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Ended Content strategist problem's

Re; "This also was not the case with major decisions. Treasury changes jumps to mind. If mnos don't control the direction why was there a vote?"

There was no MNO vote. There was a proposal in Discord, followed by months of Q&A. Then, a summary of what the general consensus was understood to be, and everyone was given weeks to provide a reason why we shouldn't proceed, or an alternate solution. No one provided reasons to not proceed, or an alternate solution. That was then understood to be COMMUNITY CONSENSUS.

This is all documented in the main Discord and is still there for review.
Re; "Maybe understand that if you cut off part of the community expect heated discussions."

Yep. But, you were ripping apart the Community like a bull in a China shop. Being part of the Community is a privilege, not a right. You don't have the right to abuse that privilege to disrespect everyone and be extremely toxic.
Re; "And there we have why you won't and can't give up power."

I don't think you understand what a Meritocracy is. It has absolutely nothing to do with my view. It just is.

Many people volunteer their time. As they prove themselves, they gain opportunities and responsibilities. That's how it works when you have volunteers.

Of course, in the past, we relied heavily on volunteers. Even those that got paid, were only paid a token amount, that was well below market rate. What they were paid was simply a sign of respect.

Now, with the increased rewards, that is still true! I expect that while the amount people are paid is indeed more substantial, it is still not enough to cover the hours they put in. As such, they still include volunteer hours along with what they are paid for.

People do work for free. Until the rewards change, I would estimate 95% of the effort to build PIVX was volunteer. But, at that pace, we were not moving forward fast enough. People often need at least some, or a substantial amount of their time paid for. That's where we are now for many roles.

These are all facts. Doesn't matter what you think. They just are.

Now, if you vote everyone down, will they still keep working? Probably. At the same pace? Absolutely not. Plus, when the funds free up to pay them again, they will likely have moved focus and priority on to other projects, where they are respected and properly compensated for their skills and contribution.

So, if you want to play Dictator and vote everyone down, go for it. But, realize you will hurt PIVX significantly. Even those still getting paid, will consider moving on, because they will no longer see a future at PIVX. We already have trouble attracting talent because of the insecurities they see with the MNO treasury control.
Re; "Did i ever say i dont like anyone?"

Yes. You have made racist comments in the past. When you provide feedback, it is rarely CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. The criticism you provide is usually insulting, offensive, and very disrespectful. If that is how you treat people you like, I would be shocked to see how you treat people you dislike.
My solution to end the dead lock is

Unban everyone and set the rules no racisim or direct attacks on someones person.

Criticism on a proposal or work being done has got to be accepted.

More communication with the whole community to show what is actually being done so others can pick up on what's invovled in each role and hopefully more proposals start appearing to challenge and work alongside.

No closed door discussions unless nda.

This month will become a pass while discussions take place off socials and back on discord where pretty much all chat is happening but this will not happen with the bans in place.

We can then discuss how best to proceed and support leacy in her other tasks, work out who will take the brunt of social media, I suggest @SiggeB . Discussions on funding, hours etc can be done also.

Someone also needs to be working along side leacy in her other tasks, kinda like a shadow to help support and be able to do the job aswell.

I don't know siegge, talk to him or trust him but you all do, which is why I suggested him. He is just really active on socials.
At this moment, I'm not interested in such a role. I'm perfectly happy with my current role: I contribute when I have the time and enthusiasm.

I trust @LeacyMcK 100%. For any role to be supported, we need more members to come and contribute, and to gain trust in the community, I like the usual path that they start off as volunteers. It's crucial that new people are vetted over time. We are a privacy community, and the right mindset is important. Trust is a two-directional road.

One of our strong selling points is that we are a friendly community. This is what brought me to PIVX, and scared me away from Monero. Now imagine there are many more people like me out there, who give and demand respect to and from others. Let's be attractive to them by living this principle inside this community.

Discussions are important, as are differing opinions. But we shall never cease to be respectful to others in our ways to express our opinions.

The biggest room in the world is the room for self-improvement. I deeply trust in ANYONE'S ability to improve, and I have faith in a deeply rooted drive in everyone of us to want to improve. Let's all do what's needed, and start with ourselves.
Re; "Did i ever say i dont like anyone?"

Yes. You have made racist comments in the past. When you provide feedback, it is rarely CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. The criticism you provide is usually insulting, offensive, and very disrespectful. If that is how you treat people you like, I would be shocked to see how you treat people you dislike.
Typical lefty. Throw the racist attack. Point me to any racist comment I have ever said.

Quick scan here's a proposal that isn't about funding. There were others but I haven't got time to spoon feed you information.

Her performance on socials is terrible as figures show. Split proposal up and lower the $ VALUE for doing the other bits she's excels at...community liaison stuff.

I'm not rewarding failure after failure on social media. I'd rather not pay anyone and let the volunteers take over than pay for poor work. The other option is my proposal and we work through how to improve together.

Meritocracy is how you see it working. I dont. Just how a dao should be, differing opinions and the consensus wins I.e. the vote! Great to see this working properly now with others voting.

You can't be placed in a position and expect to stay there forever because of your merit. There is a voting system in place to do that. Not back room deals, friends of friends being placed in positions. You may not like how that works but it is and is showing now. Always said this shift would happen. Performance starts slipping, nos start appearing, people get voted out. The dao!
Does the word 'leeches' ring a bell?
Leeches? 😂 how is that racisim. The context was multiple people putting proposals in leeching funds from budget.

plural noun: leeches
an aquatic or terrestrial annelid worm with suckers at both ends. Many species are bloodsucking parasites, especially of vertebrates, and others are predators.
a person who extorts profit from or sponges on others.
"they are leeches feeding off the hard-working majority"
@Gerrald , you clearly feel Social Media is important. That's good.

The normal process for most every area in PIVX, is for people to first volunteer to demonstrate their abilities, and to do so over a period of time, to earn respect and trust. As they do that, more and more opportunities come their way, for them to show their value. Eventually, depending of the value provided, and the effort/time required, as well as the income they are forgoing by spending time on PIVX, they reach a point where being paid thru a proposal is justified.

Do you agree with this process?
@Gerrald , you clearly feel Social Media is important. That's good.

The normal process for most every area in PIVX, is for people to first volunteer to demonstrate their abilities, and to do so over a period of time, to earn respect and trust. As they do that, more and more opportunities come their way, for them to show their value. Eventually, depending of the value provided, and the effort/time required, as well as the income they are forgoing by spending time on PIVX, they reach a point where being paid thru a proposal is justified.

Do you agree with this process?
Yes and it gets to a point when you can't reward failings over many months. The statistics provided speak for themselves. Reports have been detailed past few months so you give people a chance.

No one can say i havent mentioned about the problems for many months. The no votes have been increasing all the time. I voted yes for past couple of months so dont put this blame on me. There is a huge chunk of nos without mine. I'm just more vocal.

So maybe best go back to the volunteers for time being until someone feels ready to step up or even leacy carries on but doesn't get paid for that bit until improvements are seen.

Heres an analogy for you. You wouldn't continue paying a builder if they were building your house bad would you? You'd get them to fix the problems first and then start paying again or get rid of them completely.
Well, first off, you just agreed that PIVX is a Meritocracy. That's good.

Now, if Social Media is so important, why would you want it to stop? Why wouldn't you support someone who is doing a better job instead? If there isn't anyone else, why wouldn't you wait for a person with better skills to show up?

Note that we have been actively looking for people to support on channels such as Facebook, Reddit, Medium, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok etc. and people are welcome to prove themselves on other Twitter accounts. This is what Hawtch is starting with @PIVX_marketing. Others moderate social accounts for other languages too.

Many people have attempted to do better, and to date, no one has, or had the 'staying power' either. What has happened many times, is that new people who try, realize how hard it is, and then lean hard on LeacyMcK who ends up doing the work for them, while they get credit. Eventually, they give up, and she is forced to clean up their mess.

So, there is nothing stopping this 'new person' you want to see running socials, from stepping up, and if we just let it stop while we wait for that person to show up, we can expect it to take a very long time.

The only logical path forward I see, is to find a replacement first. Otherwise, PIVX suffers greatly. Further, during that process, I believe you will come to understand that she is indeed working hard and providing significant value on socials too.

You are free to think someone else should be doing socials, and support that person instead when they submit a proposal, but there is no logic in stopping socials until then.
Well, first off, you just agreed that PIVX is a Meritocracy. That's good.

Now, if Social Media is so important, why would you want it to stop? Why wouldn't you support someone who is doing a better job instead? If there isn't anyone else, why wouldn't you wait for a person with better skills to show up?

Note that we have been actively looking for people to support on channels such as Facebook, Reddit, Medium, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok etc. and people are welcome to prove themselves on other Twitter accounts. This is what Hawtch is starting with @PIVX_marketing. Others moderate social accounts for other languages too.

Many people have attempted to do better, and to date, no one has, or had the 'staying power' either. What has happened many times, is that new people who try, realize how hard it is, and then lean hard on LeacyMcK who ends up doing the work for them, while they get credit. Eventually, they give up, and she is forced to clean up their mess.

So, there is nothing stopping this 'new person' you want to see running socials, from stepping up, and if we just let it stop while we wait for that person to show up, we can expect it to take a very long time.

The only logical path forward I see, is to find a replacement first. Otherwise, PIVX suffers greatly. Further, during that process, I believe you will come to understand that she is indeed working hard and providing significant value on socials too.

You are free to think someone else should be doing socials, and support that person instead when they submit a proposal, but there is no logic in stopping socials until then.
I'm not agreeing to anything to do with Meritocracy. I don't think it should be how it is but currently you have set it up so it work like that so voting down proposals supports my view that if you want the job put a proposal in and see if it's accepted.

Relinquishing the power of this Meritocracy you have established is the challenge but slow and steady. Ive mentioned loads before, I mentioned it last cycle. You have set it up that people are placed and won't give up the control easily. First step is voting down proposals that are not worthwhile. People can call themselves whatever they like but my view is if your voted out you are no longer habe that role.

Kinda like socialists and conservatives. They both see the system differently. Currently people have been placed there due to voting powers allowing them to be funded without any consequences or accountability. Just being passed due to no opposition is how it is has been set up. Now its changing like I said it would.

We have multiple Social ones now and have for months. Just takes one to step up and say i will give it ago. Then the logins should be passed over if the masternode owners pass to allow them the chance. Until then she can call herself whatever but she won't be getting my vote for socials.

Advertising is the start. What is expected, what is needed. Obviously this is a discussion to be had with the whole community.

I would rather no one be paid for a poor job than pay someone because there is no alternative. The social reach is poor so removing it will make little to no difference if there is no volunteer for now but I guarantee someone is there to do some posts.

I suggested removing all social media from the proposal. Putting a new one in for the other jobs she does. I would vote yes for that but there needs to be a dedicated person that sits and just does socials, replying, commenting, sharing around all of the Web. Not just a simple pivx tag and privacy matters. They simply are not getting seen.
The PIVX Meritocracy is not something any person put in place. It is a natural thing that happens, when many passionate people volunteer their time.

Social accounts will not be handed off to an untrusted person who has not proven themselves and stood the test of time. Your approach is exactly what S3v3nH4cks did for @PIVX_community and we were never able to regain control of that account. Giving the "keys of the kingdom" to a stranger we advertised for on the Internet is suicide.
Re: "I'm not agreeing to anything to do with Meritocracy."

Well, I specifically asked; "Do you agree with this process?" which was by definition Meritocracy.

You then answered; "Yes ..."

Later, you stated; "I'm not agreeing to anything to do with Meritocracy."

REALLY hard to understand you and move forward when you agree to Meritocracy and then immediately contradict your own words.

You also stated; " I don't think it should be ..."

That's fine to think that. But you don't get to decide that. PIVX is built on volunteerism. It is impossible to make someone volunteer, or stop them from volunteering. Doesn't matter how many votes you have.
Re: "I'm not agreeing to anything to do with Meritocracy."

Well, I specifically asked; "Do you agree with this process?" which was by definition Meritocracy.

You then answered; "Yes ..."

Later, you stated; "I'm not agreeing to anything to do with Meritocracy."

REALLY hard to understand you and move forward when you agree to Meritocracy and then immediately contradict your own words.

You also stated; " I don't think it should be ..."

That's fine to think that. But you don't get to decide that. PIVX is built on volunteerism. It is impossible to make someone volunteer, or stop them from volunteering. Doesn't matter how many votes you have.
Not as many as you! But I'm not going no where and as I said from the start, the voting would and has shifted. Be good to work together and discuss things as a community but you have already shut down the opposition in discord. Only reason discussions are happening now is because voting has shifted away from your favour and you can't pass things on your own. Your going have to learn to compromise, find a middle ground. I'm willing to accept you need to of built up your merit system to be In positions and then voted through for funding but if your voted out that's you done for that role is my view.
Dude, I haven't been able to pass things on my own for many many years.

Really wish you would understand how the DAO works. But, it will become obvious soon enough.

Question: What must you do, if I tell you to stop/start volunteering time for PIVX? (Hint: Nothing. Let that sink in.)
Dude, I haven't been able to pass things on my own for many many years.

Really wish you would understand how the DAO works. But, it will become obvious soon enough.

Question: What must you do, if I tell you to stop/start volunteering time for PIVX? (Hint: Nothing. Let that sink in.)
Your view of the dao is not the view of others. Your control has been dwindling for years but you can block most proposals still. Now the blocking can happen both ways. Suck up your narcissistic behaviour and realise you need to work with people that have different views than you. Middle grounds, open discussions. If not what's the point in your communistic beliefs when proposals can be blocked each way? Your view of how the dao works isn't the only way/view. You need to accept that. Both sides of this argument are not going no where and my view seems to be increasing more than yours...just look at the votes. If your not doing a good job you get voted out. Open the discussions to all so everyone can express the views without insults, attacks and bans. Then let's work on a consensus/middle ground. This is not unreasonable, this is how a dao should work.
Narcissistic? Communist?

Never been called either before. Thanks for the laugh.

But, what I see from your response, is classic projection.

I'm just stating facts. They are not true because I am exercising some kind of authority. They are true, even if I didn't exist.

A person can't be forced to volunteer or to stop volunteering. In fact, the FREEDOM to do so, is the definition of Volunteer!


Same goes for a proposal. Others can offer feedback on a proposal, or suggest someone put forward a proposal, but ultimately, the person has the FREEDOM to decide if they want to submit a proposal or not.

Yet, me explaining how people have FREEDOM is narcissistic? Sorry, but being narcissistic is about exercising control. That's what you are doing. Not me. I am doing the opposite and letting people volunteer, or not, and submit proposals, or not.

All I can do is ask questions, provide feedback, and vote on proposals. Who does the volunteering or submits proposals is out of my control.

This is why I state you are projecting. You are the narcissist trying to control everything, and everyone sees that.

It is clear you want to be a Dictator, so I guess that's where the communist comment comes from. You are projecting that trait too.

Aside: How has TrezarCoin faired with your involvement and what happened today? Did it die? Only $0.30 volume?
