Name: PIVX-MBD-1012NEW
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 4000 PIV
Total Amnt: 12000 PIV
Author: Jakiman, Ambassador, SnappySnap
Receiver: Ambassador
Address: DPL4keBbxcWvzRd8Mw53kC4mcnh7hDJNSj
Created: 2020-10-02
Status: Active
Vote Hash:932a881b9a50e3d692e49c44f2d58430d8d3200bed436a12621d6971f6da0baf
This document outlines the funding for a new proposed PIVX Marketing & Biz Development Direction. This proposal will NOT be used to pay the submitters, or those stewarding the amounts. This proposal is the first of its kind proposal for PIVX that aims to solely put aside 100% of the amount towards PIVX Promotions & Business Development, which may be used to cover such costs as the exchange listing fees, paid promotions and articles, payments for PIVX’s co-operations with well-known cryptocurrency influencers, establish the important alliances and partnerships, trading competitions, supporting the liquidity and trading volume in occasions when there’s a risk of delisting from an important exchange due to low volume, and more. To reiterate, no member of this team will be paid from these amounts. We are strictly volunteers who will give our time and energy to promote, marketing, and integrate PIVX as effectively, efficiently, and loudly as we can while stewarding and consciously directing any required funds as needed for maximal impact. **This is a replacement for PIVX-MBD-OCTDEC2020 which was nuked (downvoted >10% NO) in its infancy. After this occurred, we observed a lot of community support in FAVOR of the proposal, so we elected to resubmit.**
Term and Format Commitment
As this proposal can be looked at as more of a sinking fund (in that, funds MUST be used as needed for marketing business development purposes, but without any predetermined outflow), the PIVX Marketing & Biz Dev Blitzkrieg Team (MBDB) will only be submitting this proposal with a maximum term of three (3) cycles.
This allows for a more fluid evaluation of fund usage (outflows, requirements), will allow for more or less frequent proposal submissions based on needs, more responsibility from voters to actually vote, and also allows for any changes due to larger swings in PIVX USD value.
The format for these proposals will be as follows:
- Each member of the MBDB team will be listed
- Their roles and responsibilities will be listed
- Any member notes, changes, exceptions will be listed
- Extra funds (if any) will be rationalized
- Funds Available
- Funds Used
- Initiatives Started (if allowable, as some may require elements or privacy until their release. In these cases, the MBDB team will provide a high level redacted summary of any of these initiatives)
All MBDB Team members are expected to participate in the general work of marketing and Biz Dev, as well as participate in weekly internal team meetings with reliable frequency.
The following initiatives fall under the care and responsibility of the PIVX MBDB:
Brand Warmth Enhancement | |
Website (new) Marketing boosting | |
Privacy (v5) Marketing boosting | |
Exchange listings | |
Partnership / Alliances | |
Exchange Volume Boost | |
3rd Party reviews (unpaid) of PIVX, positive media and chatter feedback of PIVX |
PIVX MBDB Allotment
The PIVX MBDB Team is receiving 0 PIV for their work from the DAO’s budget:
- SnappySnap - BizDev, copy, articles (0 PIV)
- Ambassador - Marketing, articles (0 PIV)
- Jakiman - BizDev, copy, articles (0 PIV)
Before any funds may be released for Marketing or Biz Dev purposes, a member of the MBDB Team must propose (internally) the use of funds, the purpose, and amount. Only a unanimous vote of 3 (the MBDB must be in agreement) will be sufficient for subsequent dispersal of funds.
A ledger and record of these requests and outflows will be made available to the public and may contain redacted information based on any NDAs or time/market-sensitive uses.
Total Per Cycle: 4000 PIV
Donations and Receiving of Additional Funds
Any funds received by the proposal payout address from any source other than the PIVX network’s in-built budget distribution system will be considered as donations to be stewarded in the same fashion as explained above.
For complete transparency, a receiving address for donations is the same as the proposal’s receiving address, and it is the following address:
IMPORTANT NOTE: We DO encourage the PIVX community to additionally donate to this Marketing Fund even if it gets funded from the PIVX budget. Be assured that every single additional PIV donated to this fund will be used in the best possible way to increase the PIVX price. The larger Marketing Fund gets, the more quality possibilities in all mentioned areas above are coming into consideration, which brings endless opportunities.
Funds are being received to the active staking wallet, in order to increase the Marketing Budget further while funds are waiting for deployment.
The PIVX MBDB Team reserves the right to decide for ourselves the area(s) of focus that may or may not be added due to an increase in funds received, as well as the priority of any such added areas of focus.
To vote yes:
mnbudgetvote many 932a881b9a50e3d692e49c44f2d58430d8d3200bed436a12621d6971f6da0baf yes
To vote no:
mnbudgetvote many 932a881b9a50e3d692e49c44f2d58430d8d3200bed436a12621d6971f6da0baf no
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