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Active Travel and Conference Fund


Title: Conference and Travel Fund
Name: ConfTravelFund
Term: 1 Cycle
Cycle Amount: 20,000
Total Amount: 20,000
Author: Liquid369
Receiver: Liquid369
Address: DDHskvcnchfcvfusDHWLf1zBS63S8kTNmL
Status: Submitted
Vote Hash: 37cdd2880a23200b8a7066970e8019fc473f6ae244c6183092e31818ddac7ca7

PIVX has spent tons of time in the last 1-2 years in aggressive expansion. With this expansion, we have seen over 10+ new exchange listings, roughly 10+ swap site listings, 3+ payment processors, and more! Now with these things in mind, that means we now have lots of places where we are accessible. To fully capitalize on this growth, our focus is shifting towards nurturing stronger relationships with the platforms and partners that have welcomed us. Many of these groups are excited about our progress and are actively inviting us to events where we can share our story and vision.

These opportunities allow us to not only increase PIVX's visibility but also to forge deeper connections with other key players in the crypto and privacy sectors. By stepping back into the conference scene, we’re opening doors to new products, better deals, and collaborative synergies with like-minded projects.

How would this work currently?

- Monthly reporting of Balance
- Monthly reporting of Expenditures (receipts, invoices, or other supporting documentation)
- Public Address known to the community
- Managed by Jeffrey and I for now until a better solution is found
- Funds would be staked? Up for discussion.
- New MPW Wallet created with shared seed between Jeffrey and I

Currently, we are starting the ask with a 1-month proposal for 20,000 PIV. No reimbursement for the submission. Open to suggestions, and will submit an official proposal to Governance in about an hour.

Some potential invites we have been given already for example is
- Token 2049 Dubai
- Australian Crypto Convention

One partner, CoinStore is going to be doing events all year round, and us strengthening our relationship here, gives us the opportunity to have representation of PIVX at every CoinStore event whether we can make it or not.


Qt GUI wallet users can use the built-in DAO page to cast their votes.

For console users, use one of the below commands.

To vote yes:
mnbudgetvote many 37cdd2880a23200b8a7066970e8019fc473f6ae244c6183092e31818ddac7ca7 yes

To vote no:
mnbudgetvote many 37cdd2880a23200b8a7066970e8019fc473f6ae244c6183092e31818ddac7ca7 no
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Well written!

I was unaware we have the opportunity to partner with organizations in our network, to be more efficient with our conference funds. I can see that quickly narrows down which ones we should attend too, because of the lower costs partnering with them, and leveraging the due diligence they performed in selecting the best conferences to attend.

Good stuff!