Title: BudgetRepayment
Name: BudgetRepayment
Term: 1 Cycles
Cycle Amount: 147 940
Total Amount: 147 940
Author: Jeffrey
Receiver: Jeffrey
Address: DCxHHsEP13Usw8KTLj2TPm6mAfQG1q843J
Status: Active
Vote Hash: c636b7aaedfe3d8a24bf0c9bb3f3257f77447e77eb0987b2126dc488960c50ce
Hey everyone,
As it seems the previous budget cycle was not paid. This was due to some likely admin issues resulting in the budget not finalizing as we had a mandatory emergency upgrade (5.6.1) as requested by the exchange. Unfortunately due to this proposals were not paid out. An amount equating up to 232, 890 PIVX.
The purpose of this proposal is to request these funds (as those proposals did pass and the creators are entitled to their PIV) and then distribute it back to them. This proposal does not include two proposals by @PIVX Labs (jskitty) and @duddino , @Alessandro Rezzi , for their own accounting purposes they will submit separately two 30,000 PIV proposals and a 25,000 PIV. Funds which remains outstanding is then 147 890 PIV.
This proposal will total be 147 890 + 50 PIV submission fee. 147 940
The funds will then be distributed in accordance to passing proposals and the addresses listed on the proposal in the exact amounts.
I will also be asking for my 50 piv back that has been used to submit this proposal
Voting Details:
To Vote YES for this proposal:
mnbudgetvote many c636b7aaedfe3d8a24bf0c9bb3f3257f77447e77eb0987b2126dc488960c50ce yes
mnbudgetvote many c636b7aaedfe3d8a24bf0c9bb3f3257f77447e77eb0987b2126dc488960c50ce no
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