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Archived Additional Marketing Fund Oct-Dec 2020


Title: Additional Marketing Fund Oct-Dec 2020
Name: Addit-MBD-OctDec2020
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 4300 PIV
Total Amnt: 12900 PIV
Author: Jakiman, Ambassador, SnappySnap
Receiver: Ambassador
Address: DPL4keBbxcWvzRd8Mw53kC4mcnh7hDJNSj
Created: 2020-09-30
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 3659c9bef58cc2bdccd9f9c288b2ab26f051881f02ee79632389b9dcb95a7e80


This proposal is virtually identical to the main proposal - Marketing BizDEV Blitzkrieg Oct-Dec 2020.

After receiving numerous positive and supportive comments and feedback from the community, we decided to come out with an additional Marketing Fund proposal.

The main intention for creating this additional proposal is to collect as much funds as possible in the Marketing Fund before the long awaited PIVX 5.0 wallet and the upcoming major brand refresh, so that all the great upcoming events around the PIVX project can be promoted in the best possible way. With both proposals passing, we would finally be able to fund a solid amount of planned marketing activities and promotional opportunities, all with a common goal to push the PIVX price up. With this proposal, MNOs are given a chance to vote yes if they want more funds to go in the PIVX Marketing Fund.

Dispersal of the funds from this proposal will require the exact same steps mentioned in the main proposal: Before any funds may be released for Marketing or Biz Dev purposes, a member of the MBDB Team must propose (internally) the use of funds, the purpose, and amount. Only a unanimous vote of 3 (the MBDB must be in agreement) will be sufficient for subsequent dispersal of funds.

Receiving address for this additional proposal is the same receiving address for the PIVX Marketing Fund from the main proposal. All transactions will be possible to follow and we will ensure the highest possible transparency this way.

Lastly, we would like to encourage the PIVX community once again to contribute to the PIVX Marketing Fund even with the small donations. Every single PIV donated helps and may speed up the things significantly.

We would like to thank everyone for your support and trust in us, we will do our absolute best and make sure every PIV from the Marketing Fund will be spent in the best possible way for the benefit of everyone in the PIVX community. Thank you very much!


To vote yes:
mnbudgetvote many 3659c9bef58cc2bdccd9f9c288b2ab26f051881f02ee79632389b9dcb95a7e80 yes

To vote no:
mnbudgetvote many 3659c9bef58cc2bdccd9f9c288b2ab26f051881f02ee79632389b9dcb95a7e80 no
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