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Active nnmfnwl7 dexsetup 001


New Pivian
Name: nnmfnwl7 dexsetup 01
Term: 3 cycle
Cycle Amount: 9000
Total Amount: 27000
Author: fazer0903
Receiver: fazer0903
Address: DE6KsnGuNGbdN7BcLJusybkEbjHzEn3RL6
Created: 16.07.2024
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 1d92f6d0593fff8dcbfe6ddd2da3709964cff14411af96c7b8852393a045b365


Hello Pivians, I'm trying to bring PIVX into DEXSETUP - truly decentralized exchange system, it is not fake-decentralized or incomplete like other ones.

Very simply said, DEXSETUP is a tool to automatize user actions and prepare, configure, build, generate, stuff related to truly decentralized atomic swap exchange trading from scratch.

DEXSETUP supposed to become one stop point for anyone who want to join and use unstoppable automatized/manual truly decentralized atomic swap decentralized exchange trading system for Debian GNU/Linux compatible systems.

My hope is to DEXSETUP becomes at least main tool for many users/developers to download/manage/update/test their wallets because of security, privacy and features.

Short Details:

True decentralization with no centralized point.
100% transparent and open-source with no closed component or networking point.
100% decentralized liquidity pools, your funds are 100% of time under your self custody and automatic DEXBOT trading under your own custom rules.
100% censorship resistant
NO limits, NO restrictions, NO registrations, NO cloudflare, NO IP address.
Every component of setup and runtime process has networking by Tor-Privacy-Protected and userspace by Firejail-Sandbox isolated.
Using native official crypto wallets from official sources.
For Debian GNU/Linux compatible systems.

More Details:

To learn more about DEXSETUP details and features, but you are lazy to read, here is DEXSETUP introduction video: https://bastyon.com/index?video=1&v=024ee823b6549742cfbc458e9fbdb4dcd52bcc120a5cc7698edfadbc4fd74b77

And for those who like to read: https://github.com/nnmfnwl/dexsetup...up-the-only-true-decentralized-exchange-setup

Full tutorial with videos is here: https://github.com/nnmfnwl/dexsetup?tab=readme-ov-file#step-by-step-setup-tutorial

Comparison with other "DEX":

Some few comparison BasicSwapDEX vs DEXSETUP:
- Dexsetup is more general tool than DEX.
- Dexsetup is not using DOCKER, but native Linux kernel sandboxing, so user can't see any performance issues and all wallets seems running like native also in GUI(Graphical User interface) mode.
- Dexsetup could be used just for wallet build/download/build-update/download-update/config-update management without DEX.
- Dexsetup generates "autocomplete" predefined commands for every wallet profile for more easy CLI wallet usage.
- Dexsetup is using Blocknet DEX system but later could be other DEXes added like BasicSwapDex as long as particl guys would release add trading API/DOC.

Project target:

PIVX or other coin user visit DEXSETUP and follows step by step tutorial.
1. System from scratch prepared.
2. Select wallets to be downloaded or build from source.
3. Let dexsetup configure wallets and sandboxing.
4. Select trading strategies to generate.
5. Generate screen start scripts for GUI+CLI(hybrid) and pure CLI to easy start/manage all wallets/components
6. Provide liquidity and earn profit with DEXBOT or just configure DEXBOT to sell/buy or manually trade coins with BlockDX...
7. Many happy DEX users. Because they know their wallets are ready to swap coins for other coins directly from wallet to wallet.


Above funding would be used for DEXSETUP and DEXBOT development, live bots liquidity and on live production testing and analysys, VPS services costs and finally full first DEXSETUP public alpha version release.

Social and projects links:

My main DEXSETUP github page: https://github.com/nnmfnwl/dexsetup
My main DEXBOT github page: https://github.com/nnmfnwl/dexbot
My bastyon contact: https://bastyon.com/nnmfnwl7
My discord contact: fazer0903
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So, based on this post from @sh_rn who is an expert on all things BlockNet/BlockDX ....

.... and in your proposal above you state; " Dexsetup is using Blocknet DEX system but later could be other DEXes added like BasicSwapDex as long as particl guys would release add trading API/DOC. ...."

That tells me you are asking for 27K PIV, just to let us grab code written by others and offered for free, but you've renamed it.

Please tell me I am wrong, and be specific as to what the 27K PIV pays for.

This sounds like a major scam.
I will try to answer again all also here as on discord., because Shorn's statements completely distort the truth.
About more than 4 years ago, there been a Blocknet dxmakerbot about 150 lines of code here https://github.com/blocknetdx/dxmakerbot/blob/master/dxmakerbot.py I took that project and been supported by Blocknet DAO for a while, but it was about 4 years ago. Later DAO decided to focus on indexer, so here is the last dxmakerbot merge commit of my code I think https://github.com/blocknetdx/dxmakerbot/commit/23561d4ebf23c02be0a1e476c3e1cc5df5e338ac There been like nobody directly contact me or message me from team or whales who would tell me they do not want to support dxmakerbot anymore, i was just hoping they gonna return back and support project at least with small funds, but after 4 months I quit. So I stop publishing updates and dxmakerbot been merged, I decided to stop publishing updates until to find funding again, because I spend literally 12 hours a per day coding and testing that, Coding bot, managing wallets and doing all stuff round round again and testing trading startegies behavior is time consuming task and very exhausting, so project continues in my own slow private mode. I decided to rename dxmakerbot to dexbot because more proper name. Also few automatisation scripts project been renamed to DEXSETUP which is like main upper layer to setup everything needed for decentralized exchange trading from scratch. The stage of system/project whatever you call it before 4 years ago and now nobody could say is the same, because it has many significatn improvements.
Just by comparing main dexbot source file, as you can see there is a much diff and structure of project has been changed too. I will continue in next message, because it seems there is so much to say and to correctly understand.
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FAR FAR too much material for me to dig thru to get a feel for what this is.
I tried a few videos, but they are super sluggish and the computer generated voice is incredibly annoying.
Got a video on YouTube with a human voice?

My impression without seeing a video showing how simple this makes things, is that it does the opposite and makes an already overly complicated process even more complex. I really hope I am wrong, because the DEX that solves the setup and UI/UX issues, will instantly grab an insane amount of market share.

I suggest you show videos of the setup, a manual exchange, and of the trading bot in action.

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More comments from Shorn.
View attachment 2010

i’ve always hoped fazer would deliver on his promises from years ago
You know i been always 100% transparent with commits and details and everyone seen that https://gist.github.com/nnmfnwl7/62ad76031767c16f95b2f4b4f199bc91

usable ever appeared and i don’t believe it ever will
Not truth. because before there wasnt DEXSETUP and video tutorials proof that system is already working. Those videos are public here https://bastyon.com/nnmfnwl7

there was a considerable amount of dao funds directed to development of this auto dex setup and it still doesn’t work. or at least no one at blocknet could get it working
Please be specific. DAO stopped my support 4 years ago or what is time I am not sure, It is written like they still support me? Who is funding me? At that time i did not have videos and automatic tools finished to allow those lazy ones to read documentation. Now there are videos and readme tutorials.
you haven’t mentioned the bugs that still need fixing in the core code fazer!
Core bugs in blocknet are related to partial orders which are not needed to be enabled for system to work.
atc coded dxmakerbot (original version that you forked). you renamed it yes
So manipulatively said. At time when I forked dxmakerbot and started to be supported by DAO for a while, was dxmakerbot was just 140 lines of "stupid" code. My addition is transparently seen here: https://github.com/blocknetdx/dxmakerbot/commit/23561d4ebf23c02be0a1e476c3e1cc5df5e338ac I did all design, testing, coding of dexbot(dxmakerbot). As you can transparently see those 1,625 lines of code on dxmakerbot_v2.py are 100% mine. And many more lines around. And now all new updates and commits done private into 2423 lines are also 100% mine. Cpitures and links proof:


i spent a long time working on blocknet and do not know of one single person on the project that was able to use your code
I know some and have no problem with. As far as i remember most of people been lazy and just waiting until it catch the traction and be more user friendly. But now there is dexsetup and video tutorials, it is from scratch. If someone will not be able to copy paste lines from readme to console, I do not think those ones would be able to run ccxt or humming or any other bots. Shorn I promise you, install Debian stable somewhere, I will personally help you to setup it all. We will be copy pasting commands into terminal together
I expect there will be many things missing in readme, but those will rise in time.My intensions are to release some more videos. but better sound and more specific, but it needs more my time.

"if bot actually works now"​

Bot(dxmakerbot) been always working but before there was not a system which would be able to generate trading strategies automatically, user must update file manually per strategy, But now there is dexbot template config file https://github.com/nnmfnwl/dexbot/blob/main/howto/examples/bot_v2_template.py and many predefined strategy files for every trading pair for example https://github.com/nnmfnwl/dexsetup/blob/main/src/cfg.strategy.block.ltc.sh , what dexsetup do, it uses template and predefined strategy to build from it final trading strategy and scripts used to start strategy. User can manually edit final functional strategy or create own custom strategy configs and or also submit that config and will be added into dexsetup by default.
HERE IS VIDEO HOW PROOVING HOW DEXSETUP TRADING STARTEGY GENERATION WORKS https://bastyon.com/nnmfnwl7?v=25dbbe424f1cd33dd340f6a2e526d646481d8f2704e244be323b78680049c467
aND HERE IN VIDEO IT IS ALL RUNNING https://bastyon.com/nnmfnwl7?v=5699575c6819e40c6cd93b32514670bee5b4e8080583e6540ef6780fb04556ca
FAR FAR too much material for me to dig thru to get a feel for what this is.
I tried a few videos, but they are super sluggish and the computer generated voice is incredibly annoying.
Got a video on YouTube with a human voice?

My impression without seeing a video showing how simple this makes things, is that it does the opposite and makes an already overly complicated process even more complex. I really hope I am wrong, because the DEX that solves the setup and UI/UX issues, will instantly grab an insane amount of market share.

I suggest you show videos of the setup, a manual exchange, and of the trading bot in action.

Videos are specifically recorded for tutorial steps here https://github.com/nnmfnwl/dexsetup/tree/main?tab=readme-ov-file#step-by-step-setup-tutorial sound is generated from text using pure opensource tools and can be updated later.

When text of videos and instructions will be released as open source code I will not be responsible when people using closed source or illegal licensed voice tools to update sound on videos. Sorry I did not have time for analyzing which tool has perfect voice and license could be used without hitting law. Maybe someone can try to record videos and tutorials how to setup DEX with own voice and end up like actually many developers relaxing in shadows of jail.

Tomorrow I will try to record one full video showing how easy is to use dexsetup to setup whole DEX system for trading PIVX/LTC on clean system OK? Unfrotunatelly the voice will be same, but feel free to recommend me other param values for espeak ng "espeak-ng -s 164 -g 1 -f ~/Videos/dexsetup/dexsetup.10.txt -k 15 -p 75 -w ~/Videos/dexsetup.10.wave"
FAR FAR too much material for me to dig thru to get a feel for what this is.
I tried a few videos, but they are super sluggish and the computer generated voice is incredibly annoying.
Got a video on YouTube with a human voice?

My impression without seeing a video showing how simple this makes things, is that it does the opposite and makes an already overly complicated process even more complex. I really hope I am wrong, because the DEX that solves the setup and UI/UX issues, will instantly grab an insane amount of market share.

I suggest you show videos of the setup, a manual exchange, and of the trading bot in action.

Lets talk about true DEX setup:
1 user need machine with operating system and prepare clean operating system by installing dependencies.
2 user need to choose wallets which to be downloaded(risk of malware or bugs) or build wallet from source code
3 user need to sandbox wallets from each other and also all components because security reasons and software bugs/malware/backdoors...
4 user need to configure wallets and components.
5 user need to generate trading strategies
6 user need to setup blockdx
7 user need some tool which allows him/her to manage/start/stop whole dex by SSH remotely and also GUI remotely. With True DEX it is more complicated because many components must be running, maybe there are already multi-chain nodes like BTC+LTC+PIVX at same time in same process and also magnitude of vulnerabilities risk rising.

Is there any point you disagree with? Because those videos and dexsetup are about that.

little more thoughts for you:

Yes you can have a "DEX" in web page, but that is not a DEX because someone still must run a servers which provide service and you will eventually hit cloudflare/DNS or any other censorship active components.

Yes you can have tool like Lite decentalized wallet but still there must be someone who still must run servers which provide service for lite wallet.

Yes you can run full wallet nodes without sandbox but no whale will for security reasons try that.

Yes someone could create centralized liquidity pools but that will never be a DEX.

Yes someone could create multi-signature liquidity pool but all who would join will soon or later eventually loose funds like been happened to many "dexes" in last years.

Anyway you try to implement true censorship resistant DEX, there must be always freedom for everyone to join any part of system/nodes/servers/liquidity independently otherwise one point of system is centralized and will soon or later fail.
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NEW Full PIVX/LTC setup video tutorial on BASTYON (low quality video):

Video with better quality could be found on RUMBLE (Hi quality video):

All links are in description below video links.
This is cool and all, messing with linux stuff is fun but there's no way anyone except the most highly entrenched user would ever touch any of this.

If this could be implemented in a way that someone without a lot of technical knowledge could use on a mobile device I'd be all for it (similar to MPW). If the first step is install a new OS you've lost 99.999% of people.

Just seems like a computer science project that isn't really adding much value to the ecosystem at the moment.
This is cool and all, messing with linux stuff is fun but there's no way anyone except the most highly entrenched user would ever touch any of this.

If this could be implemented in a way that someone without a lot of technical knowledge could use on a mobile device I'd be all for it (similar to MPW). If the first step is install a new OS you've lost 99.999% of people.

Just seems like a computer science project that isn't really adding much value to the ecosystem at the moment.
There are thousands of people who are configuring nodes, configuring exchanges, configuring decentralized exchanges, configuring providing one stop visit swap exchanges, this is tool used to make root for crypto decentralized and strong and allow to build upper layers like mentioned. Without strong decentralized root, people in crypto can not build strong resistant upper layers, like decentralized lite mobile and desktop wallets, dex enpoints, rather base for this upper layers will stay centralized and easy HACKABLE.

By giving people tool to easy setup strong universal DECENTRALIZED interchain base, they could build upper layers for it, lite wallets, whatever else.

Seems like you wanna see end of iceberg without realizing there is strong base where it stay needed first.

This is ultimate DEX setup, there is no other tool like this, but can be used in many many other use cases, ie by crypto developers to easy build and debug and share profiles.

For comparison On PIVX pages you are sharing and liking BasicSwapDex which is many times more complicated to use and do NOT provide any remote graphical user interface export for wallets, so user is not able to control wallet directly by GUI, because they use docker sandbox. Also BasicSwapDex has bad or no API, it is also not ready for multi pair trading bots with separated liquidity, also bot which they have have by documentation no ability to build strategy with good/specific/aggresive rules.

If this could be implemented in a way that someone without a lot of technical knowledge could use on a mobile device I'd be all for it (similar to MPW). If the first step is install a new OS you've lost 99.999% of people.
How you want to have true decentralized system with just mobile devices without strong decentralized base node system? For this case you can go and use centralized uniswap bridges and wait for hack. 99.999 is bad info, there are many people who still are able to run and using full nodes, 2:3 of my absolute no technical friends do it. Again you are talking about layer2 which can not be build without layer1.

Just seems like a computer science project that isn't really adding much value to the ecosystem at the moment.
It seem you have no clue what you are talking about. By having strong decentralized censorship resistant base which allows anyone who has little tech brain, not only whales to completely control own rules of trading on liquidity pools and prevent price manipulations gives everything. Lazy windows users will just install some Lite wallet with GUI and DEX with GUI depending on used DEX backend and later some Mobile device app, but for it this base is needed first, without base it can not be done. Remember, whales every day earns on every day people millions, this tool allows it to be changed.
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No reason to be hostile, just looking at this from a business perspective. I agree that a decentralized system of exchange needs to be developed and has to start somewhere. Building that is a huge undertaking and want to make sure resources are being allocated appropriately.

Going off of Eric's comment, adoption should be paramount in any of our efforts. I'd like to see more discussion on how we get to the tip of that mountain from this initial proposal. Maybe a dev to better understand the project scope and how we can get to a reasonably useable state for a normal user from here before getting into funding.
No reason to be hostile, just looking at this from a business perspective. I agree that a decentralized system of exchange needs to be developed and has to start somewhere. Building that is a huge undertaking and want to make sure resources are being allocated appropriately.

Going off of Eric's comment, adoption should be paramount in any of our efforts. I'd like to see more discussion on how we get to the tip of that mountain from this initial proposal. Maybe a dev to better understand the project scope and how we can get to a reasonably useable state for a normal user from here before getting into funding.
I don't think developer will ever read this proposal, because above guys spread too much effort to reject it instantly. I see you are new one who probably registered one more account just to keep give negative comments taking down this proposal too. I think you all guys want the only one, keep pivx on centralized exchanges to have ability to control the price by whale. In my view crypto is about total decentralization with zero exceptions, I don't want to use systems with centralized points of failure, I need to implement DEXSETUP for projects who care about decentralization and crypto values first. I spend years of my free time to design architecture of DEXSETUP and DEXBOT projects to be universal and connect to more true dex provides like blocknet later. My plan is to try to reach funding for liquidity and dev from supported projects(blocknet, litecoin, bitcoin, bitcon cash, verge, dogecoin, pivx, dash, lbrycrd, bastyon(pkoin), particl) and as there will be enough liquidity, the nerds devs who cares about true crypto and decentralization will come to play against running bots and later those will run same dexbots with own strategies by itself. As DEXSETUP is compatible right now with Blocknet only and Blocknet has some prototype of XLITE(multi decentralized lite wallet) which is compatible with BlockDX(DEX GUI), it would be great for users like you who use windows/osx and just want to open wallet and buy and sell your coins manually. As long I will see DEXSETUP and DEXBOT is running stable and I will reach funding from projects I could progress to move to improve Blocknet XLITE, which has some bugs and backend is connecting over centralized few entites, but in real blocknet interchain xrouter is ready to service lite wallet and dex in fully decentralized manner. I am not newbie in low level programming and network system architecture and protocols designs, but I can't switch my full time into low level coding as long people not understand importance of technical low level backends, it is hard work and I do not like switching context from project to project. Last time I forced myself to record some prototypes of videos of DEXSETUP and with hate speech about videos from pivx community I was thinking you just need to see full video by AI so I spend a week by that video, try to record videos cut it, syncs time and voice, it is never ending task to record 4 minutes, not 23 minutes as I did, but seems like I was wrong, people do not like decentralization, people just like when price is going up to sell and buy some meaningless meme coins from lite wallet running in app of mobile phone, preferably in VPN browser and coins mixed by some type of privacy. I'm disappointed. If people really don't care about crypto and real values I will go work for CBDCs, they pay great money and who cares that we all will becomes slaves if poeple doesn't care.
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People like decentralization.
People hate bad UI/UX.
People love simplicity.

I consider my Linux Sys Admin skills to be advanced. Granted, that's not because I am passionate about that area, but it was a 'necessary evil' when doing software development years ago.

My concern is that even if I jump through all those hoops and get DEXSETUP working, the volume/liquidity won't really be there to make it work well. That volume won't be there until you make it super easy and slick.

I get that someone needs to be first. But, my time is too valuable to be that person.

I think you need to find a balance where some things can be less decentralized for now, to make the UI/UX way way better. Then, as the number of users increases, you can increase decentralization.

That's my 2 PIV.
I can see both sides here.

Ultimately though, the universal truth is... people are lazy, and will go for the most convenient option rather than the more "soverign" option, even willingly knowing the risks. The future risk of a centralised service collapse, to most people, is less scary than spending an uncomfortable amount of time understanding a difficult app setup.

Fazer is right this is a necessity, and I fully understand his passion for it... equally I am the same, but I have to set aside the deeper developments for things that people find convenient and enjoyable - first impressions mean a lot, I realise.

Eric is spot-on with the "hybrid" approach, this is the Labs way - MyPIVXWallet has greatly progressed, despite launching as a client with absolutely bare-minimum chain validation, and the worst possible privacy practices (ironic for a privacy coin)... almost 3 years later it now has block sync capabilities (thus SHIELD balances can be synced without MPW's explorers knowing the balances), and it's even possible for us to allow MPW to sync Public balances without revealing a single public key - the point is, you have to make compromises, in order to progress.

That said, I am very stuck with this proposal: I want to see how this can be put in to users' hands, and how non-technical people can enjoy trading on a layer-1 DEX without spending a full day setting up wallets, synchronising, doing DevOps and all the other time consuming tasks one needs to perform to make most layer-1 DEXes 'usable'.

Now... if this system was integrated with something like XLite, so that users could setup automatic market making, orders, etc: in the interface of a lightwallet, I would be VERY interested, not only is this technically achieveable: but the UX is sound, people WOULD use this. This is why people love "Uniswap", despite it being, in my opinion as well, a "fake" DEX. We need a real DEX with lightwallet capabilities, until the intention to build that is set, I'm afraid I cannot put too much time in to this.

- JSKitty
Re: "Now... if this system was integrated with something like XLite, so that users could setup automatic market making, orders, etc: in the interface of a lightwallet, I would be VERY interested, not only is this technically achieveable: but the UX is sound, people WOULD use this."

I absolutely agree. That's why I started a proposal for PIVX to fund BlockDX to do exactly that. Unfortunately, at the time, Cryptosi and others didn't see the bigger picture and the support wasn't there.

Perhaps THAT is the effort the Community is willing to support now?

Even if we have Community support now, I am pretty sure now we can't get traction on the BlockDX side, because a certain whale has pissed off Shorn, and I can't blame Shorn either.
I can see both sides here.

Ultimately though, the universal truth is... people are lazy, and will go for the most convenient option rather than the more "soverign" option, even willingly knowing the risks. The future risk of a centralised service collapse, to most people, is less scary than spending an uncomfortable amount of time understanding a difficult app setup.

Fazer is right this is a necessity, and I fully understand his passion for it... equally I am the same, but I have to set aside the deeper developments for things that people find convenient and enjoyable - first impressions mean a lot, I realise.

Eric is spot-on with the "hybrid" approach, this is the Labs way - MyPIVXWallet has greatly progressed, despite launching as a client with absolutely bare-minimum chain validation, and the worst possible privacy practices (ironic for a privacy coin)... almost 3 years later it now has block sync capabilities (thus SHIELD balances can be synced without MPW's explorers knowing the balances), and it's even possible for us to allow MPW to sync Public balances without revealing a single public key - the point is, you have to make compromises, in order to progress.

That said, I am very stuck with this proposal: I want to see how this can be put in to users' hands, and how non-technical people can enjoy trading on a layer-1 DEX without spending a full day setting up wallets, synchronising, doing DevOps and all the other time consuming tasks one needs to perform to make most layer-1 DEXes 'usable'.

Now... if this system was integrated with something like XLite, so that users could setup automatic market making, orders, etc: in the interface of a lightwallet, I would be VERY interested, not only is this technically achieveable: but the UX is sound, people WOULD use this. This is why people love "Uniswap", despite it being, in my opinion as well, a "fake" DEX. We need a real DEX with lightwallet capabilities, until the intention to build that is set, I'm afraid I cannot put too much time in to this.

- JSKitty
Dexsetup makes block and other nodes, configs, bots, strategies, liquidity and auto order matching by dexbot up. It is base layer 1 which can be used as service for layer 2 like Xlite.
Xlite --> Xrouter& Xbridge --> Blocknet service nodes --> Full nodes
layer 1 easy DEX doesn't exist, it must be layer 2 which using layer 1 as service. As layer 1 would be decentralized, then layer 2 would be decentralized too.