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Ended VOTE NO - PIVX Spanish Team 20 V3

My leeches comment was probably a tad harsh, but you can't even show me what these people are doing.

Split the proposal to videos your going make and a seperate social media one with just one person, list the tasks of each person for each video and add rhubarb to oversee it all and lend a hand.

Get rhubarb to write it and split it up. You will then need to tell him who's actually doing what role. This is not a "boys club" and if this proposal passes it will show the centralised nature of the votes.

You can't show or tell what anyone specifically has been doing.

-450 PIV for Anirak, Spanish PIVX Facebook

All posts on there have 0 interactions, 0 comments, and are just link posts with 1 sentence written, a few times a month

All posts are not getting shared cross platforms

You have 4 people managing seperate social media accounts when 1 person can do that

Your paying for a nobody chart reader

If this proposal passes in its current state the system is broken and its "boys club" rule. Going be a good watch to see the outcome.
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Let me explain the most controversial point of my proposal:

Trading Analyzer, I really need some that do this on Spanish, no one do it, almost all Spanish traders talk about only the top 10 cryptos, I'm not a trader and I'm not qualified to talk about trading analytics, and MichaelMitnick does great, not only on social media but in the Telegram PIVX Spanish Chat, and on his own video channels.​
Facebook, 3 months ago we don't even publish there, now Anirak is in charge of that task, and yes she is learning and improving, some people claim we don't have any "contact", and is yes that is true, at least we have posted now, is never going to be enough, but we are starting, again she got 150 PIV per month for this task budget, and make it for free all JULY. We are having like 3 or 2 "likes" per post, I think is great, based on the Facebook restriction for cryptocurrencies, and those are not paying likes. But according what I been reading if this social channel does not give any results next month, I will stop it, and I will donate it to charity on behalf of PIVX, and I will not ask more PIV for Facebook anymore.
HIVE, this is the first time we are going to ask budget for a writer on HIVE, Way HIVE? Well is a great place to reach Spanish speaking people but takes time, there are a lot of communities from all Latin America. I found a writer for a great price she, I pay with my own money some post and I think she has taled I think, remember till now only I been publishing and yes I'm a terrible writer. This is a good example of her job:
All other posts you are able to saw were made by me, and of course, those don't have any value.
No one in my team is "expert" on social media, and I can't provide any "analysts of the metrics" beyond what I already published. But all the channels are open to audit, so if someone of the community wants to hire some expert and make a professional metrics analyzer, I always been open, those are NOT and NEVER been "my accounts", the PIVX community own it.

But I would like to make a statement:
I have been insulted, "he" has nicknamed me and have even involved my nationality as a method of pressure towards me in commenting on my proposal, even I have been suggested then I should "rip off the Team", but I not going to do that, I believe in my team, and they believe in me. I love PIVX but no amount of PIVX will make me leave my friends.

600 PIV for Michael Mitnick, Spanish Influencer and Trading Analyzer[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]600 PIV for ONeZetty: Video producer, editing and upload the videos and management of the Spanish team[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]200 PIV for Giveaways and tips to the community

Check our links:


Lets brake this down again.

Trading analyser is not needed. That should be end of that. you want a chart making ask in trading, people are always putting stuff up.

Facebook - you actually think 3 or 2 likes is good? you have had 9 people in your team so that should be the minimum amount of likes and shares on ALL platforms. If your own team cba to share it whats the chances of someone else?

Hive - i don't understand the articles so cant comment on the content. They are getting no interactions, not even the shares from your own team. But at least you've shown what 1 of you team members has been doing! This is things you talk about in a proposal. But i wouldn't just specify she is only doing hive blog posts, put her down as a writer and she will create x document for x amount and list what she plans on writing about. That would show her worth.

Stop with the sob story. its not a good look. I did not involve you nationality i asked if people on your team could speak English so you could add subtitles and if Mexico lived in another galaxy with the figures you have been giving with no breakdowns of whats going on. Maybe its me that lives in another galaxy? I'm not offended by that but my galaxy relys on facts and figures to show your worth which you have not provided.

You are not leaving your friends you are meant to be running the latam community which gets paid to do a job. There is not enough budget there to provide for everything you have asked for unless a donor wants to donate. An alternative has been provided that will still allow you to create ALL videos which is what the whole proposal is about. The extras as I have said before (social media managers) is a separate proposal.

Its honorable that you wont 'throw someone overboard' as they are your friends, but your stupidity is what is going to cost everyone their role. Managers need to make the hard decisions and with limited budget some cuts have to be made. So either step up and take control and see this from a logical view. A few cutbacks to be able to still create ALL of your content or move aside and let someone who will. Maybe one of the other latam members of your team wants to give it ago? if so i suggest you throw your hat in and talk between yourselves. But the same applies to them. No reports, no funding.

Yes votes 267 (61%)
No votes 171 (39%)
Net yes 5.50%

Nos are catching the yes votes up. Other masternode owners have joined in. You need 10% net yes votes for this to pass.
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Hive - i don't understand the articles so cant comment on the content. They are getting no interactions, not even the shares from your own team. But at least you've shown what 1 of you team members has been doing! This is things you talk about in a proposal. But i wouldn't just specify she is only doing hive blog posts, put her down as a writer and she will create x document for x amount and list what she plans on writing about. That would show her worth.

Good call, actually the intention is that she needs to create 2 blog post every month, but the minimum is 1.​
Trading analyser is not needed. That should be end of that. you want a chart making ask in trading, people are always putting stuff up.

Seems like you do not need it, but the community likes the analysis and the videos, and he not only does the trading analysis, "is more like ads on his channel", happy?​

Facebook - you actually think 3 or 2 likes is good? you have had 9 people in your team so that should be the minimum amount of likes and shares on ALL platforms. If your own team cba to share it whats the chances of someone else?

No all the teammates have Facebook, I will not obligate anyone to like or RT anything, PIVX philosophy is about freedom, so keep it. And considering that the English Facebook Page is having 6 or 3 likes per post, I think we are having good numbers. Do not you think?
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Good call, actually the intention is that she needs to create 2 blog post every month, but the minimum is 1.​

Seems like you do not need it, but the community likes the analysis and the videos, and he not only does the trading analysis, "is more like ads on his channel", happy?​

No all the teammates have Facebook, I will not obligate anyone to like or RT anything, PIVX philosophy is about freedom, so keep it. And considering that the English Facebook Page is having 6 or 3 likes per post, I think we are having good numbers. Do not you think?
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ok, have you some analysis of what actual reach/interactions/referrals from links, any information at all of how it has helped pivx with the ads?

your comparrison of fb just shows fb does not need a dedicated team member.

again split the proposal so mn owners have a choice of what part of the proposal may or may not pass. show reports of each team members work.

Currently sitting at:

Yes: 368 (61%)
No: 240 (39%)
NET YES:7.14%