It's almost like I have a view of something and I stick to it instead of caving in to a view i dont agree with? Great to not be bullied into a position. You won't admit your wrong when I think you are and I won't admit I am wrong because I don't think I am!
Yes. Difference is, the sum entirety of support for your position is that you THINK you are right.
Conversely, myself and others have provided MANY MANY data points, logic and rational thought, showing you are wrong.
You just keep making the same assertion. We keep coming back with more and more support.
What you have posted doesn't make me change my mind at all. I think it even strengthens my argument!
OK. Now I am confused. Not only does what has been presented prove you are wrong, any time you've tried to show it supports your argument, I've shown your failed logic.
She does use them but not to the fullest as can be seen from the analytics!
What analytics. Please do provide those. Remember, the blatant weakness to your argument is you have no supporting info. So, if you've got some, it would be in your best interest to show it.
She's had years to get it active and it's failing to get any traction.
Let's assume you are right. How does removing her from the role help? We have no one willing to fill the role, and someone new can't be immediately trusted. So, why not wait until someone better comes along? Posts to Twitter are just one part of her role. If someone new shows up and proves themselves, most certainly the opportunity for them to take on more and more responsibility will come their way. That's how it has worked for everyone else. But, you propose she step down, and we then have a massive hole in the Team, that could take years to fill. Further, it will negatively impact many other roles/proposals.
Enough is enough now she's shut down criticism by locking her thread and refusing to answer anything. This is not how a dao should work.
Correct. This is not how it should work. I did see you were making a concerted effort to act more respectfully and ask good questions. I even commented on that to others. However, it was short lived, and you went into attack mode again. It would be great if the forum allowed just one person to be blocked from responding to a post, but it is either no lock, or fully locked. So, your abuse of the right for people to make comments, has stopped everyone from making comments. Yet, you blame her? You are the one that triggers that action with your abuse and disrespect. So, it is in your power to reverse that, but it is going to take a long time.
Go tell her put her big boy pants on and stop hiding behind you. Accountability!
She has defended herself many many times. But, you can't deal with the truth. Doesn't matter how much support her counter position has. You just get louder and louder and louder, with nothing to support your position. No one asks me to call you out for them. I just know that they are all smarter than me, and know it is a complete waste of time communicating with you. Plus, even if they do want to try to explain again, they fear you will then vote them down. As such, you get near zero feedback from proposal authors. Good job.
Here is a good example of LeacyMcK replying to your questions/attack. All you've proven today and yesterday that it was a complete waste of her time to reply to you, because you STILL are not listening.
Key comment there from LeacyMcK;
"And your ignorant comment about hashtags once again shows your lack of understanding how socials work. We look at trending hashtags along with others that are applicable to our posts, we have used #BTC in the past and will use it again BUT not all of the time."
I have been nothing but civil with my questions yet I always get attacked from the likes of you and the usual people.
This is complete bullshit / gas lighting. You are rarely civil. At best, you are grossly ignorant of the topic being discussed, and when people point that out, or any other item for that matter, you act like you never read what they wrote. That prompts us to get LOUDER. Doesn't work. Ugh.
Only a few seem to bother now, why don't you join them and save us both the time having to reply the samethings over and over and let the votes decide?
Yes. I also constantly question why I bother because you don't listen. You have a bunch of votes. If you are wrong about something, it is my responsibility as a PIVian to point it out, so that you can make an informed decision. That's why I provide feedback with facts, data points, logic, expert opinions, and rational thought.
But then again youve publicly stated that if someone is voted out you'd just ignore that and they would stay on without pay...not for long I bet...let's see!
Some might stay, albeit with effort scaled back dramatically. Some might leave. My point in those public comments is that everyone volunteers here. Even those that get paid, often add more hours. They are here because they are passionate about PIVX and 'bleed purple'. I don't know what LeacyMcK would do. I'm sure she has opportunities to work for other projects, although she may not realize that. Regardless, if she is voted out, she is going to honor the trust we've placed in her, and hold onto account access until we find someone we can trust, who has been able to prove themselves. In the meantime, it will throw a lot of efforts into chaos. Your ego will get inflated. PIVX will suffer greatly. The price will drop.
The only people I want to speak to are proposal owners on this forum, which you are not.
OK. No problem. Stop replying then. But, you're not trying to stomp on my right to speak freely are you? I hope not. Because I am not going anywhere. I will be calling you out constantly when you make mistakes or attack people.
I ask questions to figure out how to cast my votes.
Great! But, why do you ignore the answers - especially the well supported ones?
We are complete opposite opinions of how the dao works and your friendship with leacy clouds your judgement.
The way I see the DAO working, is how it has been working since launch in 2016. Your way of how it works, is you being dictator. Sorry. Not happening. The DAO will continue regardless. It's just a question of how much damage you inflict before even you have to admit you are wrong. Until then, PIVX suffers and stops growing as fast as it could.
All of these conversations would not of happened if you'd of left it at my first post if she's working more she should get paid more and i voted yes but you couldn't help yourself.
Nope. You went into attack mode. YOU couldn't help yourself. The chronology is there for anyone to see.
I told you your not helping her and you've made her lock all criticism out which is a red line so she has to go.
Then why has she and multiple other people, sent me DMs thanking me for pushing back against you?
Remember, all my comments are 'push back' against your failed logic and attacks. That makes you the instigator and the reason.
PIVX is a Meritocracy. No one decided that. It is just a natural dynamic that comes from having a group of volunteers put major effort and passion into this project. Granted, they are not all volunteers now, as many are paid, but often they all still add more hours they are not paid for. I believe that the Meritocracy is why PIVX has survived. Others disagreed and left to start other projects. They have ALL failed. (DeVault, Veil, SmartCash, Cherry Network etc. etc. )
Let's get to the point FINALLY.
This is all about ONE thing. You want the ability to abuse the right to speak freely, so that you can attack people to get your way, instead of being professional and acting in the best interest of PIVX. Further, even when you get replies, you ignore all data, facts, logic and material that supports that go against your view, while providing nothing to support your view. You just assert the same original point over and over and over and over. That's not how debates work. That's how dictatorships work, and the PIVX DAO is obviously not supporting that.
Change your approach. Help BUILD PIVX. Stop attacking.
Here are some comments in DMs to me:
"His ongoing harassment would bother anyone on the team. It’s too much for anyone."
"It bothers me that you have to use some of your productive time going after him."
"Calm down and make yourself a cup of coffee! You've been trying to talk to this guy since the day I joined PIVX and he never understands."
"Yes its bad. Everyone does have PTSD. Its really hard to work on anything."
"When someone says they're not suicidal - they actually are. So, when someone says; 'I am surely trusted enough to not go full blown kamikaze?' best to assume they will."