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Food Truck PIVX


New Pivian

What I'll do?
Present the PIVX to a large public, taking 4 Food Trucks to receive the PIVX as a form of payment in a college in São Paulo

The intention is to take Food Trucks to a college that has more than 7,000 students, we will give a bountry of 6 PIV for people to consume in the Food Truck, we will give more visibility to PIVX as a means of payment in this event, the young public is a great public since it has a great ease in learning new technologies and a very great acceptance

-If the proposal is approved, the PIVX will be evident throughout the event, pamphlets, social networks of the college, balloon PDV to give assistance to the Bountry and support

-We will promote the bountry to encourage the public to lower their wallet on their smartphones to pay for their food with PIVX.

-We will be showing more sites that accept PIVX also in printed media material

We will have a video marker and photographer in place to register everything and post on the social network, I hope this has a good repersuçao in the crypto Brazil market for PIVX as a means of payment with privacy

Cost: 4063 PIVX

25% space cost

25 social media, decoration, food truck. print, t shit.

21.4% Bountry

28.6% local team, sound, lighting, photo, video

Joaquim - PIVX Ambassador Portuguese
moving this to pre-proposal section...

please edit it to adhere to the formatting guidelines linked in my previous post.