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Ended nnmfnwl7 dexsetup 001

So, based on this post from @sh_rn who is an expert on all things BlockNet/BlockDX ....

.... and in your proposal above you state; " Dexsetup is using Blocknet DEX system but later could be other DEXes added like BasicSwapDex as long as particl guys would release add trading API/DOC. ...."

That tells me you are asking for 27K PIV, just to let us grab code written by others and offered for free, but you've renamed it.

Please tell me I am wrong, and be specific as to what the 27K PIV pays for.

This sounds like a major scam.
FAR FAR too much material for me to dig thru to get a feel for what this is.
I tried a few videos, but they are super sluggish and the computer generated voice is incredibly annoying.
Got a video on YouTube with a human voice?

My impression without seeing a video showing how simple this makes things, is that it does the opposite and makes an already overly complicated process even more complex. I really hope I am wrong, because the DEX that solves the setup and UI/UX issues, will instantly grab an insane amount of market share.

I suggest you show videos of the setup, a manual exchange, and of the trading bot in action.

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This is cool and all, messing with linux stuff is fun but there's no way anyone except the most highly entrenched user would ever touch any of this.

If this could be implemented in a way that someone without a lot of technical knowledge could use on a mobile device I'd be all for it (similar to MPW). If the first step is install a new OS you've lost 99.999% of people.

Just seems like a computer science project that isn't really adding much value to the ecosystem at the moment.
No reason to be hostile, just looking at this from a business perspective. I agree that a decentralized system of exchange needs to be developed and has to start somewhere. Building that is a huge undertaking and want to make sure resources are being allocated appropriately.

Going off of Eric's comment, adoption should be paramount in any of our efforts. I'd like to see more discussion on how we get to the tip of that mountain from this initial proposal. Maybe a dev to better understand the project scope and how we can get to a reasonably useable state for a normal user from here before getting into funding.
People like decentralization.
People hate bad UI/UX.
People love simplicity.

I consider my Linux Sys Admin skills to be advanced. Granted, that's not because I am passionate about that area, but it was a 'necessary evil' when doing software development years ago.

My concern is that even if I jump through all those hoops and get DEXSETUP working, the volume/liquidity won't really be there to make it work well. That volume won't be there until you make it super easy and slick.

I get that someone needs to be first. But, my time is too valuable to be that person.

I think you need to find a balance where some things can be less decentralized for now, to make the UI/UX way way better. Then, as the number of users increases, you can increase decentralization.

That's my 2 PIV.
I can see both sides here.

Ultimately though, the universal truth is... people are lazy, and will go for the most convenient option rather than the more "soverign" option, even willingly knowing the risks. The future risk of a centralised service collapse, to most people, is less scary than spending an uncomfortable amount of time understanding a difficult app setup.

Fazer is right this is a necessity, and I fully understand his passion for it... equally I am the same, but I have to set aside the deeper developments for things that people find convenient and enjoyable - first impressions mean a lot, I realise.

Eric is spot-on with the "hybrid" approach, this is the Labs way - MyPIVXWallet has greatly progressed, despite launching as a client with absolutely bare-minimum chain validation, and the worst possible privacy practices (ironic for a privacy coin)... almost 3 years later it now has block sync capabilities (thus SHIELD balances can be synced without MPW's explorers knowing the balances), and it's even possible for us to allow MPW to sync Public balances without revealing a single public key - the point is, you have to make compromises, in order to progress.

That said, I am very stuck with this proposal: I want to see how this can be put in to users' hands, and how non-technical people can enjoy trading on a layer-1 DEX without spending a full day setting up wallets, synchronising, doing DevOps and all the other time consuming tasks one needs to perform to make most layer-1 DEXes 'usable'.

Now... if this system was integrated with something like XLite, so that users could setup automatic market making, orders, etc: in the interface of a lightwallet, I would be VERY interested, not only is this technically achieveable: but the UX is sound, people WOULD use this. This is why people love "Uniswap", despite it being, in my opinion as well, a "fake" DEX. We need a real DEX with lightwallet capabilities, until the intention to build that is set, I'm afraid I cannot put too much time in to this.

- JSKitty
Re: "Now... if this system was integrated with something like XLite, so that users could setup automatic market making, orders, etc: in the interface of a lightwallet, I would be VERY interested, not only is this technically achieveable: but the UX is sound, people WOULD use this."

I absolutely agree. That's why I started a proposal for PIVX to fund BlockDX to do exactly that. Unfortunately, at the time, Cryptosi and others didn't see the bigger picture and the support wasn't there.

Perhaps THAT is the effort the Community is willing to support now?

Even if we have Community support now, I am pretty sure now we can't get traction on the BlockDX side, because a certain whale has pissed off Shorn, and I can't blame Shorn either.
So, based on this post from @sh_rn who is an expert on all things BlockNet/BlockDX ....
View attachment 2009
.... and in your proposal above you state; " Dexsetup is using Blocknet DEX system but later could be other DEXes added like BasicSwapDex as long as particl guys would release add trading API/DOC. ...."

That tells me you are asking for 27K PIV, just to let us grab code written by others and offered for free, but you've renamed it.

Please tell me I am wrong, and be specific as to what the 27K PIV pays for.

This sounds like a major scam.

ohh.. :( .. just found this proposal link on Discord and was very curious where it went