Title: ConvoCoin Marketing Partnership
Name: ConvoCoin_Marketing_Partnership_1
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 150
Total Amnt: 450
Author: ConvoCoin by TogaTech
Receiver: ConvoCoin by TogaTech
Address: <TBD>
Status: Draft
This proposal aims to increase PIVX marketing reach and take advantage of the upcoming SHIELD mainnet launch as a way to boost awareness about PIVX. This will be a partnership with ConvoCoin (, a platform with a reach to thousands of people interested in cryptocurrency that have not yet heard of PIVX and the amazing capabilities of this network.
How ConvoCoin Works
ConvoCoin is both a cryptocurrency and distribution protocol. Through the ConvoCoin Discord bot, currently in numerous cryptocurrency servers with thousands of users, user activity is calculated in a privacy-centric way and filtered through advanced spam detection with 1 minute cooldowns and other mechanisms that prevent gaming the system (more details on Then, ConvoCoins are distributed daily to users based on activity in these servers (out of a fixed daily budget).
What ConvoCoin Will Provide
We will add PIVX to the distribution to allow more users to hold PIVX. Since our distribution is based on genuine activity and interest in cryptocurrency from members, the people who receive more PIVX are the people who are more likely to learn more about the project and contribute to the network and community. Additionally, we will promote PIVX through the bot by adding links to PIVX resources and mentioning the benefits of holding PIVX.
What PIVX Will Provide
PIVX will merely provide the distribution amount, voted on by the PIVX DAO. We will take care of all of the marketing and distribution for the bot by working with server owners to add the bot to more servers to spread PIVX reach. We will also seek opinions about the project and partnership from the PIVX community.
Testing Plan
We will request to add the ConvoCoin bot to the PIVX server so that they can experience how the bot works first-hand. Once users are satisfied with the results, we will continue to the DAO voting and finalize amounts as necessary. We will run the PIVX distribution for a few cycles, and if there are positive results, we will revisit the amounts and consider slightly increasing PIVX distribution to account for more users as well as anything else ConvoCoin can do to help market PIVX (or the PIVX community will decide to discontinue the partnership if they is not satisfied).