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Draft Travel and Conference Fund (TCF)


Well-known Pivian
Hello everyone!

I see the need for a new 'pool' of funds, to pay for Business Travel and Conferences. This may also include ongoing Merchandise re-orders etc. to stock booths etc. If we leave things until the last minute, there is no time really to wait for a proposal to pass, and plan things efficiently. Far better I think to set aside some funds each cycle.

This 'Travel and Conference Fund' (TCF) would basically be a pool that builds each cycle it passes. I suggest the pool request the same amount each cycle. If funds are tight, and there is no pressing need for the TCF, then MNOs could vote it down that cycle. Or, perhaps it builds to an amount that seems more than sufficient, and the MNOs vote it down for multiple months until it needs to be 'Topped Up' again.

PLEASE NOTE: It will NOT be me that submits or manages this proposal. I simply see the need, and wanted to create this draft, so that we can start discussions on it. Others can consider if they want to be the one to manage it, and make their offer in the comments below. Obviously, it needs to be a trusted PIVian. Other steps like setting up a dedicated MPW, and sharing access to it with a 2nd and perhaps 3rd person to protect against the 'Hit By A Truck' scenario, should be put in place too.

I also don't think it should be automatic that someone is paid from this fund. PIVians can 'Watch' this proposal so that they get notifications. Then, when there is a request for a disbursement or that funds be set aside for an upcoming conference etc., that should be documented in an update to the proposal. There, I would expect to see a deadline for people to present arguments against it - failing which the item is considered approved. This means the Community gets to approve/reject individual disbursements. The MNO vote will not apply at that point. This is similar to how 'Slush Funds' are managed.

Note that whoever manages this, will not be paying fiat to individuals. Each person will incur their own expenses personally, and simply request the equivalent in PIV be paid to them.

The table functionality in the forum would make it easy to show a running total and itemize each expenditure for full transparency. Below are examples.

To be clear, everything in this draft is just a suggestion. Please provide constructive feedback. Then, whoever moves forward with this proposal can incorporate the ideas, and manage it as they see fit. I just think that if a running balance is maintained, with each line item being approved first, the 'policing' becomes automatic really.

The idea shown in the 2 tables below, is that Treasury Funds are noted as deposits to the TCF Pool table, and for each Conference, or Business Trip (any event really) there is a dedicated separate table. This makes it easy to budget in the future for annual conferences etc. It also makes the accounting far simpler.

I have not included this below, but to help with planning, and for the MNOs to know what a reasonable budget balance is, perhaps the Community can be invited to suggest Conferences we should attend. Then PIVians can offer to staff it - ideally local PIVians to keep travel costs down - and then budgeting can continue. This could also be organized in a table so that we can space out dates and geographical regions.

So, everything above is preamble to explain my thoughts. Everything below is kind of an example/template I am suggesting for such a proposal submission.

Travel and Conference Fund (TCF)


This proposal requests a fixed amount be added to this Travel and Conference Fund (TCF) each Treasury cycle, to build a pool of funds held for Business Meeting travel, Conferences, and related expenses.


The amount is fixed at 20,000 PIV per cycle. Depending on how funds are spent, and how many Business Trips or Conferences are included, as well as the then price of PIVX, this may be excessive. However, unlike other proposals, this one can be expected to be voted down indefinitely if the balance climbs to a substantial amount, or for a single cycle, if other proposals are given priority in the case of limited Treasury funds.


This proposal runs for 12 budget cycles. This is much longer than most, given the fact that the purpose is ongoing, variations in price simply affect how fast/slow the pool grows, and it can be voted YES/NO each cycle temporarily/indefinitely as determined by the MNOs.


All funds will be held in a single dedicated instance of MPW. The seed words will be secured with a 2nd PIVian (TBD) for backup.
Funds flowing into the pool from the Treasury, and flowing out for an event, will be itemized in the TCF Pool table. (Example below)
Funds for an event will be itemized in a dedicated Event Pool table. (Example below) When the event expenses are finalized, the balance from the Event Pool table will be 'Deposited' back to the TCF Pool table. This captures budget data for future events, and also organizes the data making it easy to find errors, and to be completely transparent.


It is MNOs that vote to determine if funds are directed to this proposal, and therefore the TCF Pool. That is the point where they can Approve/Reject. However, once deposited to this TCF Pool, then requests for new Events (Conferences or other Business Travel) to be covered by the TCF fund should be requested in the comments of this proposal. At that point, it is the entire Community that can contribute to the decision to Approve/Reject the request, by adding their feedback. Everyone that wants to participate in this way is encouraged to 'Watch' this proposal to receive notifications, such that they can Approve/Reject requests for funds in a timely manner. Each request should include a reasonable deadline for feedback, before the funds can be paid out. The bigger the amount requested, the more time that should be given, understanding that Conferences, and travel costs become more expensive, as deadlines approach.

TCF Pool:

Transactions: (Amounts in PIV, unless denoted in $ for USD.)
Feb 15, 2025Opening Balance.0
Mar 01, 2025Superblock payment.20,00020,000
Mar 01, 2025Proposal fee refund.5019,950
Apr 01, 2025Superblock payment.20,00039,950
Apr 15, 2025Conference ABC budget.15,00024,950
Apr 30, 2025Superblock payment.20,00044,950
May 05, 2025Conference ABC budget.25,00019,950
May 31, 2025Superblock payment.20,00039,950
Jun 05, 2025Conference ABC budget.15,00024,950
Jun 15, 2025Conference ABC closing refund.6,20031,150
Jun 30, 2025Superblock payment.20,00056,150

Conference ABC Budget Pool:
Description:Conference is in Spain from May 15 thru May 22. For conference details see this link. For forum discussion on this specific conference, please see this link.
Attending:Jeffrey(SA), Liquid (USA), PIVian 1 (Local - TBD), PIVian 2 (Local - TBD).
Budget:$12,000 USD: Airfare x 2, Conference Booth, Meals for 4 days, Uber, Hotel 4 nights x 4 rooms.
Final Disbursements:$12,200 @ $0.25/PIV = 48,800 PIV

Transactions: (Amounts in PIV, unless denoted in $ for USD.)
Feb 15, 2025Opening balance.0

Apr 15, 2025
Allocated from TCF Pool.15,00015,000
Apr 20, 2025Conference booth deposit.
($1,000 @ $0.25/PIV = 4,000 PIV)
May 05, 2025Allocated from TCF Pool.25,00036,000
May 06, 2025Airfare (Jeffrey) for SA to Spain return. ($1,500 @ $0.25/PIV = 6,000 PIV)6,00030,000
May 06, 2025Airfare (Liquid) for USA to Spain return.
($1,200 @ $0.25/PIV = 4,800 PIV)
May 08, 2025Conference booth final payment.
($5,000 @ $0.25/PIV = 20,000 PIV)
Jun 05, 2025Allocated from TCF Pool.15,00020,200
Jun 15, 2025Hotel, Uber, Meals etc. (Jeffrey)
($1,500 @ $0.25/PIV = 6,000 PIV)
Jun 15, 2025Hotel, Uber, Meals etc. (Liquid)
($1,500 @ $0.25/PIV = 6,000 PIV)
Jun 15, 2025Meals, Travel etc. (PIVian 1 - Local)
($250 @ $0.25/PIV = 1,000 PIV)
Jun 15, 2025Meals, Travel etc. (PIVian 2 - Local)
($250 @ $0.25/PIV = 1,000 PIV)
Jun 20, 2025Closing balance refund to TCF pool.6,2000

TBD .....
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I think it is a great idea, similar to the past "slush funds" but reserved for big events and conferences. I think it would also be acceptable to use a well laid out public spreadsheet to make the tables and math easier on the manager and a simpler forum post indicating the payouts (with a reminder link to the sheet). Trust in the manager/s is the biggest issue. I know this breaks privacy, but I think the fund manager/s, whoever they are, must disclose basic personal information privately to 2 other trusted individuals. Name, Address, phone and further, the 2 trusted parties contact said manager via postal mail and sms for verification. A multi sig would be good for this.
Using tables here is a PITA, because the math is manual and therefore error prone. But, forum admins can see the history of every edit. So, that makes it harder to purposely hide a mistake with edits, and pocket the profit. Keeps everyone honest.

I'm OK with both solutions. Up to whoever takes this on.
It seems to make sense. If I was as old as you are in the community, I could definitely take on this responsibility. As mentioned, the person who takes on this responsibility should definitely share KYC information with certain people. Maybe even sign a contract. Because the event pool will reach a huge amount after 3-4 months.

I was preparing to bid to participate in the event in Turkey in June. Since the amounts would be high, I planned to offer 5 thousand PIVX in each cycle. I wanted to keep this balance, which will accumulate until June, in a separate wallet and be visible to anyone who requests it. However, after your idea, I postponed the offer for now.

It would be positive if this idea could be brought to a conclusion. However, there may be some question marks. If the budget will be based on the opinions and decisions of the community, what will happen if the community does not agree or disagree? In other words, what will happen in case of differences of opinion?

Anyway, I know I am new, but I would like to say that if this idea is approved, I would like to be the first person to take this responsibility. I am ready to address all KYC information or sign a contract to take responsibility. The important thing is to take responsibility. Best regards
Hello everyone!

I see the need for a new 'pool' of funds, to pay for Business Travel and Conferences. This may also include ongoing Merchandise re-orders etc. to stock booths etc. If we leave things until the last minute, there is no time really to wait for a proposal to pass, and plan things efficiently. Far better I think to set aside some funds each cycle.

This 'Travel and Conference Fund' (TCF) would basically be a pool that builds each cycle it passes. I suggest the pool request the same amount each cycle. If funds are tight, and there is no pressing need for the TCF, then MNOs could vote it down that cycle. Or, perhaps it builds to an amount that seems more than sufficient, and the MNOs vote it down for multiple months until it needs to be 'Topped Up' again.

PLEASE NOTE: It will NOT be me that submits or manages this proposal. I simply see the need, and wanted to create this draft, so that we can start discussions on it. Others can consider if they want to be the one to manage it, and make their offer in the comments below. Obviously, it needs to be a trusted PIVian. Other steps like setting up a dedicated MPW, and sharing access to it with a 2nd and perhaps 3rd person to protect against the 'Hit By A Truck' scenario, should be put in place too.

I also don't think it should be automatic that someone is paid from this fund. PIVians can 'Watch' this proposal so that they get notifications. Then, when there is a request for a disbursement or that funds be set aside for an upcoming conference etc., that should be documented in an update to the proposal. There, I would expect to see a deadline for people to present arguments against it - failing which the item is considered approved. This means the Community gets to approve/reject individual disbursements. The MNO vote will not apply at that point. This is similar to how 'Slush Funds' are managed.

Note that whoever manages this, will not be paying fiat to individuals. Each person will incur their own expenses personally, and simply request the equivalent in PIV be paid to them.

The table functionality in the forum would make it easy to show a running total and itemize each expenditure for full transparency. Below are examples.

To be clear, everything in this draft is just a suggestion. Please provide constructive feedback. Then, whoever moves forward with this proposal can incorporate the ideas, and manage it as they see fit. I just think that if a running balance is maintained, with each line item being approved first, the 'policing' becomes automatic really.

The idea shown in the 2 tables below, is that Treasury Funds are noted as deposits to the TCF Pool table, and for each Conference, or Business Trip (any event really) there is a dedicated separate table. This makes it easy to budget in the future for annual conferences etc. It also makes the accounting far simpler.

I have not included this below, but to help with planning, and for the MNOs to know what a reasonable budget balance is, perhaps the Community can be invited to suggest Conferences we should attend. Then PIVians can offer to staff it - ideally local PIVians to keep travel costs down - and then budgeting can continue. This could also be organized in a table so that we can space out dates and geographical regions.

So, everything above is preamble to explain my thoughts. Everything below is kind of an example/template I am suggesting for such a proposal submission.

Travel and Conference Fund (TCF)


This proposal requests a fixed amount be added to this Travel and Conference Fund (TCF) each Treasury cycle, to build a pool of funds held for Business Meeting travel, Conferences, and related expenses.


The amount is fixed at 20,000 PIV per cycle. Depending on how funds are spent, and how many Business Trips or Conferences are included, as well as the then price of PIVX, this may be excessive. However, unlike other proposals, this one can be expected to be voted down indefinitely if the balance climbs to a substantial amount, or for a single cycle, if other proposals are given priority in the case of limited Treasury funds.


This proposal runs for 12 budget cycles. This is much longer than most, given the fact that the purpose is ongoing, variations in price simply affect how fast/slow the pool grows, and it can be voted YES/NO each cycle temporarily/indefinitely as determined by the MNOs.


All funds will be held in a single dedicated instance of MPW. The seed words will be secured with a 2nd PIVian (TBD) for backup.
Funds flowing into the pool from the Treasury, and flowing out for an event, will be itemized in the TCF Pool table. (Example below)
Funds for an event will be itemized in a dedicated Event Pool table. (Example below) When the event expenses are finalized, the balance from the Event Pool table will be 'Deposited' back to the TCF Pool table. This captures budget data for future events, and also organizes the data making it easy to find errors, and to be completely transparent.


It is MNOs that vote to determine if funds are directed to this proposal, and therefore the TCF Pool. That is the point where they can Approve/Reject. However, once deposited to this TCF Pool, then requests for new Events (Conferences or other Business Travel) to be covered by the TCF fund should be requested in the comments of this proposal. At that point, it is the entire Community that can contribute to the decision to Approve/Reject the request, by adding their feedback. Everyone that wants to participate in this way is encouraged to 'Watch' this proposal to receive notifications, such that they can Approve/Reject requests for funds in a timely manner. Each request should include a reasonable deadline for feedback, before the funds can be paid out. The bigger the amount requested, the more time that should be given, understanding that Conferences, and travel costs become more expensive, as deadlines approach.

TCF Pool:

Transactions: (Amounts in PIV, unless denoted in $ for USD.)
Feb 15, 2025Opening Balance.0
Mar 01, 2025Superblock payment.20,00020,000
Mar 01, 2025Proposal fee refund.5019,950
Apr 01, 2025Superblock payment.20,00039,950
Apr 15, 2025Conference ABC budget.15,00024,950
Apr 30, 2025Superblock payment.20,00044,950
May 05, 2025Conference ABC budget.25,00019,950
May 31, 2025Superblock payment.20,00039,950
Jun 05, 2025Conference ABC budget.15,00024,950
Jun 15, 2025Conference ABC closing refund.6,20031,150
Jun 30, 2025Superblock payment.20,00056,150

Conference ABC Budget Pool:
Description:Conference is in Spain from May 15 thru May 22. For conference details see this link. For forum discussion on this specific conference, please see this link.
Attending:Jeffrey(SA), Liquid (USA), PIVian 1 (Local - TBD), PIVian 2 (Local - TBD).
Budget:$12,000 USD: Airfare x 2, Conference Booth, Meals for 4 days, Uber, Hotel 4 nights x 4 rooms.
Final Disbursements:$12,200 @ $0.25/PIV = 48,800 PIV

Transactions: (Amounts in PIV, unless denoted in $ for USD.)
Feb 15, 2025Opening balance.0

Apr 15, 2025
Allocated from TCF Pool.15,00015,000
Apr 20, 2025Conference booth deposit.
($1,000 @ $0.25/PIV = 4,000 PIV)
May 05, 2025Allocated from TCF Pool.25,00036,000
May 06, 2025Airfare (Jeffrey) for SA to Spain return. ($1,500 @ $0.25/PIV = 6,000 PIV)6,00030,000
May 06, 2025Airfare (Liquid) for USA to Spain return.
($1,200 @ $0.25/PIV = 4,800 PIV)
May 08, 2025Conference booth final payment.
($5,000 @ $0.25/PIV = 20,000 PIV)
Jun 05, 2025Allocated from TCF Pool.15,00020,200
Jun 15, 2025Hotel, Uber, Meals etc. (Jeffrey)
($1,500 @ $0.25/PIV = 6,000 PIV)
Jun 15, 2025Hotel, Uber, Meals etc. (Liquid)
($1,500 @ $0.25/PIV = 6,000 PIV)
Jun 15, 2025Meals, Travel etc. (PIVian 1 - Local)
($250 @ $0.25/PIV = 1,000 PIV)
Jun 15, 2025Meals, Travel etc. (PIVian 2 - Local)
($250 @ $0.25/PIV = 1,000 PIV)
Jun 20, 2025Closing balance refund to TCF pool.6,2000

TBD .....
I believe this is an excellent idea, and fills a void in our presence. Whether we like it or not, presentation and professionalism are an intricate part of what gives us exposure and more important helps establish extra credibility. From personal experience I've seen a boost in interest after AMAs, so being at conferences with a booth, presenting and debating on stage are great drivers.

Whomever is going to take this up as a proposal, am more than happy to help writing it, and be helpful in launches this initiative after having passed.
quick note: the network only allows proposals up to 6 cycles.

beyond that, this is something i've been strongly advocating for since 2017. Buer used to do something similar, but it was usually 'too little too late' in approach, submitting proposals for events that would not pay out until AFTER the funds needed to be spent. I would love to see a 'piggy-bank' of funds available to cover costs of having PIVX represented at major confrences.

2018 Anarchapulco was amazing with our booth right outside the main enterance to the presentation hall. literally everyone saw PIVX.
I think this is a wonderful idea. If this passes, it would help the marketing team prep for the upcoming events and enable us to provide merch, booth designs and any other marketing material applicable to the conference / tradeshow. We want any attendees to have what they need to paint the world purple. :) That said, this all takes time to prep and prepare and print, so the lead time will be very important.
How would the approval of spending the budget occur? Ideally a proposal for spending where people can vote on it to ensure everything is transparent?
I think this is a wonderful idea. If this passes, it would help the marketing team prep for the upcoming events and enable us to provide merch, booth designs and any other marketing material applicable to the conference / tradeshow. We want any attendees to have what they need to paint the world purple. :) That said, this all takes time to prep and prepare and print, so the lead time will be very important.
How would the approval of spending the budget occur? Ideally a proposal for spending where people can vote on it to ensure everything is transparent?

Ideally, we are just allocating a certain amount of budget monthly. Someone would be the "Treasurer" for the account, maybe between a few of us in an MPW shared. There are no proposals on spending unless we have time to put it up for discussion. Many times its not really a situation of we have a month to talk about the conference or an opportunity presented to us. We want these funds to react quickly vs having to wait. We want to do some kind of outline/spreadsheet like @Eric_Stanek posted for the transparent use of funds.

We would need to figure out suggestions from the community in the recurring proposal thread.
We were just talking about this in our last Team Meeting.

I agree with everyone's point, that there needs to be 1-3 people with access that are all very trusted by the community.
Can this be a community vote or something? We can rally everyone on this cause and we can feel secure in the fact that the community is the one that decided who is to be trusted?

@fuzzbawls that is a good point. If we already have the funds it won't leave a bad taste in people's mouths if they say "This is how much it costed".

I think having this may also incentivize community members to rep PIVX at local events more because they know that they might be able to have it covered! I don't see an issue even if they are just looking for an excuse to travel - alternative is no presence at those events, right? On top of all of this, it helps make sure @Jeffrey is 100% covered when he is moving about!

Should @talhatrbe be
successful in his endeavours to have a type of ambassador program, this will help make it easier for him and the people he works with.
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We were just talking about this in our last Team Meeting.

I agree with everyone's point, that there needs to be 1-3 people with access that are all very trusted by the community.
Can this be a community vote or something? We can rally everyone on this cause and we can feel secure in the fact that the community is the one that decided who is to be trusted?

@fuzzbawls that is a good point. If we already have the funds it won't leave a bad taste in people's mouths if they say "This is how much it costed".

I think having this may also incentivize community members to rep PIVX at local events more because they know that they might be able to have it covered! I don't see an issue even if they are just looking for an excuse to travel - alternative is no presence at those events, right? On top of all of this, it helps make sure @Jeffrey is 100% covered when he is moving about!

Should @talhatrbe be
successful in his endeavours to have a type of ambassador program, this will help make it easier for him and the people he works with.
When I first announced the embassy program, almost the entire community said it was important for progress. Then suddenly everyone gave up. I still emphasize that the Ambassador program is the most important issue for progress. I hope that one day MN owners will vote to try it :)
Good day everyone. I have been following this proposal from day one and seeing that it has aged for 3 weeks now, I'd like to nominate myself to manage the said fund, if the community deems me worthy.

I also support the idea of being doxxed. I am already largely doxxed on social media since I do other things in addition to crypto. And as for my experience, although a mechanical engineer, I've owned and managed a farm with three employees for several years now. I am also proficient as a writer and data analyst.
Is there a way to break this TCF effort into shared responsibilities?

Main thing might be to have 1 or 2 people be responsible for tracking the inflows and outflows, and monitoring the balances at the various pool addresses.

Another might be that there are say 3 different people each holding a pool of funds. This distributes the risk if something goes wrong.

Basically, if it ends up being 1 person, and the fund grows at say 50K PIV per cycle, then 6 months later we have 300K PIV. Now, imagine the price jumps to $2.00. Do we really want one person to hold $600K USD? Not though, that at that point, we won't need a pool anymore. Just careful advance planning.

I'm also concerned that we don't have anyone who is researching all the Crypto Conferences out there, and applying various metrics to determine which we should attend and which we should ignore. Should that effort happen first, and perhaps someone can submit a proposal for that effort/task?

Here's my suggestion, whether or whether not I get to manage the TCF.

1. The fund needs to be managed by at least 3 persons, with a cap on the amount that each individual can oversee.
2. As earlier mentioned, after creating a dedicated MPW, the seed phrase should be shared with at least one TRUSTED and VESTED member of PIVX.
3. Each region should have a list of upcoming conferences planned for the year. This way, we don't have people rushing to ask for funds 1 week to a conference.
4. All conferences are not equal, so we must be able to do a cost-benefit analysis before disbursement is approved.
5. There should be a monthyl report on inflows and ouflows. The wallet will be public for everyone to check the balance at every point in time. Any transfers should be heavily justified.
6. I also suggest that the monthly payment from the treasury should be split in two - half in stablecoins and half in PIV.
I'm also concerned that we don't have anyone who is researching all the Crypto Conferences out there, and applying various metrics to determine which we should attend and which we should ignore. Should that effort happen first, and perhaps someone can submit a proposal for that effort/task?
I'll take on this task.
I'll take on this task.
I would support your proposal for that.

The steps you develop can be applied to countries and locations where @Jeffrey and @Liquid369 can easily travel to, and where we also have some PIVians locally.
I would think that once a Conference is analysed, then successive years become easier to make decisions on if we attend or not.
Further, such a proposal/role would continue regardless which conferences we attend.
Not sure how much time you think it would take, but maybe guess for 3 cycles, and use that time to demonstrate to us how well you researched each potential conference, and what the logic/metrics were that you used to seelct the conferences in the first place. Then you could re-group and decide if it takes more hours than you expected etc. and adjust the next proposal.

Such a 'Travel and Conference Development' role would be separate from the TCF, and in fact would help MNOs know the TCF funds are needed and the funds will be prioritized well. Basically, we shouldn't attend expensive conferences just because there is one close to a single PIVian. We need to do it right.

Are we on the same page?
I agree that we can't attend every single conference. That's why we need to weigh the cost-benefit ratio. Participants also need to make a very strong case for why a proposal will be beneficial to PIVX. We are on the same page with regards to this.

As for the number of cycles, even though the role may turn out to be an ongoing one, I'd like to see what can be done in one cycle. The proposal can always be renewed if there is a need for it.