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Community Treasury Payouts - how it works?


New Pivian
Hello, Developers and others!

I haven't find any detailed information about how the payouts are performed.

For example, the case 1:
Total 43200 PIV and 3 proposals for 10000, 20000, 30000 (in order of their submission). Each of them have sufficient YES votes.
How will they be payed out? I assume that the last 30000 will not be payed out? If not, will it be suspended or go to the next round?
Does the order of their submission affects or the maximum YES votes?

the case 2:
Total 43200 PIV and 3 proposals for 43200, 10000, 5000 (again, as in order of their submission). Each of them have sufficient YES votes.
What will be payed out and what will not?

It would be appreciated if someone describes the algo of the payout.
For a proposal to be 'passing' the Net Yes votes (So, Yes votes - No votes = Net Yes votes) needs to be greater than 10% of the total Masternode count. Currently that is approx 1,820 Masternodes, so the Net Yes must be greater than 182.

Passing proposals are ordered from highest to lowest Net Yes votes, and those votes are locked randomly during the 2 days prior to the Superblock.

At Superblock, they are paid in order until there is not enough PIV left to pay, or until there are no more passing proposals.
The 43,200 PIV are created only if they are to be paid out. That means sometimes, LESS than 43,200 PIV is created.

Any unspent balance in the 43,200 is not created and is not carried forward to the next month.

Hope this helps!
Thanks! Now it's more clear to me :)

So, for passed proposals 1000, 2000, 40000 and 5000 PIV (in order from highest to lowest Net Yes votes) all except 40k will be payed and the 40k proposal will be expired, right? Or 40k will be transferred to the next superblock?

What if some of proposals will have the same Net Yes votes, but the budget left is only for one of them. Which will be payed? In which order (maybe timestamp of the proposal or anything else / random)?

and those votes are locked randomly during the 2 days prior to the Superblock
Two days according timestamp or particular block count?

Thanks a lot!
Then the 3 proposals of 1,000 , 2,000 and 5,000 would be paid from newly created PIV, and the 40,000 would not be paid. The balance of 35,200 (43,200 - 8,000) would not be created and not carried forward. The proposal may have not expired if it is a multi-month proposal, in which case it remains and is part of the voting process the next month.

Good question about how a tie in votes is resolved. I don't know.

Everything is according to block number, not date.
I'm exploring PIVX sources, successfully started a blockchain (using another port number) and trying to reproduce the budget payment. But still no luck.
@Eric_Stanek Are you a developer or maybe you can point someone out to this message? I definitely need some explanations. Thanks in advance!

What do I have:
Started blockchain network, 14 masternodes on it.
Activated sporks - the same as in PIVX network (except cold staking maintenance).
The chain works and produces blocks.

consensus.nBudgetCycleBlocks = 300;
consensus.nProposalEstablishmentTime = 3 * 60;
in budgetmanager.cpp I set
int finalizationWindow = 64; (as it's for testnet)

I successfully submitted a proposal, voted using 14 masternodes as yes.
getbudgetprojection shows this proposal.

But on superblock nothing happens. RemainingPaymentCount of the proposal becomes 0.
Maybe some conditions are not met or am I doing something wrong?
Hello Alexxiy,

I have done development in the past, but I have not written a single line of code for PIVX (Or any crypto project for that matter).

Sorry, but our developers are slammed for time and can only support PIVX.

Good luck!
excellent topic.. I am also puzzled about the payments.


Question: When do exactly the payments go to the approved proposals (is the superblock has enough coins to pay out)?
>> .. the Superblock has passed and I can't see any payments to the approved proposals. // note: yes, this is about our coin (a piwx fork).. I hope you don't mind me learning more about the pivx even though we are your fork.

And, how to you check the Superblock on explorer? .. is there a way to see the list of past pivx superbocks?

Thank you in advance,
excellent topic.. I am also puzzled about the payments.


Question: When do exactly the payments go to the approved proposals (is the superblock has enough coins to pay out)?
>> .. the Superblock has passed and I can't see any payments to the approved proposals. // note: yes, this is about our coin (a piwx fork).. I hope you don't mind me learning more about the pivx even though we are your fork.

And, how to you check the Superblock on explorer? .. is there a way to see the list of past pivx superbocks?

Thank you in advance,
Each block, a certain number of PIV are 'allocated' to the Treasury. We say 'allocated', because unlike rewards for Stakers and Masternodes, those PIV are NOT created. At each Superblock, the total PIV allocated are then created, but only as needed, to pay proposals that are passing. They are paid in order of most Net Yes votes, until there are no more proposals, or there are no more Treasury funds.

So, if there are proposals passing for a total of 20,000 PIV, and the Treasury has 43,200 PIV allocated, then only 20,000 PIV are created and paid. The balance is NOT carried forward. Conversely, if there are proposals passing for a total of 60,000 PIV, then new coins up to a max on 43,200 PIV for only the proposals that can be paid fully are created.

Currently, each block starting at super block, pays a proposal. So, if there are 6 proposals, then the first 6 blocks each pay a proposal.

You can see this using our main explorer at www.zkBitcoin.com. Just enter the superblock. You will see the 'Next Super Block' noted on that explorer in the summary near the top. Just subtract 43,200 blocks to see the prior super block. Note that the Treasury allocation changes starting the next superblock. In Feb the Treasury will be 10x or 432,000 PIV.
Currently, each block starting at super block, pays a proposal. So, if there are 6 proposals, then the first 6 blocks each pay a proposal.

Thank you for your explanation. I am a bit puzzled about the part: "each block starting at super block, pays a proposal"

Isn't 1 superblock = 1 block?

Is this example correct, please?
> example Superblock is a block: 3715200
> there are 3 approved (YES) proposals
> 1st is paid at 3715201
> 2nd is paid at 3715202
> 3rd is paid at 3715203

Thank you in advance,
Yes. A superblock is a special block that occurs every 30 days (Every 43,200 blocks to be precise). I believe in v6.0, all proposals will be paid on the same block. For now, they are successive blocks.
So every proposal must be created before the next superblock.
And, I my proposal passes. then I will be paid from the treasury. That means other PIVians will pay to fill up the proposal they like and support.
AM I right ?!
Actually, when you create a proposal, you can specify which superblock it is to start at, but most people don't plan far in advance, and always submit a proposal after a superblock, to start at the next one.

When you create a proposal, you can specify how many months it is for. Most people don't do much more than 3 months though, because the price can be wildly different at that time.

If you submit for 3 months, you don't have to resubmit each month. HOWEVER, each and every superblock, is an opportunity for the MNOs to change their mind and vote your proposal UP or DOWN.

So, best to not make financial commitments past the next month, since you get paid in advance for each month.

I hope that all makes sense.
Actually, when you create a proposal, you can specify which superblock it is to start at, but most people don't plan far in advance, and always submit a proposal after a superblock, to start at the next one.

When you create a proposal, you can specify how many months it is for. Most people don't do much more than 3 months though, because the price can be wildly different at that time.

If you submit for 3 months, you don't have to resubmit each month. HOWEVER, each and every superblock, is an opportunity for the MNOs to change their mind and vote your proposal UP or DOWN.

So, best to not make financial commitments past the next month, since you get paid in advance for each month.

I hope that all makes sense.