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Archived VPS_Expenses_2023_Aug-June


Title: VPS_Expenses_2023_Aug-June
Name: VPS_Expenses_2023_Aug-June
Term: 1 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 6135 PIV
Total Amnt: 6135 PIV
Author: vampyren
Receiver: vampyren
Address: DA2ns3WFJansUwdRUtfPHWqdYmCCzj9MXB
Created: 2023-05-04
Status: Active
Vote Hash:  292de3f8fc33f574c1e24de4f16d8992ec3a71b54e51f5bfb3d1344cc9cb5c5d

Hello everyone,
This proposal is basically to cover costs for our servers (details below) for the period of Aug-June (11months).

Current Status:
After doing some cleanup and optimizing the servers we now have "only" 2 servers running compared to 4 from before.
Sadly server prices has also gone up but still we pay roughly half of what we used to pay (we had some more expensive dedicated servers which was overkill).
A big thank you to Sparrow and Eric for the clean-up work!

Server Specs:
- 2x Shared CPU - 8 GB - 160 GB + backup

All prices are in USD.
The VPS instances are $48 per month, plus $10 per month for backups. There is also a 25% tax.
So basically monthly cost for 1 server is 48$ + 10$ = 58$ * 1.25 = 72.5$

So, we have:
2 server = 2 x 72.5$ = 145$ in total monthly. For 11 month i will cost us 11*145$= 1,595$

I am not including the 50 PIV cost for submitting this proposal!

The current price for PIVX is $0.26 -> works out to 6135 PIV for re requested period.

I will not be reporting out any further details.


To Vote Yes:

mnbudgetvote many 292de3f8fc33f574c1e24de4f16d8992ec3a71b54e51f5bfb3d1344cc9cb5c5d yes

To Vote No:
mnbudgetvote many 292de3f8fc33f574c1e24de4f16d8992ec3a71b54e51f5bfb3d1344cc9cb5c5d no
Last edited:
From the proposal is not clear how those vps are related to PIVX, can you give more details?
Good question :)
I took over without knowing much. I'm more acting as custodial. But now that we have cleaned up i think its a bit more clear the purpose of the servers.
Server1: document, forum, pivxfoundation and i maybe the toolbox (not sure about this one).
Server2: testnet, blockchain download

@Sparrow / @palmtree please correct me if wrong.
Just to add we have now also added one additional server with the same spec as the others, meaning the total cost will be 2393$ vs 1595$. Purpose of the new server is to be used for the homepage pivx.org

So basically this funding will cover 1595/2393= ~ 6 months of funding for all servers since we start already this week. There was a talk about adding a forth but that has not happened. If we add that i will update this post. Otherwise this funding will be Aug-Jan
cloud and toolbox are on a
Good question :)
I took over without knowing much. I'm more acting as custodial. But now that we have cleaned up i think its a bit more clear the purpose of the servers.
Server1: document, forum, pivxfoundation and i maybe the toolbox (not sure about this one).
Server2: testnet, blockchain download

@Sparrow / @palmtree please correct me if wrong.
Toolbox and Cloiud are NOT on same server as docs, forum, foundation
Additional changes !
I have taken over 2 more servers from Eric and we killed one server . All and all what we now have is as follows:
- 1 x Shared CPU - 8 GB - 160 GB + backup (Docs & Forums) - cost:58$
- 1 x Shared CPU - 8 GB - 160 GB + backup (snapshot) - cost:58$
- 1 x Dedicated CPU - 8 GB - 160 GB + backup (staging pivx.org) - cost:82$
- 1 x Dedicated CPU - 8 GB - 160 GB + backup (pivx.org) - cost: 82$

Total cost: 58+58+82+82=280 + 25% tax = 350$
Luckily i sold most of the funds when price was still higher so that will make us cover the cost for roughly 4 months (1595$/350$ = ~ 4 months) --> Aug Nov
This month we had to pay more....i think this is due to adding more servers and removing others.
I can cover some of the extra cost but if other months keep being this high i will include the extra cost in the next budget request.