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Ended YTubeAds-Hawtch


Active Pivian
Name: YTubeAds-Hawtch
Term: 1 cycle
Cycle Amount: 10,000 PIV
Total Amount: 10,000 PIV
Author: Hawtch
Receiver: Hawtch --> Paid Ads
Address: DPBtKGFBcvNcBijgRxv9R56BXGbYqQXrxa
Created: Dec 09, 2024

Hi PIVX community, Hawtch here!

I've been full time with PIVX since earlier this year. I work on Marketing PIVX to outside and within the crypto space. I am excited to continue marketing efforts through paid ads. Our marketing efforts have been mainly focused around managing the Youtube and Rumble page. We will be adding Tiktok to this upcoming cycle, emphasizing on memes and informative "quick-captions" content.

This month we are adding a new member to the team - say hi to @Ellamell who will be volunteering her time as a Junior Marketer. She will be helping to manage the Ads that go out, our Tik Tok channel, and basic video editing.

This proposal is for paid Ads (Primarily on Faucetpay.io and Viefaucet.com)

Our Merchant Travala Video got 417,000 views and our This is Fine Video got 58,000 views.
For the budget, this shows that these were effective, considering these were mostly ads you needed to click on in order to see them. Although the Google Ads campaign was quite successful in terms of views, Google still consistently gives warning strikes for violating their policies. They are simply not ok with us having videos that mention anything at all in regards to defi crypto, wallets, or any related CTA. This is why we are wanting to lean hard into the Faucet website ads - they are already filled with crypto investors and we are essentially getting them all to have eyes on our posts.


  • Paid ads on Faucetpay and Viefaucet for each posted video.
  • Analytics shared on the video(s).
  • Ad Promo and Campaigns (sharing WIP in forums and Discord),
    • Merchant/Vendor promo (NowPayments next),
    • How To videos,
    • Satire and Compelling Ads (Like the This is Fine vid)
    • Static ads (Banner ads similar to the ones on PIVX.promo)
  • Ad CTA + brand testing.
    • Using Faucet ads we can spend small amounts of money and still get a decent amount of analytics to find out the best CTA's and branding

Funding Breakdown​

  • Proposed Amount: 10,000 PIV
  • Breakdown: 625 PIV/week or 89.28 PIV/day.
  • Cycle Length: 1 Cycle (1 month)
  • Total Quote: 10,000 PIV


Ad Analytics for ads: https://cloud.pivx.org/s/GMDwGEqKQwgrQaC

Highlights + Notes​

  • We are very happy with how the Travala video has performed and feel like we are learning from it greatly.
    While entering it into Google Ads we chose to make it focus on getting views. It certainly did with 417,000 views!
  • The linked PDF has many notes in it that are valuable to understanding how things have performed, how we can improve on future ads, and what we are doing right.
  • Going forward, despite our perceived success we will be taking a step back from Google Ads. To put it simply, Google hates the decentralized crypto world. They are trying to protect people, rightly so, from the many scams that can happen. Unfortunately in this process, they end of making ethical, legit projects like us suffer. Every time we post a video we get a violation strike. If we get enough we will have our whole account taken from us. Personally, I don't think it's worth the risk. Please feel free to share your thoughts on this.
  • Our posts on Faucetpay and Viefaucet already have an accumulation of roughly 5000 views with only $30 spent. We are excited to see how they can all perform and perhaps catch new eyes on PIVX as we go forward.


- We are going to refine our most effective branding + CTAs in coming months using market testing.
- We have been refining our metadata, descriptions, titles, hashtags, etc on Youtube but we don't see any organic growth. Due to this we are pivoting towards meme Youtube Shorts, Educational videos, and promoted vids using Faucet sites rather than Google Ads.
- As always we are open to change things up should anything extremely important come up should it help get us out there.

Youtube Growth in the last 90 Days (3 months):​

Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 12.43.48 AM.png
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I know it isn't always possible to grab data, depending on what any given proposal is for, but when it is available, proposal owners absolutely should leverage it.

I am NOT surprised to see El Salvador mentioned often in the stats. If any culture understands the value of privacy, it is El Salvador. Until just a few years ago, the country was completely controlled by gangs and every single business was extorted. The gangs are now GONE! (Hit Google if you don't know why.) But, imagine living thru that experience and using BTC ..... a gang member sees your address, and they would immediately know your balance!

Perhaps it is worthwhile to do a specific test for El Salvador to find out if the spike in the data is because there are so many expats there, or VPN settings etc. Not sure how that test would be designed, but it would be good to know! I hope to travel there in Jan-Feb, so maybe I can help somehow, gathering data with boots on the ground.

Currently, the vibe I get is that crypto people in El Salvador are mostly BTC Maxis. That's fine. So easy for PIVX to shine against BTC.

Thanks for all your hard work!
I agree. This is why Faucet will be a great setting to do market testing on ads.
We will try to focus on El Salvador much more often when we use targeted ads! Agreed!

Appreciate the encouragement and kind words.

Changed over 10,000PIV to $3,262 USDC:​


We will be using this for:

- Branded Merch for Jeffrey's meetings + events
- Tik Tok Coins (boosting higher value + liked content)
- Faucet sites for smaller ads
- Sponsored streamers + vtubers (we will try to make solid connections - no promises)
- We MIGHT try to do some Google Ad promotion but it would be to niche countries we know won't give us violation strikes. If this proves sub-optimal we will pivot.

I will update in this Forum post the expenditures and our budget as the month(s) go on...

Tik Tok Coins​

Spent: $564 CAD ($390.78 USD)
Received: 32,679 coins
Budget Remaining: $2871.22 USDC

Note: This is to promote our posts, which are getting decent attention btw. Roughly 270 views on average.
@Ellamell is helping us promote our posts both on Faucet sites and on Tik Tok. As she grows in experience she will most likely help promote most posted content - freeing the rest of the team up for more content creation. So far she is doing great!
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Faucetpay + VieFaucet​

Spent: $490 USD (FaucetPay) + $250 USD (VieFacuet)
Received: $490 USDC (FaucetPay) + 25,000,000 coins (VieFaucet)
Budget Remaining: $2131.22 USDC

Note: This is the money we transferred over to these platforms in order to use over time. Recently boosted XT.com video and we received roughly 2:1 ratio in actual views on the video, which is a better ratio than past pay-to-click ads on Faucet. We paid for 9000 click and got roughly 4000 views on the vid.