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How difficult is it to enable full smart contract functionality on pivx and is it possible at all?


A question: hypothetically, how difficult is it to enable full smart contract functionality on pivx?

I am not asking it to be implemented > want to understand the idea itself.

Is this doable, at all?

Yes, I understand that the "old guards" don't want it and don't think it is needed.

Our dev told me - it is impossible. Is it?

Thank you

Our dev told me - it is impossible. Is it?
Nothing is impossible, and certainly not this, it has been done many times on codebases similar to PIVX (BTC-based Smart Chains).

But it doesn't mean we should do it.

If we did, then: I'd rather it not be in the way most people wish for it to be implemented, which, like ETH and SOL, would flood the PIVX blockchain with tens of thousands of worthless "Fartcoin" and "Trump" tokens.
It looks like when forking the PIVX code, the PIVX copyright was removed from all files. This probably happened by mistake, with an overzealous 'search and replace' of all mentions of 'PIVX' to be replaced with 'MARIA'. The fact it edited the copyright notice of PIVX was likely missed. Of course, copying the code is permitted. But copyright notices must not be changed. Instead, a Maria copyright notice should be added only to files that MARIA changes.

This breaks the license, and has been used by PIVX in the past, to have repositories removed by GitHub. Please have the PIVX copyright notice replaced in all files it was inadvertently removed from. I will make a note to check back in a few weeks to see if this has been done.

Thank you.
It looks like when forking the PIVX code, the PIVX copyright was removed from all files. This probably happened by mistake, with an overzealous 'search and replace' of all mentions of 'PIVX' to be replaced with 'MARIA'. The fact it edited the copyright notice of PIVX was likely missed. Of course, copying the code is permitted. But copyright notices must not be changed. Instead, a Maria copyright notice should be added only to files that MARIA changes.

This breaks the license, and has been used by PIVX in the past, to have repositories removed by GitHub. Please have the PIVX copyright notice replaced in all files it was inadvertently removed from. I will make a note to check back in a few weeks to see if this has been done.

Thank you.

Good morning Erik, thank you for pointing out - I will ask the developer to sort this out next time we do an update. Didn't know this was a case :/ ... I try to mention everywhere that we are "proud PIVX fork" (what we are).
.. currently I am in the state where I'm tired of spending money, energy and time thinking about $maria. .. for me this is tech > for my community just $$$$.. tired and need to invest this time in my businesses :) .. closed the company for the coins, cancelled the related servers and vpss (addnodes, explorer, bootstrap vps etc) and my community knows that we have failed.. The only thing that could get the mojo back > the possibility of having full-blown smart contract functionality. .. now = it is officially failed project that was meant for real businesses: hostmaria, mariabuy and more.. poor me :D :D :D .. apologies for this bla bla bla :)

Love the pivx community - real conversations on the future and tech (not just pump n dump & over the moon!!) :)

Great weekend all!!
.. currently I am in the state where I'm tired of spending money, energy and time thinking about $maria. .. for me this is tech > for my community just $$$$.. tired and need to invest this time in my businesses :) .. closed the company for the coins, cancelled the related servers and vpss (addnodes, explorer, bootstrap vps etc) and my community knows that we have failed.. The only thing that could get the mojo back > the possibility of having full-blown smart contract functionality. .. now = it is officially failed project that was meant for real businesses: hostmaria, mariabuy and more.. poor me :D :D :D .. apologies for this bla bla bla :)

Love the pivx community - real conversations on the future and tech (not just pump n dump & over the moon!!) :)

Great weekend all!!
Sorry to hear all this. Perhaps the long term solution is to contribute to PIVX instead? Depending where you fit in, and the effort and skills you contribute, you can submit proposals to get paid.
Hi Eric, I am more thinking of an idea to fund the further development of our fork towards full smart contract functionality. And, after that saying: do you have a pivx fork and also have such a need > feel free to use our solution.

.. my issue is: I don't trust Liquid and JS Kitty :/ .. would hire them, but can't hire a professional when I know some of their past skeletons.

Anyways :) we will see how it goes :)

Great weekend all!! PIVX is awesome!!! :) H
Well, I don't know exactly what you are referring too, but in this space, it is easy to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and get splashed with 'mud', through no fault of your own. I judge people on what I know of them first hand, and how I have seen them react and perform, over LONG periods of time.

I know bits and pieces of many people in PIVX. Enough to know PIVians come from all walks of life. In real life, they may not be in my circle of friends, just because we each live our lives differently. But, they would still have my respect. Why? Well, here in PIVX, we have one thing in common, and that is to each do our small part to make the world a better place. That's what matters to me.

We all make mistakes, and have in our past. But, I trust both Liquid and Kitty to do what is right for PIVX, and the community. Frankly, it would be a MASSIVE hit to PIVX if we were to lose either one. Further, PIVX would have died a while back, if it weren't for their efforts, and the people they work with.

You obviously have a different philosophy on this .... and that's OK. But, let's be honest; PIVX is thriving, and Maria is pretty much dead. That should tell you which philosophy is better.

Good luck!
uhh.. my manners :( .. apologies for behaving like this unacceptable. .. removed the comment. All the best wishes all! Helmuts