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Archived LMP: MPW Webpack


Staff member
Name: LMP - MPW Webpack
Term: 1 Cycle
Cycle Amnt: 4,000
Total Amnt: 4,000
Author: Duddino, Sandude, JSKitty
Receiver: Duddino
Address: DShxa9sykpVUYBe2VKZfq9dzE8f2yBbtmg
Created: 26-01-2023
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 27826d412ce716f496d889dc2d4174bc4490160d828429e9d4245dc9ff12a47f

Project updated:

My PIVX Wallet (MPW)
Pull Request: https://github.com/PIVX-Labs/MyPIVXWallet/pull/68

What issues does this proposal address?

Migrates the entirety of the codebase to Webpack. This deletes all of the libraries external to the repo, making it significantly easier to update libraries, as well as to audit the code.

What features or improvements were added?
  • Removed a couple of redundant libraries.
  • Translated the entire codebase to ES6 modules.
  • Integrated Webpack to the codebase.
How does this benefit users?
  • Dropping redundant libraries and using Webpack's inbuilt minifier significantly reduced code size, which will have a positive effect on performance.
  • Easier security audits by splitting the code into modules and dropping external minified libraries.
  • Improved security by making it easier to update libraries as well as implement unit tests.
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