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Search results

  1. Leander

    Archived MKT-Leander-Aug-oct

    Name: MKT-Leander-Aug-oct Term: 3 Cycles Cycle Amnt: 10,000 Total Amnt: 30,000 Author: Leander Receiver: Leander Address: DPiVXPykDKQi3PLVbcfekKMXv1E1o3FxtA Created: 15-07-2024 Status: Active Vote Hash: 9f3ab51c484bab24c706b10563ddb20c788db837226f15acd3d2f47df7bbaa67 ABOUT ME: Pleasure...
  2. Leander

    pivx calculator

    I suggest a simple conversion calculator. For quick calculations in commerce. One more tool never hurts. https://toolbox.pivx.org in MPW it already calculates automatically according to the pre-defined currency. However, I believe it makes having a calculator easier for many other situations...
  3. Leander

    Draft MKT-LeanderBR-Apr24

    Title: MKT-LeanderBR-Apr24 Name: MKT-LeanderBR-Apr24 Term: 3 cycles Cycle Amount: 3.000 Total Amount: 9,000 Author: Leander Receiver: Leander Address: Created : 3/28/2024 Status: Active BRIEF INTRODUCTION: My name is Leander, 35 years old, I'm new to the community, and after just a few days...
  4. Leander

    Resolved help accessing discord

    Are we having any problems accessing the discord channel? Error with invitation: Error when entering the explorer: Even clicking nothing happens, other channels enter normally. I've already tried with another user and other browsers... I hope it's just me and it's something simple...
  5. Leander

    Resolved Address backup recovery

    How to restore wallet backup? (wallet.dat/wallet.dat.xxxx.bak) It must be a simple question, but I didn't find a step-by-step guide that solved my situation. I tried just replacing the wallet.dat file, but it doesn't work. always generates a new address. Thank you to anyone who can help me.
  6. Leander

    Resolved Question about staking

    Considering all the prerequisites, how long does it take to receive the first reward? Does the amount of PIV influence this time interval? Example: Do 1 PIV or 10000 PIV have the same time to receive the first reward? Thank you for listening! I'm Brazilian and I hope to be able to contribute...