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Content creation, PR and social media management.


New Pivian
Title:Content creation, PR and social media management.
Name: Community engagement and expansion
Term: 4cycles
Amount per cycle: 2200PIV
Total amount: 8800PIV
AUTHOR: Joelagbo
RECIEVER: Joelagbo
Address: DAFKYn5FRMxPMxt3FXEhH8qcHr8stwukHE
Date of proposal: October 22 2019

PIVX is a pretty popular cryptocurrency project with a large community following its progress. However community relationship with a project grows with more engagement and continuous addition of new members who are interested in different aspects of the project’s and from different geographical region. With an already strong social media presence (which include a twitter account of over 60k followers), regular engagement of the followers in all the social media profiles through content creation and regular reports on the development of the project is vital for further growth of the project in terms of popularity. This proposal hopes to achieve these aforementioned goal.

Target issues:
Community engagement: PIVX social media channels are pretty updated with the recent events and developments. However creative writings on several interesting aspects of the project, their current use cases and more possible use cases will keep the community more alive and motivated towards the project. This will enhance the community engagement as such post will stimulate applauses and criticism from the wider community more than tweets on developments will.

Community expansion: The PIVX community is vast, with some regions currently having designated social media channels aimed at engaging more people from the region in question, enhance their participation and manage the progress of PIVX in such region. However, despite the current efforts, some very important regions in cryptocurrency is yet to be recognized.

Public relations and customer service: Emails are still one of the most reliable medium through which customers relay their queries and complaints to the concerned party especially where it concerns an investor and a project/company. PIVX being a growing project will surely attract individuals who are not conversant with joining social media channels and asking questions on the channel. Hence the need for a reliable email service connected to the official site and made reliable for customer service.

This proposal hopes to address the stated issues through the following means…

Regular content creation and project report: Being a blogger and freelancer of up-to 3years of experience which have been largely spent on content creation for cryptocurrency projects, I run a blog on steemit [profile link here]and other blogs sites like Publish0x[profile link here], substack and medium. My recent works can be seen on these blogs. These contents are primarily created for the project’s medium page and I only repost on my personal blog to create more visibility. I've previously worked for cryptocurrency start ups like Visionx and also currently creating contents for Pascal project [all contents seen on this blog were made by me] Posting these articles on the project’s medium channel and sharing to the social media account will improve community engagement and users can easily know more about the project when they surf the internet, I did this with Pascal and it produced positive results as regards improving community engagement. I recently made an article for PIVX [Link here], despite the article topic being out of date, an article of such concept with an up to date information about the given aspect of the project will draw community engagement and exposure.

Public relations and improved customer service: If approved by the community, I can manage the project’s current email or create a new email with the project website domain to which emails will be linked and also strive to respond to emails sent here ASAP. Also improving my presence in the discord channel to attend to enquiries by community members will improve the quality of service given to the community members. Cryptocurrency enquiries requires some immediate attention as this shows the seriousness of the project members having PR officers who are ready to take questions from the new or existing members who hopes to know more about an aspect of the project will also improve the project's progress.
Social media improvement and extension: Surprisingly, the PIVX project currently does not have a social media account and community dedicated to the African cryptocurrency community, creating and managing communities for this region and hosting promotional programs will help PIVX to penetrate the African cryptocurrency community. PIVX has an active member from South Africa which is a prominent country in cryptocurrency in Africa, however other countries such as Nigeria, Ghana,etc have also some tangible influence in cryptocurrency, working together with this already active member to create and manage the African community and host outreaches to extend the knowledge about PIVX to the African cryptocurrency community will surely expand the PIVX community. Also posting regularly on blockfolio and the project’s twitter and facebook page (if given the permission) will also improve the social media presence.

Content creation and community engagement is a time and skill intensive duty, hence for each cycle I will need 1000piv to produce an average of two articles, one bi-weekly report and also a monthly report.

Handling emails and enquiries on the social media communities is also time intensive I’ll need 500piv per cycle to run this duty.

To handle the new social media account and also post on the blockfolio signal, facebook and twitter pages, I’ll also need 700piv per cycle to run this duty.

Total budget per cycle: 2200PIV

To vote Yes – mnbudgetvote many

To vote No – mnbudgetvote many

Thanks for making out time to read this proposal, your support and criticism will be highly appreciated.
Last edited:
this seems to be a pre-proposal as I don't see any matching active proposal on the network nor vote hashes in the post here (also, the proposal name is invalid). Moving this to pre-proposal section for now
this seems to be a pre-proposal as I don't see any matching active proposal on the network nor vote hashes in the post here (also, the proposal name is invalid). Moving this to pre-proposal section for now
Alright, didn't really understand the concept of the categories.
It depends on the stage of business you currently are. Older and more established businesses will charge higher than smaller, newer ones. This is because they have experience and pedigree. Start small and increase your fees in 6 months, 12 months, 2 years etc.