: TranslationV1

Term: 3 cycles

Cycle Amount: 3000

Total Amount: 9000

Author: PM

Receiver: PM

Address: DGrpJ7ckFNouTxCYhiw4dU2sqG1MixwtkA

Created: June 25, 2020

Status: Proposal

Dear PIVX community!

First of all I want to write what has been done for the last 3 months.

  1. Mainly I was focusing on expanding our translators team to cover almost all our community with translated information:

In that regard, I’m glad to say that our team now consists of 11 professional translators that are covering 12 languages (German, Chinese, French, Russian, Dutch, Korean, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish and Turkish). It’s almost 95% of all our community!

  1. 9 blogs translated including big monthly updates (averagely into 9-11 languages)
  2. Core wallet translation update (via transifex) in 14 languages.
Also I decided to make a transparent payment table in excel, so everyone could see how the payment goes. You can check it here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...fCvpErIA9AZnl_Qk9guj4a6apA/edit#gid=711007000

Now, moving to my next proposal.

We will continue providing outgoing translation support to the global announcement about the latest PIVX achievements.

A goal of the translation team is to reach a foreign audience of the global coin over the world and educate people who want to use PIVX in real life.

Our work will include:

  1. Website (news, blog, press releases, marketing material and other material) translation, publication on the website and further maintenance
  2. Youtube - provide subtitles for PIVX videos, if needed
  3. other documents, if needed
Why it’s important?

As you may know, we live in a multilingual world and PIVX main goal is to give freedom to every person that needs it the most.

With our work we are helping people that don’t know English to understand why PIVX is needed, and how it can help to defend their privacy.

CALCULATION FOR THIS PROPOSAL (for the next 3 months):

I would like to ask the part of the budget for the next round of translation support and content creation.

2500 words text translation into 10-12 languages 2100 PIV

5 min video translation into 5 languages 400 PIV

Project management 500 PIV

Total 3 000 PIV per month


3500 words text translation into 10-12 languages 2500 PIV

Project management 500 PIV

Total 3 000 PIV per month

9 000 PIV for next 3 months

Why amount of PIV is the same?

  1. Translators team now consist from 11 translators covering 12 languages (8-9 translators and 8-9 languages previously
  2. Word amount per month will be increased due to new content creation (https://forum.pivx.org/index.php?threads/articlepicksforpivx.687/)
I am not asking about proposal fee 50 PIV

I would be glad if you could vote for my proposal as we want to make PIVX as more adopted as possible.

To Vote YES for this proposal:

mnbudgetvote many ed38d84eb3190eda197061e892699a6440ba8a783dc9c9e25b834fbc8dd26b71 yes

To Vote NO for this proposal:

mnbudgetvote many ed38d84eb3190eda197061e892699a6440ba8a783dc9c9e25b834fbc8dd26b71 no

If you will have any questions regarding this proposal, will be glad to answer your questions in PIVX Discord (PM#2879)

Kind regards,
Last edited by a moderator:
You left the final '1' off your vote yes hash! But not to worry -- I copied the vote no code, changed the no to yes, and that worked fine!😂
But still, you might like to fix it... 😉
Monthly update:
Transifex translations (wallet 4.2) - 7 languages updates
https://pivx.org/pivx-releases-next-major-wallet-4-2-ahead-of-schedule/ translated to 11 languages
translated to 9 languages
https://pivx.org/pivx-privacy-update-sapling-integration-is-out-2/ translated to 9 languages
translated to 12 languages

Unfortunately we didn't receive funds to work next month. Translation proposal passed but there are not enough funds from the governance to cover this proposal, so I ask you to support our translation team with donations (every PIV counts). As price of PIV went up, even 2 000 PIV will help us to work during next month.

Donation address:

Thank you for your support!