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Resolved Warning: Peers are Being Disconnected Due to Time Differernces


New Pivian
I just installed the new wallet version V4.0.0. When I open the new wallet and start to try to sync it, I get this errror:

Warning: Peers are being disconnected due to time differences. PLease check that yourr computer's date and time are correct!
If your clock is wrong PIVX correr will not work properly.

I have checked my computer's tiome and date.
I have checked my rrouters time and date.

What could be the prroblem here?
On top of this, the 4.0.0 wallet is not updating using the Bootstrap method. The wallet does not show that it is "Importing blocks from disk", it only updates online and is obviously very slow.
:) figured I assisted you already via support ticket on freshdesk? Timesync is a great tool.

Let me know if you require any further assistance.
I am having the same problem.

Warning: Peers are being disconnected due to time differences. PLease check that yourr computer's date and time are correct!
If your clock is wrong PIVX correr will not work properly.

I am using a Macbook.
and wallet version is v4.1.1

What shoud I do? help me plz
Not solved yet.
I did update wallet to 4.2.0.
But, wallet show me same error.
What should i do. timesync? My notebook is a Mac

  1. Choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, then click Date & Time.
  2. In the Time Zone pane, make sure that ”Set time zone automatically using current location” is selected and your Mac is connected to the Internet.

Try that :)
I have the same problem. I'm running on Windows 10.

I would like to add that unlike the other posters of this thread, I didn't have a problem with the older version, but for me, the problem started after upgrading to version 5.
I have the same problem. I'm running on Windows 10.

I would like to add that unlike the other posters of this thread, I didn't have a problem with the older version, but for me, the problem started after upgrading to version 5.
Windows is terrible at keeping time. PIVX requires accuracy much less than 1 minute. Please install www.TimeSyncTool.com and you should be all set.
I think the possible cause for the time difference is VPN turned on because the VPN IP sets in different location meaning different time zone that probably explain why when updating the sync and the time/date is different that keeps popping up failing to connect peers to sync.

Edit: if I put auto time settings. It will switch back into UTC time zone that is about 17 hours back wards during sync I think due to VPN IP at different location. It does happened like that especially stand alone Desktop crypto wallets during syncing often occurred in newly installed wallet on desktop.
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