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How to Completely Install PIVX Wallet on Separate Partition


New Pivian
On a PC, I am trying to install the complete PIVX wallet and its files on a separate partition D:
After I install it to a custom directory on the D: partition it keeps giving me this error:

Cannot find the Sapling Parameters in the following directory:
Please run 'sapling-fetch-params' or './util/fetch-params.sh' and then restart.

What do I need to do to have no PIVX files on the C: drive and have the wallet open correctly?
How do you do that? It just keeps going back to the same error when I start the wallet and then it exits.
And how would I run what it is asking for? Would this fix the problem?

'sapling-fetch-params' or './util/fetch-params.sh'
Hello again Janus,

There are 2 issues happening here.

First, the sapling params issue is taken care of for you, if you use the *.exe installer. Seems like you downloaded the *.zip file and just grabbed the binaries.

Second, what is the desire to have all PIVX files in a non-standard location? Do you have a disk space issue on C: drive?

Hello again Janus,

There are 2 issues happening here.

First, the sapling params issue is taken care of for you, if you use the *.exe installer. Seems like you downloaded the *.zip file and just grabbed the binaries.

Second, what is the desire to have all PIVX files in a non-standard location? Do you have a disk space issue on C: drive?

I just want to have the entire wallet installed in the non-standard location, in this case on D: drive partition. I would like it to be able to run without any dependencies on the standard C: location. I tried installing it with the normal PIVX 64 bit installer.

(Picture 1) When I install the wallet, I direct it to install at D: Pivx.
(Picture 2) However it automatically installs another folder to C:\Users\myPC\AppData\Roaming\PIVXParams.
How do I get the PIVXParams to also install to D: ? Or at least move it there and have the wallet open correctly?
(Picture 3) If I move PIVXParams folder the wallet wont open. How do I point it to the new location where I moved it on D: drive?


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I just want to have the entire wallet installed in the non-standard location, in this case on D: drive partition. I would like it to be able to run without any dependencies on the standard C: location. I tried installing it with the normal PIVX 64 bit installer.

(Picture 1) When I install the wallet, I direct it to install at D: Pivx.
(Picture 2) However it automatically installs another folder to C:\Users\myPC\AppData\Roaming\PIVXParams.
How do I get the PIVXParams to also install to D: ? Or at least move it there and have the wallet open correctly?
(Picture 3) If I move PIVXParams folder the wallet wont open. How do I point it to the new location where I moved it on D: drive?
The prompt is where to store the blockchain and PIVX binaries.
Standard Windows practice for any other application with large amounts of data, is to have the app and data stored in a user specified location, but the AppData (Settings) and Windows Registry data is ALWAYS stored on C drive.

You need to talk to Bill Gates about this one. Sorry.
You need to talk to Bill Gates about this one. Sorry.
Well that is interesting. I didn't know Kill Gates Created FIRO coin, DODGE coin and Monero because all of these coins have the ability to do exactly this. The entire installation of these coins can be done the way I am talking about, everything on a separate partition. Between all of these, only PIVX you can't apparently. I sure hope this can be changed to fix this limitation of a PIVX installation.
You have the AppData (Settings) and Windows Registry data on D drive?
Correct. Those other wallets gave me the option upon install to change the directory of the AppData location. Can we get PIVX to change this in its installation? Where would I submit this for a proposal?
On a PC, I am trying to install the complete PIVX wallet and its files on a separate partition D:
After I install it to a custom directory on the D: partition it keeps giving me this error:

Cannot find the Sapling Parameters in the following directory:

What do I need to do to have no PIVX files on the C: drive and have the wallet open correctly?
You didn't specify the option: -paramsdir=<dir> Specify zk params directory (default: $HOME/.pivx-params)
See all pivxd or pivx-qt options: ./pivxd -h or ./pivx-qt -h

I have all PIVX & Monero blockchains on external NVME (connected over Infiniband RDMA) that I can mount in any KVM.

For more details see my systemd service script: pivxd.service On Windows, the options should be able to be set similar to my 'ExecStart=' line.
You didn't specify the option: -paramsdir=<dir> Specify zk params directory (default: $HOME/.pivx-params)
See all pivxd or pivx-qt options: ./pivxd -h or ./pivx-qt -h

I have all PIVX & Monero blockchains on external NVME (connected over Infiniband RDMA) that I can mount in any KVM.

For more details see my systemd service script: pivxd.service On Windows, the options should be able to be set similar to my 'ExecStart=' line.
I am trying to install the PIVX wallet on Windows using the installer .exe. How do I modify / change the installation directory of the PIVX params?
-paramsdir=<dir> Specify zk params directory (default: $HOME/.pivx-params) - HOW? For example: if I want the PIVXParams in D:/PIVX

OK so I downloaded the PIVX wallet .zip file (instead of the .exe installation).
I Put the files in D:\Pivx folder
Went to D:\Pivx\share\man\man1 - Found the pivxd.1 file - EDITING THE FILE...
Line 57: Specify zk params directory (default: /home/fuzzbawls/.pivx\-params) - Is this the line I need to edit?
If so, what does this line, file directory text look like if zk params is going to be in: D:\PIVX ?
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Well I tried to put this up on GitHub but the GitHub mod Fuzzbawls is an absolute piece of trash.
No help at all. This is what represents PIVX?

First I posted this. I couldn't add a feature request label to it. Fuzzbawls could have done that but instead seemed to get triggered over the whole ordeal.

Second I posted this:

And again he closes it without any type of help what so ever or adding a feature request label or anything. So glad this person represents PIVX because now that I see the unprofessional level of PIVX mods/devs/support... I will not be giving any type of support for this project. Shutting down my masternodes and exchanging this :poop: coin for a more professional team project.
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All problems can be solved with communication. But, that takes 2 parties.

Let's start over. Please let me summarize what I believe to be the issue, and you can correct me where I have it wrong.

When installing PIVX, it prompts you for where you would like to install it. You are selecting the D: drive.

Basically, there are 4 things that then need to be installed/downloaded/setup for you.

1. The binaries for the PIVX wallet.
2. The Sapling params. (This is done automatically for you if you run the installer. Only needed to be done once. Not needed for upgrades.)
3. The block chain. (The 'data' directory)
4. The Windows Registry entries.

I have not used Windows in almost 20 years. It is my understanding that when you use the Windows installer and select D:/some-folder-you-like then the binaries are stored there (1) the sapling params script is run using that specified folder (2) and the data folder for the blockchain files will be stored there also (3) when the wallet is first started.

However, the Windows Registry always exists on the C: drive, so entries (4) related to PIVX needed in the Windows Registry get stored there.

What parts of the above do I have wrong?

EDIT: Seems like the Sapling Parameters are always stored on C: drive. There likely is a strong technical reason for this. Note that Firo, Doge and Monero do not use zkSNARKs Sapling, (Which is what these params are for) so they can't be used for comparison.
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I don't know how many times or how many ways I need to explain this but it's obviously a limitation within the installer. You cannot completely install the wallet on a separate partition like other wallets I listed. PIVX puts the PARAMS on the C drive no matter if you direct it to install on another partition. The wallet will not function without this C drive installation dependency, unlike other wallets. I know it can be changed/fixed to work in this manner. I tried to submit it as a feature request but as you can see that went nowhere thanks to FuzzNuts on GitHub who has a problem with human interaction. It doesn't matter now any way. I am in the process of exchanging all my PIVX holdings.

The whole idea here is to fully install the PIVX wallet on a separate partition and have the wallet completely survive a C drive wipe or corruption. Meaning if you fully reinstall the OS to the C drive, and then open the wallet fully installed on the D drive, the wallet remains fully functional. This can be done with DOGE, Monero, FIRO wallets. PIVX on the other hand creates a complete dependency on the C drive by not allowing a complete install on another partition.
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Sorry, but you do NOT have AppData and the Windows registry on your D drive. If you did, the params would be installed on your D drive, because AppData is what it uses to determine where to store the params.

Please be respectful to Team members. This is your only warning.
OK. A user familiar with Windows provided me with the following steps.

1. download https://github.com/PIVX-Project/PIVX/releases/download/v5.4.0/pivx-5.4.0-win64.zip
2. from within the zip file, only copy ``pivx-qt.exe`` into ``D:\pivx\`` (can be anywhere, but using D:\pivx\ for this example)
3. create a new folder called ``blockchain`` in ``D:\pivx`` (i.e. ``D:\pivx\blockchain``)
4. create a new folder called ``params`` in ``D:\pivx`` (i.e. ``D:\pivx\params``)
5. create a shortcut for ``pivx-qt.exe`` (it will create ``pivx-qt.exe - Shortcut`` by default)
6. right click, and go to properties to edit the ``pivx-qt.exe - Shortcut``
7. edit the Target: line as following: ``D:\pivx\pivx-qt.exe -datadir=D:\pivx\blockchain -paramsdir=D:\pivx\params`` then hit OK
8. run ``pivx-qt.exe - Shortcut`` and let the magic happen
9. optional: you can rename and/or copy the shortcut to anywhere you like and it'll still work as it's just a shortcut

A quick bit of research implies the wallet setup does not provide for this level of customization, because it becomes a support nightmare trying to figure out where a beginner has placed files. However, the above steps are easy for an advanced user to complete, and no one else should be doing this anyways.

Note that in the above, your AppData settings are still stored on C: as they are for every application. But that would repopulate after a wipe of the C: drive for a new OS install for example.

Thank you for your patience.