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Ended Content strategist problem's


Active Pivian
Well I'll post my reply here to the essay you wrote @LeacyMcK

The problem is you can't face criticism. I didn't post on pivx channels I posted on siegge account which judging by his followers is far out of reach of the world seeing pivx as a "problem" project with no organisation. I posted on there because you have stopped all comments and replies on huge number of posts because of spam? Part of the job is to root through the spam and delete it, not stop all engagements on posts to save you doing it.

You've spread your tasks so far that you arnt putting enough time in to manage posts and replies which shows with the huge declines in engagements.

I used your own figures on socials to show whatever you are doing isn't working. It is not an attack on you as a person as I would do the same to every single person that is not performing to a standard, again using your own numbers you provide to show interactions, followers, clicks, replies, engagements.

These numbers are terrible so if you cant take the criticism and then figure out how to improve then maybe you should leave social media to someone else. You immediately went on the attack when i was asking would extra hash tags help. I tagged our new this cycle marketing person for his views and how to improve these numbers but again you chose to ignore this and attack me and then even close the discussion on your proposal.

None of my comments were attacking you, just using your own numbers to say hey maybe this bit of the job isn't for you and to split the proposal up. My suggestion was community liaison to Jeffery.

Also if your so needed maybe it's time to open up these closed jobs and all this extra work your doing for other people to realise this and work along side you so there are others around to relieve you of tasks while also getting trained up to do the tasks. Opening it up to everyone on what these bits of the job involve will hopefully create more proposals to throw others hat into the game.

For those wondering what we're on about

Meanwhile ......
So, what I see, is @LeacyMcK is working smarter, not harder.

The Privacy Roundtable, which @LeacyMcK founded and still manages, elevated PIVX exposure across multiple socials. Now, her efforts have reached a new milestone, where influencers are coming to us! (This is not the first time.)

Where is that in your 'numbers'?
That's great! Community liaison level great but not social media content great. If you can't see the numbers declining all the time as a problem what's the point in discussing? I want to show the problem and find out ways to improve as was showj tagging the new marketing guy.

That's my only problem. I suggested the split on proposal, she can continue doing those tasks she's great at but the numbers on social show that part isn't her forte.
Tell you what ..... start with this;

Go find someone effective and trustworthy to support socials on Facebook, and Reddit. I'm sure @LeacyMcK would love to have that help!
Also, since you voted down Shorn, and Meerkat is slammed, please find more graphic design people too.

@Hawtch has his own game plan, and NEEDS @LeacyMcK to be part of the team.

There is absolutely nothing stopping others from joining and proving themselves.

Correction ..... your 'scorched earth' approach is stopping others from joining.

OK @SiggeB is my nomination to take the social side off leacy.

I didn't say get rid of leacy just split proposal up away from her managing the socials and give someone else a chance plus relieve some of this pressure of the other things that are taking up her time instead of managing the social.channels properly.
You still not going to comment on the numbers? If this wasn't your friend would you feel the same? I suspect not.
Hey Borris,
I wanted to weigh in here. I know I'm newer and trust is still being earned, which is fine, but I'd like to throw my 2 cents in the ring if that's cool.

Firstly, I get what you are saying and to a certain degree you are spot on.
As far as I understand, you're conveying that you get she has been valuable in the past for growing socials, but recognize she is now stretched thin. You believe that the twitter and socials response/outreach has been suffering because of this. Valid concern if you look and see lower analytics and you see less interactions. In fact I think it's reasonable and your right to bring it up as a Masternode Owner.

I think you are spot on when it comes to the perspective of someone being stretched thin and thus it's harder to be in 5 places at once. You are very right.
I also really agree that we need to consider refining roles for what best suits us - I think this should always be the case. However, I don't think the solution is to revise/change-up a role without finding someone to help who is just as competent. You make a great point about splitting up the responsibilities or slowly finding someone to be trained alongside the existing team - giving more room for people to do what they would like to and allowing the team to grow in it's efforts.

Now I'm not saying I think LeacyMck isn't doing her job. Not at all. In fact I think given her workload and everything considered she's a freakin' superhero.
I also think she has a point when it comes to Twitter and socials being fickle - I have found this in many areas of social media myself, specifically around privacy Crypto projects (coins & NFTs). For some reason Twitter randomly can shadow ban accounts, lower outreach, and de-prioritize efforts. It can be infuriating. Saying that, I also think she could benefit from some extra help. I do think you have a great point, Borris - we need to consider having more hands on deck to split tasks up and to give ourselves MORE capability to, well....DO MORE!

In my opinion, this can have an incredibly positive outcome.
I think this isn't the time to prune, but instead grow. If LeacyMck is happy where she is but there is something struggling it's PERFECTLY fine for you (Borris/MN owners) to question what's going on - and it's also perfectly fine for a worker to not always yield amazing results despite efforts, especially in business development and marketing. It's the people business and people are fickle. It happens.
LeacyMck can clearly do her job, since she has for years and helped grow PIVX. If she is struggling for whatever reason, let's definitely figure it out. I think by now she's earned enough trust for us to believe her when she says despite her best efforts socials are struggling with growth.

In my opinion, your proposal (Borris) to figure out a pivot in roles or an aspect of bringing help is not unreasonable if workload is too much.
I DON'T HOWEVER think we should stop funding someone who clearly is necessary to the well being and daily function of PIVX. Who we also don't have a replacement for...and this is not because I want to take her job, because I don't. In fact I would much rather work with her more as a team and add more people to that team.

If people are stretched thin but not reaching out to the community, or explaining things to Masternode owners, OR asking for help...than that's a bit on them as well. They need to vocalize and thus set expectation. I firmly believe noone here wants to cut each other down for the sake of it - we all want PIVX to succeed, do a good job, and profit (even if it's from different perspectives).

I think we should expand.
I would like to propose we reach out to more people to come alongside the already existing workers and do exactly what you said Borris - help lighten the load and split up work. This will allow those who feel comfortable and more suited to certain roles to be able to take them, take stress off people's shoulders, and expand PIVX in a big way.
REALISTICALLY if we want PIVX to grow past a small-medium business, that needs to include team size growth as work load WILL INCREASE. This most likely includes the monthly treasurey as well (which is probably a different talk).

I'm almost done my TED talk, don't worry ;) haha

I STRONGLY believe that one of the main hinderances of PIVX growth right now is every month workers having to put in a new proposal and fear that they may lose their source of income.
This causes stress and anxiety, which lowers ability to perform on the job. I think if we trust these individuals because they've proven themselves, they should not be voted down when there are concerns (alteast not right away), but instead approached first (just like what you are doing now, Borris). I think long standing roles should be challenged in results, but also be allowed to fail/falter/struggle to a certain degree. If we can move to a standard of long-term trust and enhanced communication, from the outside looking in, this makes working with PIVX more appealing. If we are to hire more reliable people it needs to be seen less of a month to month contract job but a relatively reliable thing (obviously with a period of earning trust, like volunteering and first couple months funded).

I have noticed that while the team is very talented, the system of proposals every month makes peoples minds focused on yielding short-term results and self-driven results rather than focusing on the bigger picture TOGETHER as a team. I don't think I have a perfect solution, but I think it starts with more communication on all sides and more trusting each other on all sides.

CONTEXT: I fully understand that I am newer (in the full time role). I also know in a way this doesn't apply to me since I am still earning trust.

FINALLY, about a place to talk...
In response to your (Borris) twitter comment. I fully agree. I don't think we have the solution, but seeing the problem is the first step. We have people from all across the globe with different cultures, ages, and digital competency. On top of that, cultures gravitate to certain medias (ie Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Whatsapp). I think the combination of what we have now is good enough.

In my option, the actual problem is finding a person/people to be a dedicated Community Manager(s) - someone who's whole job is to foster community, bring people together, host events, start conversations, and generally help with the atmosphere of PIVX on the various platforms. I have seen this in NFT and other Crypto projects - it is effective and treated as a must-have.

This has been Hawtch. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
I'll be here all month.... 🎙️;)
You can nominate anyone you want, and even with 100's of nominations, that does nothing if they don't want to do the task.
In other words, it doesn't work that way. Plus, @SiggeB , whom you trust, has made his position clear. So has @Hawtch .


My solution to end the dead lock is

Unban everyone and set the rules no racisim or direct attacks on someones person.

Criticism on a proposal or work being done has got to be accepted.

More communication with the whole community to show what is actually being done so others can pick up on what's invovled in each role and hopefully more proposals start appearing to challenge and work alongside.

No closed door discussions unless nda.

This month will become a pass while discussions take place off socials and back on discord where pretty much all chat is happening but this will not happen with the bans in place.

We can then discuss how best to proceed and support leacy in her other tasks, work out who will take the brunt of social media, I suggest @SiggeB . Discussions on funding, hours etc can be done also.

Someone also needs to be working along side leacy in her other tasks, kinda like a shadow to help support and be able to do the job aswell.

I don't know siegge, talk to him or trust him but you all do, which is why I suggested him. He is just really active on socials.
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No closed door discussions unless nda.
You know that PIVX is a PRIVACY and FREEDOM focused project - right?

As such, there will always be 'closed door' discussions. People are FREE to exercise their right to PRIVACY. There is NOTHING wrong with this.

Besides, there is nothing that can be done to police that. More importantly, when you were in the PIVX Discord, and I was an Admin, you kept asserting specific conversations were taking place. They weren't in any public/private channels, and when I asked around if such conversations were happening in private group DMs, no one knew of any. Of course, it is impossible to prove the negative, so given your conspiracy theory attitude, you are always going to be thinking there are discussions taking place without your knowledge no matter what anyone does or doesn't do.

Get over it. Everyone in PIVX has been super transparent when necessary.
My solution to end the dead lock is

Unban everyone and set the rules no racisim or direct attacks on someones person.

You were banned for the drama you caused. Same for others. Removing the ban makes it worse. That's on you and the others. You have done absolutely nothing to suggest you have changed your ways. Until then, I doubt the ban will be lifted for you.

Change your ways and ditch the drama.

1. TRUST people that have been here a long time and know what they are doing.
2. Don't assume you know better.
3. If you have a concern, do your homework first.
4. Then ask nicely.
5. Evaluate the feedback.
6. Vote accordingly.

You do it in the total opposite way: You vote down first, wait for them to guess it is you, then you piss them off with accusations and threats, with zero consideration for the harm you are causing the individual and PIVX as a whole.

Someone also needs to be working along side leacy in her other tasks, kinda like a shadow to help support and be able to do the job aswell.

Why 'shadow'? If someone wants to help, all they have to do is ask how they can help, and she will explain where.

But really, if you treat people the way you do, with failed logic and threats, do you really expect people to want to help?

Think we're done with this conversation then. You are not open for discussions and compromises. Ive set my proposal to end the dead lock so guess we stay as we are. Good day sir!
See! That's what happens when you communicate in a tone like I just did. The quote is; "People respond in kind."

So, imagine if you had instead, voted based on long term past performance and trust, and then asked simple polite questions like this;

Hey @LeacyMcK, I noticed that there is no effort being applied to Facebook. Why is that? Do we need someone who is dedicated to Facebook because it takes so much time? Or is it just low value for some reason?

or ....

Hello @LeacyMcK, I see that sometimes you use the #BTC hashtag, and sometimes you don't. Why is that? Actually, how are hashtags determined?

or .....

Good morning @LeacyMcK , I see you are tackling a lot with your proposal and getting some amazing traction with the Privacy Round table as well as putting in a lot of effort each month for the Binance report. That report alone shows the team trusts you given the responsibility that goes with that task. Where do you think you could use help that is also an area we could possibly find support for you?

Now, of course, how she responds would absolutely be determined by how you have been treating her in the past. But, THAT is the point!

Instead of that approach, you down vote massively, then nit pick on something you haven't researched, and make threats.

Do you not see the problem here? Your approach is a MAJOR problem for PIVX.

I mean, who is the one not open for discussions and compromises here? YOU!

Okay guys lets start fresh right here. Lets coordinate correctly and be fair for all.

Now I'm going to agree with @Gerrald and say yes he should be apart of all discussions that happen in public through our channels however there will always be private conversations this is a norm for all projects. Every single person here regardless of their personal vendettas has helped me immensely in one way or the other, this is a sign we all want the best for PIVX. Now downvoting and asking questions after or not at all is not the way, I do understand that there have been some heated debates that could look bad in a public space and therefore that may have led to the ban, perhaps @fuzzbawls can also be open minded and chime in here and perhaps we can all have a civil discussion.

If we are talking about work that is being done, socials are being done great, @LeacyMcK is fantastic at using her social capabilities to branch PIVX out to realms never seen before such as the Twitter Spaces (Privacy Round Table) to lose this is detrimental to the success of the project which is currently what I, you, Eric, Leacy and more invest in personally, we all suffer regardless. I understand that some issues may have arisen but its time to look past that and start anew.

I emplore everyone here to please in a civil manner ask your questions, read the questions and try best to answer. If you feel the need to attack then understand the response will obviously be a defensive one and not something you would want to read.

Shoud we all work as a team and uplift instead of bring down then I don't see why you wouldn't be included in the future. You have personally helped me and my vouch is already in.

I also do not mind criticism or questions but I too would be annoyed if downvotes were sudden and the questions undermined my capabilities and didn't respect my position. So here onwards can we be civil, show respect and give time to those asking questions?
Shit happens, things have been said, but really look at the bigger picture, the success of PIVX.
The downvotes are not really all of a sudden tho are they? If you scroll back through previous proposals I say the same stuff and get the same answers and am shut down. The down votes have been there for months just now they tipped into not passing.

The only way any discussion or information ever is when downvotes occur and funding will be withdrawn. I always said this power shift would happen eventually and now more people are voting you need to open your mind to think maybe your way is not the only way and we all work together to create a better outcome. Because at the moment now more no votes keep appearing so something is definitely not going right for multiple proposals.

Insulting me or anyone else for asking questions you don't like, calling out poor performances, in this case social channels when the discussions were backed up with your own data provided is not on. I was creating discussions for improvements but you see it as an attack.
@Jeffrey , I know that everyone has bent over backwards to work with Borris, for YEARS. He has been given countless chances to change his ways. I have seen no evidence of it at all. It is WAY overdue for Borris to take a major step back - rethink his approach - and then try a new one. Only once Borris shows positive change, can we expect others to reciprocate. That's my view anyways.

Actually, he also needs to follow these points I made in an earlier post, and show he understands how PIVX operates. From what I see, he has only partially addressed ONE of the 10 points.

@Gerrald , if you want to be respected and trusted in PIVX again here is the strategy I think will work. I can't know this for sure and it will take time, but it is the only possible way forward from what I can see.

1. Start being respectful to everyone.
2. Understand PIVX is a Meritocracy.
3. Accept that MNOs can only direct the flow of Treasury funds.
4. Understand that PIVX is a DAO, which is comprised of MNOs AND the Community.
5. Contribute where you can. (I see you have been climbing the learning curve on Twitter. That's good. Keep it up!)
6. Take emotion out of your decisions. If you don't like a person - but they are adding value to PIVX, support them!
7. Ask as many questions as you like, but don't assume you are the expert. LISTEN to the answers!
8. Remember, that most everyone is a volunteer at PIVX. Even those that are paid, volunteer many additional hours. They deserve respect!
9. Stop the bully tactics. They don't work. They hurt PIVX. They remove power from you too, because it kills any respect people have for you.
10. Apologize sincerely and profusely for your mistakes.

There are probably more points. I have made a similar list for you before. But, only after you have demonstrated you passed each of the points, for an extended period of time, can you hope to get access to the main PIVX Discord again. That's what I believe it will take. I don't know that. It is not for me to decide. However, what I do know, is that the path you are on is going the total opposite direction.
1. Start being respectful to everyone.

I've insulted no one?

2. Understand PIVX is a Meritocracy.

And there we have why you won't and can't give up power. That is not my view of how pivx is and if you believe that is the case let's see what happens to people when funding is withdrawn...no one works for free.

3. Accept that MNOs can only direct the flow of Treasury funds.

yes they direct funds but they control the direction of pivx. No one works for free. Cut the devs pay they won't work. They don't work on merits. Again watch people leave when they don't get paid. Luckily alot of worthwhile devs and people such as Jeffery get alot of votes.

This also was not the case with major decisions. Treasury changes jumps to mind. If mnos don't control the direction why was there a vote?

4. Understand that PIVX is a DAO, which is comprised of MNOs AND the Community.

Maybe understand that if you cut off part of the community expect heated discussions.

5. Contribute where you can. (I see you have been climbing the learning curve on Twitter. That's good. Keep it up!)

Being involved needs to be in discussions. Luckily jeffery is friendly and talks but i say to him all the time he shouldnt have to be the middle man. How do you expect to be involved if I'm not in the discussions?

6. Take emotion out of your decisions. If you don't like a person - but they are adding value to PIVX, support them!

Did i ever say i dont like anyone? You must of been reading my comments or glancing over them because what i have been saying is trying to help. You just see it as attack.

7. Ask as many questions as you like, but don't assume you are the expert. LISTEN to the answers!

Where did I say I was an expert? I said I wasn't but neither is leacy in this case as shown on the statistics she has provided and I tried to get discussions going on how to improve.

8. Remember, that most everyone is a volunteer at PIVX. Even those that are paid, volunteer many additional hours. They deserve respect!

I'm still not sure where I have insulted anyone? Are you reading in an angry tone?

9. Stop the bully tactics. They don't work. They hurt PIVX. They remove power from you too, because it kills any respect people have for you.

i explained Why I don't feel its worth it? I suggested things? Your control has faded and it's showing in the votes. More people don't agree with how things are being run just look at nos! And for the record I have only voted no on 1 proposal...so reflect on that.

10. Apologize sincerely and profusely for your mistakes.

My mistake was thinking I was part of this community. Spent thousands of pivx in early days to be shunned out as well as multiple other people who also thought they were. Luckily your power is dwindling and your going have to either work together with people that have different views of you or accept some proposals may fail. I have set my proposal above.