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  1. Pivianx

    Archived Creating Graphic Visuals for PIVX Community Socials NEXT BLOCK MARCH-APRIL-2023

    The Proposal at a glance -------------------------------------------------------- --- TITLE : Creating Graphic Visuals for PIVX Community Socials. --- NAME : qtez-Social-GFX. --- Term/Cycle : 1 cycle = 1 month. --- Cycle Amount : 850 PIV. --- Author/Receiver : QTEZ. The Proposal Details...
  2. Pivianx

    Archived PIVX Social Media Lead/Content Creator, Exchange Liaison.

    As a Kid Old PIVian all RSPECT 💜
  3. Pivianx

    Ended Creating Graphic Visuals for PIVX Community Socials MAR-APR 2023

    The Proposal at a glance -------------------------------------------------------- --- TITLE : Creating Graphic Visuals for PIVX Community Socials. --- NAME : qtez-Social-GFX. --- Term/Cycle : 1 cycle = 1 month. --- Cycle Amount : 850 PIV. --- Author/Receiver : QTEZ. IT is submitted and ACTIVE...
  4. Pivianx

    What is PIVX?

    THIS NEEDS to be updated but the way 💜
  5. Pivianx

    Archived FIX 2nd. Budget Proposal as PIVX Community Social GFX designer

    Sounds like NEVER LUCKY this time.
  6. Pivianx

    2 Suggestion May Be Interesting ...

    OK, thanx , that was BIH :)
  7. Pivianx

    Archived FIX 2nd. Budget Proposal as PIVX Community Social GFX designer

    As Price is UPS and DOWNS then that 2200 PIV will not always be expensive :) . HOWEVER it the number of designs can be discussed with the PIVXcommunity for how many or how long the proposal will last.
  8. Pivianx

    Transaction to wrong blockchain

    I am sure u'll get help. And I hope you resolve your issue successfully 💜
  9. Pivianx

    Transaction to wrong blockchain

    Please head to DISCORD and ask SUPORT. THANK U 💜
  10. Pivianx

    Archived LRP: SHIELD & DMNs

    That is COOL. What about stakers?! I mean can we know when to receive Staking Rewards.?
  11. Pivianx

    Archived FIX 2nd. Budget Proposal as PIVX Community Social GFX designer

    10 only for PIVX Community + as much as I see as a volunteer. Besides PSD will be uploaded to the community.
  12. Pivianx

    2 Suggestion May Be Interesting ...

    Hello every PIVian, I have 2 suggestions that might help in 2 ways ... Requesting BINANCE to raise the EASY EARN PLAN for PIVX from 0.5% to something that is more than 5%. THAT will add more flow into PIVX. Requesting TWITTER to allow auto added FAVICON right after we typr #PIVX same thing as...
  13. Pivianx

    Archived FIX 2nd. Budget Proposal as PIVX Community Social GFX designer

  14. Pivianx

    Support for a new DAO focused Youtube show - - Features PIVX Bi-weekly

    GOOD Luck and FOCUS on PIVX as a DAO 💜 💜 💜
  15. Pivianx

    Archived FIX 2nd. Budget Proposal as PIVX Community Social GFX designer

    HERE is the FIXXED Proposal : PLEASE Vote ... SORRY ...