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Archived DSNPIVX-Portuguese


New Pivian
Title: Development of social networks and construction of the PIVX Community in Portuguese
Name: DSNPIVX-Portuguese
Term: 3 cycles
Cycle Amount: 3000
Total Amount: 9000
Author: MiguelC030
Receiver: MiguelC030
Address: DN31yw3aNuJNduXWKK6Fr9jSws1R9E7QD1

Development of social networks PIVX community in Portuguese

Hello PIVians!

My name is MiguelC, I've been part of the PIVX community and social media team since 2018, and I've been volunteering on PIVX's "PIVX Social Team" ever since. I enjoy educating people about PIVX, blockchain in general. At the moment, I manage the newly created PIVX Portugal accounts, and the Portuguese Community (Twitter/Instagram and TikTok) with the creation of posts, videos, giveaways and graphics.

All done successfully and with a good return for the PIVX community in general.

Here are the results of my work.

PIVXcomunidade.pngInstagram e TikTok.pngPIVXPT.pngDesktop Screenshot 2023.09.09 -

With Leacymck's help, I'm creating all the graphics in Portuguese about PIVX, respecting the brand rules, using Photoshop.


Contests with prizes in PIV.

Desktop Screenshot 2023.09.09 - Screenshot 2023.09.09 -

I'm also working with JSKitty at PIVX Labs as a Labs collaborator and Quality Control, to help with all MyPIVXWallet MPW development. Bug fixes, implementation of Portuguese, Brazilian and French translations and new future updates.


I'm very dedicated to the PIVX project, I'm proud to be part of it as if it were my real job. I dedicate 100% of my time, 4/5 hours a day, to supporting PIVX and the Community and creating new content.

My proposal is to reactivate the social networks Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. We'll start by disseminating important information for the Portuguese community, such as the most important aspects of privacy, the PIVX community, the advantages of passive income, staking and masternodes.

Here are all the Portuguese Community accounts:

The total budget required is 3,000 PIVX per month, which I will use for:

Creation of dynamics and contests with prizes in PIV
Portuguese graphics

I'm happy to answer your questions and concerns.
One of Labs' most active Quality Control members, Miguel has found and tracked a LOT of bugs and helped us to polish the MyPIVXWallet over many weeks, especially the latest updates, as well as assisting with translations for THREE languages (PT-PT, PT-BR and French). 💜
Um dos membros mais ativos do Controle de Qualidade do Labs, o Miguel encontrou e rastreou MUITOS bugs e nos ajudou a aperfeiçoar a MyPIVXWallet ao longo de muitas semanas, especialmente nas últimas atualizações, bem como ajudou nas traduções para TRÊS idiomas (PT-PT , PT-BR e francês).💜
💜 Muito obrigado. 💜 Tenho orgulho da PIVX e dos Laboratórios PIVX
Thank you very much. I'm proud of PIVX and PIVX Labs
There is obviously some sort of chat going on in the closed discord to start funding people's time posting and creating stuff as multiple ones have appeared this cycle.

Portuguese and Spanish are closely similar so I don't see the point in 2. Graphics are created by multiple people already so it's only translating them.

Continue to do that if you wish but I don't see the need in both yours and


She has already proven an asset with videos and translations. My only knowledge of you is insults and as I have said before should be no where near social media platforms for a paid role. Luckily I remember names.

Continue your hobby and building pivx if you wish but there is no need in this proposal.

@LeacyMcK Have you thought of looking into ai to automatically translate all social media posts etc thenwhen you post on one channel it is then posted across all. As you are the social media manager I assume you are already looking in how to streamline these things. We don't need extra people when ai and Google translate does this automatically.

Here Is a link on a service which does this and incorporates ai.
There is obviously some sort of chat going on in the closed discord to start funding people's time posting and creating stuff as multiple ones have appeared this cycle.

Portuguese and Spanish are closely similar so I don't see the point in 2. Graphics are created by multiple people already so it's only translating them.

Continue to do that if you wish but I don't see the need in both yours and


She has already proven an asset with videos and translations. My only knowledge of you is insults and as I have said before should be no where near social media platforms for a paid role. Luckily I remember names.

Continue your hobby and building pivx if you wish but there is no need in this proposal.

@LeacyMcK Have you thought of looking into ai to automatically translate all social media posts etc thenwhen you post on one channel it is then posted across all. As you are the social media manager I assume you are already looking in how to streamline these things. We don't need extra people when ai and Google translate does this automatically.

Here Is a link on a service which does this and incorporates ai.
Hello Gerrald,

I understand your concern.

I know that today, we have the help of Goggle Translate, which can make a difference. But it doesn't give us the real correct Portuguese or any other language. My promotion of PIVX in Portuguese has been massive on various social networks and in person.

Always presenting the advantages of PIVX and its project and the profits of joining MN. Many Portuguese people have joined the PIVX Discord. Some didn't know and asked for help on how to buy PIV and how to use the wallet. Some bought PIVX and put it into Stake with the training I gave them.

Two will soon be Masternodes due to my representation of the Portuguese PIVX.
I won't give up representing PIVX and the community, even if my proposal isn't validated. I'm proud to be part of it.

And one day I will also be by your side as MN and vote for the best for the community and the project. Because I truly believe in it.
One For All, All For PIVX

Thanks for your reply
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@Gerrald perhaps it would be a great start for you to create an IFTTT script to watch for @_PIVX posts, and then re-post them under your accounts? Totally cool if others then start with that script, and add a translation step, to translate the text, and finally post to their accounts. But, @LeacyMcK doesn't own or control their accounts, any more than she controls yours. She also can't force anyone to use the IFTTT script. That's how the DOA works.
The asked amount isn't much, it could be seen as a (low) reward for all the efforts @MiguelC030 has already contributed to PIVX. He is also very active on social channels. We all know how important it is to be seen on socials, no matter where, no matter how similar Portuguese and Spanish might be. Imho, voting No to his proposal equals a slap in the face of every dedicated community member.
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One of the main efforts of managing social media channels, is engaging with users that post comments. There is no way to automate that. It needs to be a real human who can read the language, monitor the posts, and reply in the same language. The only part that could possibly be automated, is the translation of the initial Social Post. But, that's just a couple of sentences, and can be done just as fast manually, perhaps quicker, with no need to blindly trust what was translated automatically.

The 'NO' votes are coming from people who have no clue what they are talking about, and are acting on pure emotion only. They are not acting in the best interest of PIVX. They simply like to piss off people. I can think of no other reason to vote this down.
The asked amount isn't much, it could be seen as a (low) reward for all the efforts @MiguelC030 has already contributed to PIVX. He is also very active on social channels. We all know how important it is to be seen on socials, no matter where, no matter how similar Portuguese and Spanish might be. Imho, voting No to his proposal equals a slap in the face of every dedicated community member.
Thank you very much for your message.

The MN who vote (No) don't know me and don't waste their time analyzing my proposal and my excellent work on social media, which has always been done for the good of PIVX and the community.

My dedication to the project is equal to or greater than that of the MasterNodes.

Muito obrigado pela sua mensagem.

Os MN que votam (Não) não me conhecem e não perdem o seu tempo a analisar a minha proposta e o meu excelente trabalho nas redes sociais, que sempre foi feito para o bem da PIVX e da comunidade.

A minha dedicação ao projeto é igual ou superior à dos MasterNodes.
I really thought that the DAO's proposals were for the good of the PIVX project.

If we are trying to bring PIVX to all countries and languages so that they join and support the PIVX project. I see no reason to vote against my proposal. You can use machine translation, but it will never be correct, and the social accounts I presented in my proposal are managed by me.

Portuguese Twitter community 33,000 views in 62 days, 468 per day.

The Portuguese Instagram community reaches over 100 accounts a month.

Portuguese TikTok community 4 videos created by me have had over 9,000 views, 1000 likes.

Twitter PIVX Portugal over 9,000 views in 55 days (I created it just over two months ago).

More than 20 graphic images in Portuguese created about PIVX, bags and Masternodes and always published with great success.

More than 2,000 giveaways with PIV, always interacting with all the official PIVX accounts over the years as a social volunteer. I've had some donations from the community to help me in my initiative to revitalize the Portuguese community as an Ambassador.

More support for the integration of MyPIVXWallet.

I'm not trying to show off my work just because I submitted my proposal. As I've said before and will say again, I'm proud to be part of and help with the whole PIVX project.

Pensei realmente que as propostas do DAO eram para o bem do projeto PIVX.

Se estamos a tentar levar a PIVX a todos os países e línguas para que adiram e apoiem o projeto PIVX. Não vejo razão para votar contra a minha proposta. Podem utilizar a tradução automática, mas nunca estará correcta, e as contas sociais que apresentei na minha proposta são geridas por mim.

Comunidade portuguesa no Twitter 33.000 visualizações em 62 dias, 468 por dia.

A comunidade portuguesa do Instagram atinge mais de 100 contas por mês.

Comunidade portuguesa do TikTok 4 vídeos criados por mim tiveram mais de 9.000 visualizações, 1000 gostos.

Twitter PIVX Portugal mais de 9.000 visualizações em 55 dias (criei-o há pouco mais de dois meses)

Mais de 20 imagens gráficas em português criadas sobre a PIVX, bolsas e Masternodes e publicadas sempre com muito sucesso.

Mais de 2.000 brindes com a PIV, sempre interagindo com todas as contas oficiais da PIVX ao longo dos anos como voluntário social. Tive alguns donativos da comunidade para me ajudar na minha iniciativa de revitalizar a comunidade portuguesa como Embaixador.

Mais apoio na integração da MyPIVXWallet.

Não estou a tentar exibir o meu trabalho só porque apresentei a minha proposta. Como já disse e volto a dizer, tenho orgulho em fazer parte e ajudar em todo o projeto PIVX.
Bottom line... Do we want PIVX to reach more people globally or not? If we don't then we might as well close down now. PIVX needs its global community more than the global community needs PIVX. And due to this we need people like @MiguelC030, @Elenac, and other PIVX global community leaders to promote, support and be passionate about PIVX so they can help get PIVX "noticed more".

Miguel is known by the community and core, he has proven himself in both PIVXLabs and PIVX Community Discords time and time again. Always the first to offer his support, and with a known track record of delivering, it would be a real shame if this proposal was to be shut down.

As mentioned above, PIVX needs its global community more than the global community needs PIVX. Let this proposal be one of many requesting 3000 PIV in the quest to get PIVX back on the top, worldwide.
Unfortunately you obviously speak to the yes people. You insulted me and I will never vote you through. To then be saying you see no reason why people are not voting you through for this proposal is arrogant and you have put your self in a view of entitlement. You are a person that is involved in pivx as a hobby. You are not staff, you are not social. You are like us all. Someone who wants to make pivx better, i respect that, i do the same myself but have actually thrown my own money at it. But you obviously have been speaking to Eric leacy and all those others who think they control the funding and who passes. Don't piss people off, be nice to everyone and stop this entitled bollox you obviously think you have. The votes control funds and you my friend have pissed controlling votes off. Don't think because Eric says yes it's going to pass.

Good day sir.
Community core... @LeacyMcK ... as I have always said the votes control the funds. You can call yourself whatever you want but don't think you have a right to funding nor have a controlling sort of power. You are easily voted out. I'm happy now I see what you are doing @LeacyMcK dont start this entitled bollox because eric was the deciding vote but quite obviously has changed. Maybe you all should stop this closed discussions so we can all work together...
@Gerrald perhaps it would be a great start for you to create an IFTTT script to watch for @_PIVX posts, and then re-post them under your accounts? Totally cool if others then start with that script, and add a translation step, to translate the text, and finally post to their accounts. But, @LeacyMcK doesn't own or control their accounts, any more than she controls yours. She also can't force anyone to use the IFTTT script. That's how the DOA works.
Eric. I unfortunately have no control over the socials. I can't do everything and I won't do it especially the funds that @LeacyMcK getting for that Job I am putting suggestions in for her to research and streamline social. She isn't getting voted down...take on advice and suggestions would be my point to make.
Unfortunately you obviously speak to the yes people. You insulted me and I will never vote you through. To then be saying you see no reason why people are not voting you through for this proposal is arrogant and you have put your self in a view of entitlement. You are a person that is involved in pivx as a hobby. You are not staff, you are not social. You are like us all. Someone who wants to make pivx better, i respect that, i do the same myself but have actually thrown my own money at it. But you obviously have been speaking to Eric leacy and all those others who think they control the funding and who passes. Don't piss people off, be nice to everyone and stop this entitled bollox you obviously think you have. The votes control funds and you my friend have pissed controlling votes off. Don't think because Eric says yes it's going to pass.

Good day sir.
Well, first of all, I haven't disrespected anyone.

I don't even control votes, nor do I try to manipulate just because I don't like the person.

Secondly, I advise you to get to know Portuguese culture a little.

We're not a people who go around asking or talking to people to vote for me.

I prefer to spend my time volunteering to help the PIVX project.

You're not talking to a child, I'm a businessman looking for the best for the growth of PIVX and the community.

Have a nice day.

Bem, antes de mais, não faltei ao respeito a ninguém.

Nem sequer controlo votos, nem tento manipular só porque não gosto da pessoa.

Em segundo lugar, aconselho a conhecer um pouco a cultura portuguesa.

Não somos um povo que anda por aí a pedir, ou a falar com as pessoas para votarem em mim.

Prefiro passar o meu tempo a fazer voluntariado para ajudar o projeto PIVX.

Não estão a falar com uma criança, sou um homem de negócios que procura o melhor para o crescimento do PIVX e da comunidade.

Tenha uma bom dia.
Unfortunately you obviously speak to the yes people. You insulted me and I will never vote you through. To then be saying you see no reason why people are not voting you through for this proposal is arrogant and you have put your self in a view of entitlement. You are a person that is involved in pivx as a hobby. You are not staff, you are not social. You are like us all. Someone who wants to make pivx better, i respect that, i do the same myself but have actually thrown my own money at it. But you obviously have been speaking to Eric leacy and all those others who think they control the funding and who passes. Don't piss people off, be nice to everyone and stop this entitled bollox you obviously think you have. The votes control funds and you my friend have pissed controlling votes off. Don't think because Eric says yes it's going to pass.

Good day sir.
What becomes clearer to me is that you put your own personal ego over the greater good of PIVX. What is it that you think is being improved by voting No? Please be specific.
There is obviously some sort of chat going on in the closed discord to start funding people's time posting and creating stuff as multiple ones have appeared this cycle.

Portuguese and Spanish are closely similar so I don't see the point in 2. Graphics are created by multiple people already so it's only translating them.

Continue to do that if you wish but I don't see the need in both yours and


She has already proven an asset with videos and translations. My only knowledge of you is insults and as I have said before should be no where near social media platforms for a paid role. Luckily I remember names.

Continue your hobby and building pivx if you wish but there is no need in this proposal.

@LeacyMcK Have you thought of looking into ai to automatically translate all social media posts etc thenwhen you post on one channel it is then posted across all. As you are the social media manager I assume you are already looking in how to streamline these things. We don't need extra people when ai and Google translate does this automatically.

Here Is a link on a service which does this and incorporates ai.
First of all @MiguelC030 allow me to apologise on behalf of my English comrade! Spanish and portuguese are certainly not similar enough to roll into one, I'd even accept that Portuguese from portugal and portuguese from Brasil are not similar enough to roll into one.

I will personally say that the Portuguese twitter account supports my posts more than ANY other account except possibly Leacy, so their activity is certainly not questionable and in that I'm including accounts from other communities I feature on DAOWatch such as Dash and Juno.
I don't know what insults Gerald speaks of so I will not comment on that aspect, though I must highlight that conflating spain and portugal could be insulting in a similar way to how the scottish or irish would feel about being conflated with the english.

What I would say is that this proposal lacks a LOT of features which require it to be taken seriously and also things that allow us to understand fully what you're intending to do. If you feel more comfortable you should/could write the proposal in Portuguguese and have it google translated into english, this would give us english speakers a better reminder of how far from accurate google translate actually is, also English speakers will be blissfully unaware of how difficult portuguese people find it to interpret poorly presented portuguese, I've been to lisbon countless times I go twice a year and my portuguese is pretty good (I think) but they struggle to understand me at all, its a complex language.

I digress - please add metrics to the proposal, inculding views, and demographics of where those views are coming from, please also add your contact details so that people can use you as a point of contact to the wider portuguese speaking community, this may be useful for @Jeffrey when negotiating listings to tell them that we have dedicated Spanish and portuguese speaking departments and present the metrics for reach to exchanges. Please also tell us if you plan to hold any in-person meetups in the future, PIVX has historically done very well off the back of such meetups, and any local conferences you could attend on our behalf, things like that would be great for us.

Finally to Geralds point about not needing someone else to do graphics, I recently had a proposal passed and the official graphics guy decided not to create the graphics for me, he told me he was too busy. for that reason we certainly need to have multiple people creating graphics, it was a pain when rhubarb was here controlling the branding narrative, but at least he would create for everyone, regardless.

I'm on the fence with this one, the lack of adequete pre-proposal, and subsequently the lack of metrics and roadmap make this a tough one to pass although I certainly see the value here and would LOVE to support this in the same way the portuguese twitter account has been supporting me.

Best of luck! and thankyou for all your work thus far.

PT - Via ChatGPT:

Primeiramente, @MiguelC030, permita-me pedir desculpas em nome do meu camarada inglês! O espanhol e o português certamente não são semelhantes o suficiente para serem considerados como um só. Eu até aceitaria que o português de Portugal e o português do Brasil não são parecidos o suficiente para serem vistos como um só.

Posso dizer pessoalmente que a conta portuguesa no Twitter apoia as minhas publicações mais do que QUALQUER outra conta, exceto possivelmente a Leacy. Portanto, a atividade deles certamente não é questionável e isso inclui contas de outras comunidades nas quais apareço no DAOWatch, como Dash e Juno.

Não sei a que insultos Gerald se refere, por isso não vou comentar sobre esse aspecto. No entanto, devo destacar que confundir Espanha e Portugal pode ser ofensivo de uma forma semelhante a como os escoceses ou irlandeses se sentiriam ao serem confundidos com os ingleses.

O que diria é que esta proposta carece de MUITAS características para ser levada a sério e também de coisas que nos permitam entender completamente o que você pretende fazer. Se você se sentir mais à vontade, pode/deve escrever a proposta em português e traduzi-la pelo Google para o inglês. Isso nos daria aos falantes de inglês um melhor lembrete de quão impreciso o Google Tradutor pode ser. Além disso, os falantes de inglês ficarão alegremente alheios ao quanto é difícil para os portugueses interpretar português mal apresentado. Já estive em Lisboa inúmeras vezes, vou duas vezes por ano e o meu português é bastante bom (eu acho), mas eles têm dificuldade em entender-me, é uma língua complexa.

Divago - por favor, adicione métricas à proposta, incluindo visualizações e demografia de onde essas visualizações vêm. Adicione também os seus dados de contato para que as pessoas possam usar você como ponto de contato com a comunidade lusófona. Isso pode ser útil para @Jeffrey ao negociar listagens, mostrando que temos departamentos dedicados a falantes de espanhol e português e apresentar as métricas de alcance às bolsas. Informe-nos também se planeja realizar encontros presenciais no futuro. PIVX historicamente teve um bom desempenho com tais encontros e qualquer conferência local que você pudesse participar em nosso nome seria ótimo para nós.

Finalmente, quanto ao ponto de Gerald sobre não precisar de outra pessoa para fazer gráficos, recentemente tive uma proposta aprovada e o designer oficial decidiu não criar os gráficos para mim. Ele me disse que estava muito ocupado. Por isso, definitivamente precisamos de várias pessoas criando gráficos. Foi difícil quando Rhubarb estava aqui controlando a narrativa da marca, mas pelo menos ele criava para todos, independentemente.

Estou indeciso quanto a esta, a falta de uma pré-proposta adequada e, consequentemente, a falta de métricas e roteiro tornam esta proposta difícil de ser aprovada, embora eu certamente veja o valor aqui e ADORARIA apoiar isto da mesma forma que a conta portuguesa no Twitter tem me apoiado.

Boa sorte! E obrigado por todo o seu trabalho até agora.
@Gerrald at the most basic level, the person submitting a proposal should answer 3 questions;

1. What is the proposal?
2. What will it cost?
3. What will it buy?

Together, the answers to these 3 questions will help the MNO determine if the value is there or not.

Assuming the MNO perceives real value in the proposal, it is then up to the MNO to perform Due Diligence on the proposal and submitter. The MNO may ask for clarification on certain statements, or challenge facts presented etc. Characteristics of the proposal submitter that may also be important are; Reputation, Trust, Experience, Support, Track Record, Dedication etc.

All this will form an opinion for the MNO and they can vote accordingly, with the best interests of PIVX as their deciding factor.
Questions that the MNO absolutely should NOT ask themselves in the process are questions like;

What race is the submitter?
What nationality is the submitter?
What gender is the submitter?
Has the submitter pissed me off about anything?
Who is the submitter friends with?
Is the submitter pro-Trump?
Does the submitter think Covid is real?
What has the submitter said about me?
Does the submitter always agree with me?
Does the submitter always agree with someone else?
Could I be friends with the submitter?
Will voting YES/NO pump up my ego?
Is this an opportunity for me to play 'Dictator'?

Unfortunately @Gerrald, you have presented many examples over the past years, that you base your decision process on those exact racist, sexist, and other discriminatory characteristics, that have nothing to do with the value the proposal brings (or doesn't) to PIVX. The discrimination only serves to feed your ego or emotions. Every single time you do that, you lose respect among the PIVX Community. Your actions have consequences. This is on you alone. Blaming others doesn't help.

What I absolutely love about the PIVX Community, is that I get to interact with all sorts of interesting people from around the world, focused on one common goal; to make PIVX a premier privacy and freedom focused currency, used everywhere for anything! To achieve that goal, I don't need to know much about the submitter personally, other than if they can execute their proposal, and if it adds value to PIVX greater than the cost of the proposal itself. That's it. Full stop. Done. The end.

Totally cool that a person may share more about themselves with me, and I do really appreciate the trust, and the online friendship that can grow from that. But, ultimately, even if there is a proposal submitter with radically different views than me on controversial current topics, I will simply look at the 'Value-Add' for PIVX if the proposal is successful, and then do my Due Diligence on the proposal details and the ability of the submitter to succeed.

When you vote on PIVX proposals, please vote for PIVX, not for your ego. That's a united approach focused on our one common goal, that will grow PIVX, the PIVX Community, and work well for everyone.

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First of all @MiguelC030 allow me to apologise on behalf of my English comrade! Spanish and portuguese are certainly not similar enough to roll into one, I'd even accept that Portuguese from portugal and portuguese from Brasil are not similar enough to roll into one.

I will personally say that the Portuguese twitter account supports my posts more than ANY other account except possibly Leacy, so their activity is certainly not questionable and in that I'm including accounts from other communities I feature on DAOWatch such as Dash and Juno.
I don't know what insults Gerald speaks of so I will not comment on that aspect, though I must highlight that conflating spain and portugal could be insulting in a similar way to how the scottish or irish would feel about being conflated with the english.

What I would say is that this proposal lacks a LOT of features which require it to be taken seriously and also things that allow us to understand fully what you're intending to do. If you feel more comfortable you should/could write the proposal in Portuguguese and have it google translated into english, this would give us english speakers a better reminder of how far from accurate google translate actually is, also English speakers will be blissfully unaware of how difficult portuguese people find it to interpret poorly presented portuguese, I've been to lisbon countless times I go twice a year and my portuguese is pretty good (I think) but they struggle to understand me at all, its a complex language.

I digress - please add metrics to the proposal, inculding views, and demographics of where those views are coming from, please also add your contact details so that people can use you as a point of contact to the wider portuguese speaking community, this may be useful for @Jeffrey when negotiating listings to tell them that we have dedicated Spanish and portuguese speaking departments and present the metrics for reach to exchanges. Please also tell us if you plan to hold any in-person meetups in the future, PIVX has historically done very well off the back of such meetups, and any local conferences you could attend on our behalf, things like that would be great for us.

Finally to Geralds point about not needing someone else to do graphics, I recently had a proposal passed and the official graphics guy decided not to create the graphics for me, he told me he was too busy. for that reason we certainly need to have multiple people creating graphics, it was a pain when rhubarb was here controlling the branding narrative, but at least he would create for everyone, regardless.

I'm on the fence with this one, the lack of adequete pre-proposal, and subsequently the lack of metrics and roadmap make this a tough one to pass although I certainly see the value here and would LOVE to support this in the same way the portuguese twitter account has been supporting me.

Best of luck! and thankyou for all your work thus far.

PT - Via ChatGPT:

Primeiramente, @MiguelC030, permita-me pedir desculpas em nome do meu camarada inglês! O espanhol e o português certamente não são semelhantes o suficiente para serem considerados como um só. Eu até aceitaria que o português de Portugal e o português do Brasil não são parecidos o suficiente para serem vistos como um só.

Posso dizer pessoalmente que a conta portuguesa no Twitter apoia as minhas publicações mais do que QUALQUER outra conta, exceto possivelmente a Leacy. Portanto, a atividade deles certamente não é questionável e isso inclui contas de outras comunidades nas quais apareço no DAOWatch, como Dash e Juno.

Não sei a que insultos Gerald se refere, por isso não vou comentar sobre esse aspecto. No entanto, devo destacar que confundir Espanha e Portugal pode ser ofensivo de uma forma semelhante a como os escoceses ou irlandeses se sentiriam ao serem confundidos com os ingleses.

O que diria é que esta proposta carece de MUITAS características para ser levada a sério e também de coisas que nos permitam entender completamente o que você pretende fazer. Se você se sentir mais à vontade, pode/deve escrever a proposta em português e traduzi-la pelo Google para o inglês. Isso nos daria aos falantes de inglês um melhor lembrete de quão impreciso o Google Tradutor pode ser. Além disso, os falantes de inglês ficarão alegremente alheios ao quanto é difícil para os portugueses interpretar português mal apresentado. Já estive em Lisboa inúmeras vezes, vou duas vezes por ano e o meu português é bastante bom (eu acho), mas eles têm dificuldade em entender-me, é uma língua complexa.

Divago - por favor, adicione métricas à proposta, incluindo visualizações e demografia de onde essas visualizações vêm. Adicione também os seus dados de contato para que as pessoas possam usar você como ponto de contato com a comunidade lusófona. Isso pode ser útil para @Jeffrey ao negociar listagens, mostrando que temos departamentos dedicados a falantes de espanhol e português e apresentar as métricas de alcance às bolsas. Informe-nos também se planeja realizar encontros presenciais no futuro. PIVX historicamente teve um bom desempenho com tais encontros e qualquer conferência local que você pudesse participar em nosso nome seria ótimo para nós.

Finalmente, quanto ao ponto de Gerald sobre não precisar de outra pessoa para fazer gráficos, recentemente tive uma proposta aprovada e o designer oficial decidiu não criar os gráficos para mim. Ele me disse que estava muito ocupado. Por isso, definitivamente precisamos de várias pessoas criando gráficos. Foi difícil quando Rhubarb estava aqui controlando a narrativa da marca, mas pelo menos ele criava para todos, independentemente.

Estou indeciso quanto a esta, a falta de uma pré-proposta adequada e, consequentemente, a falta de métricas e roteiro tornam esta proposta difícil de ser aprovada, embora eu certamente veja o valor aqui e ADORARIA apoiar isto da mesma forma que a conta portuguesa no Twitter tem me apoiado.

Boa sorte! E obrigado por todo o seu trabalho até agora.
Many thanks for your message.

When I decided to present my proposal, it was to get help from the DAO community and to be able to take the PIVX name further. I'm not charging anyone for all the work I've done for PIVX and the community, I'm just showing what I've done, and what I can do or maintain for PIVX, as I've been proving all this time.

I've said many times that I'm proud to be part of the project, and to be able to help PIVX in one way or another.

I'm not saying that I'm happy to see the proposal turned down, but I'm not going to stop helping the community just because MN doesn't like my help or devalues it.

I like helping the general PIVX community, and I'm going to continue. Because I love PIVX

Have a good day, everyone, and thank you for your votes of confidence.

Quando decidi apresentar a minha proposta, foi para obter ajuda da comunidade DAO e poder levar mais longe o nome PIVX. Não estou a cobrar a ninguém por todo o trabalho que fiz por PIVX e comunidade, estou apenas a mostra o que fiz, e o que posso fazer ou manter pelo PIVX, como tenho vindo a provar ao longo de todo este tempo.
Já disse muitas vezes que me orgulho de fazer parte do projeto, e de poder ajudar a PIVX de uma forma ou de outra.

Não estou a dizer que estou feliz por ver a proposta recusada, mas não vou deixar de ajudar a comunidade só porque os MN não gostam da minha ajuda ou a desvalorizam.

Gosto de ajudar a comunidade geral do PIVX , e vou continuar. Porque eu amo PIVX

Um bom dia para todos e obrigado pelos os votos de confiança.