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Active Marketing-Hawtch


Active Pivian
Name: Marketing-Hawtch
Term: 3 cycles
Cycle Amount: 30,000 PIV
Total Amount: 90,000 PIV
Author: Hawtch
Receiver: Hawtch
Address: DU6wxchgNN1UoxwqSFcFYM9P6N8wJb7uUL
Created: Dec 09, 2024
Vote Hash: 79cdf20acbfb3bd201a3da10a18baba13d6c9442f00ebe07f41f04ec5d5e88d9

Hi PIVX community, Hawtch here!

This last year has flown by.​

It's been absolutely incredible working for PIVX Marketing alongside @Robin and the rest of the PIVX team. Working with PIVX has been one of my most enjoyable career positions thus far. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone in PIVX, Masternode owners and not. It's my goal to honour your votes, investments, and belief in us with delivering honest and solid work. Over this last year I have moved to a video and advertising role, managing the Youtube, Rumble, and paid ads. I am hoping as we expand our efforts in paid marketing, viral marketing, and partnerships we can reach a place where PIVX is a household name similar to how Bitcoin is.

This next quarter (or 3 months) I am going to be changing from 30 hours a week to 40 hours. I have added extra PIV to my monthly quote and then subtracted 2000/mth to make sure to compensate for the rapid influx in price. I am eager to push out more work and see things expand.

See last Proposal Forum Post for reported work. If you have questions or comments feel free to DM or Reply to this post.


Youtube videos

    (Published Get a Wallet and Send + Receive PIV ).
    • Aiming for 3-4 a month. Want these out ASAP for noobies. Upcoming vids in order: Recover Wallet, Get PIV, Private PIV, Spend PIV (PIV Cards), Stake (Hot and Cold - might put these in two separate vids) and much more.


    Some might see memes as slightly unprofessional, but Jeffrey, and I both think that this is long overdue as the lack of it has kept us out of viral crypto trends/memes in the past.
    We will be putting slightly less focus on Shorts, but nonetheless we will still be posting. Our new Junior Marketer Ellamell will be helping with these.

Paid Ads

    Faucetpay.io and Viefaucet.com have already been a great alternative to Google Ads. We have spent only $30 and received roughly 5000 total views on our most recent videos! Could be very effective since it's crypto people already there clicking on the ads. This is also an affordable way to test effectiveness of various colours, CTA's and images on ads.
    We are keeping our eyes and ears open to other opportunities such as the Faucet sites and even possible partnerships. This is where a lot of you can come in - if you have a connection or know new/unmentioned ways we can do ads, PLEASE let us know!
    Putting this on hold unless necessary. Google is risky for crypto ads. Even something as neutral as the Travala Ad was VERY limited by its target countries and its Call to Action it could include. Google has given us a warning for every video we have posted due to their hostility to Decentralized Crypto. This makes us quite nervous and we don't want to lose the channel + account.

Expand the Team

    • A good friend of mine, @Ellamell wants to help and has agreed to volunteer her time over the coming 1-2 months to become our 'Junior Marketer'. She is bright and will be a great addition to our team - she believes in what we are doing, and wants to help. She will be starting with more menial editing tasks, helping to post/manage faucet ads, and produce content for our PIVX TikTok channel I created. She is young and has a better finger on the pulse of the current TikTok generations. We will definitely keep you all up to date on her efforts and how it goes.
    I am starting to do a bit more management seeing as Robin and now Ellamell (below) is here. This will naturally become more of my role as we grow a cohesive team to tackle various marketing and ad efforts.

Consistent Request for Revisions format in both Discord and PIVX Forum.

    Consistent format and request for feedback. Robin and Ellamell will work in tandem with me to make you are all involved in the process and have a chance to lend your voice to the stuff that goes out. Hoping to hear more feedback, but we take no feedback as a sign we are doing the right thing.

Themed Campaigns (How To vids, Merchant Highlights, etc)

  • In tandem with Redbyrd, Jeffrey, and others.


These may fluctuate more or less given big news, last minute priority tasks, or anything else that may take precedence demanding design/marketing help. I give a list of Deliverables because it gives a task of substantial items to work on and show to the community - this and it also keeps me accountable to you all. In no way am I intending to do LESS, but I feel like this should be said because there is a level of flexibility that is necessary with these types of roles. This is my ideal and intended schedule. Saying that, I will still be putting in the same hours and effort!

Funding Breakdown​

  • Work Hours 30,000 PIV (40+ hours per week)
  • Cycle Length: 3 Cycles (1 month)
  • Total Quote: 30,000 PIV /month (90,000 PIV total)

Last 3 Months Summary​

    • Posted less than anticipated. Got caught up in larger endeavours like ads, How To vids, and analytics. Definitely room for improvement.
    • Due to it's lack of engagement and Youtube veering away from this being the 'Meta' of its algorithm we think we should keep this a lower priority to full 1920x1080 vids. Saying that, we are wanting to put more 'meme' and entertaining vids seeing as Youtube Shorts is similar to TikTok - it needs to be something that is quick and informative/interesting or funny. These are also much easier to produce.
    • Google Ads: Travala 418,000 views and This is Fine ad got 57,000. More Info Here
    • Faucet Sites: Faucetpay.io and Viefaucet.com have already been a great alternative to Google Ads. We have spent only $30 and received roughly 5000 total views on our most recent videos! Could be very effective since it's crypto people already there clicking on the ads. This is also an affordable way to test effectiveness of various colours, CTA's and images on ads. If you flip through our competitor coins that spend on the platform, we really do NEED to utilize this. Throughout December we will spend the remaining $200 of ad money on this. Report will be on Ad Proposal I will post soon.
  • Merch (Side Project):
    • We have come up with concepts for Jeffrey's upcoming events. We will share pics as we progress. Redbyrd and I are also in talks of creating a merch site, but this is highly subject to our spare time (I mean look how long it took for us to create a concept for Jeffrey - jeesh).
    • In both Discord and Forums
    • We have consistently done this - giving all of you a chance to give feedback. Despite not always receiving much response we are well aware that PIVX has a ton of lurkers that still do read it and keep up to date haha Yah, that's right, we see you.
    • In what he is doing with PIVX listings, partners, and growth.
  • FUTURE CAMPAIGNS + GROWTH (In tandem with Redbyrd, Jeffrey, and others)


  • New Formatting. I know I write alot. That's why I'm trying this new format to help with readibility. If it doesn't help, please let me know.
  • I am doing a 3 months proposal. This, for me, helps with de-stressing myself around proposals and frees up time to work. I WILL HOWEVER still be posting monthly to let everyone know what I and Robin have been doing.
  • I'm now on a general task list rather than an exact task list of deliverables. This is due to the nature of how long video vs flat graphics take vs needing to prioritize something pressing such as big listings, quick edits and ads, or an important event. I do try to share specifics though and consistently as for feedback in the forum for larger projects.
Last edited by a moderator:
Kudos for using the Forum TABLES and BULLETS functionality to make the proposal easier to read!
Ok awesome! Glad you like it. Just trying to make things easier to read out since I tend to right so much content haha

Tik Tok is going to launch this week.
We will be focusing on informative quick info and memes. "Professional" Stuff won't cut it, so we are going towards people's curiousity and funny-bone. @Ellamell is helping with this a ton. We will be watching closely @SiggeB on Discord and X , our PIVX Community account on X, and news to create content! (Which btw you guys have been on point).

This week we are creating a shortened down outro for the vids and posting our first vids. We will be making an PIVX intro vid to pin to the top that will be infortmative and professional.

Tik Tok Page: https://www.tiktok.com/@pivx_crypto


Holidays have been NUTS! Wife and I recently became foster parents and it's been absolutely bananas. I've been grinding but I must admit I have not been as efficient given the circumstances. Regardless of that the team and I have still been able to work on content as we come into the new year. Things are in a better place now that we are past Christmas and I got a fire in my belly READY TO GO!

Tik Tok​

@Ellamell has been killin it with the team. Without any boosts or ads we achieved 287 and 318 views with the first two vids. Additionally one of the video memes got 510 organic views on our Youtube Shorts page.

We are planning to post 2 times a week consistently in order to be better picked up by the algorithm. We will be doing the same with these short meme vids on Youtube Shorts.

I will be using some of the ad budget to buy TikTok 'coins' and learn how to boost our posts, in hopes of maximizing exposure.

Ideas, WIP, and Posted:

PIVX Intro (Pinned to top of Tik Tok)​

Ready to post: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/coh1tvYr9uo

Rugpull Cat​

Posted: https://www.tiktok.com/@pivx_crypto/video/7449135682771012869

Hotdog SEC vs BTC​

Posted: https://www.tiktok.com/@pivx_crypto/video/7449905292139121926

Duct Tape​

Inspired by and using @SiggeB X.com Post HERE

While BTC Waits...​

Patrick BTC v PIVX​

Positive/Negative BTC Compare​

Spiderman Theatre​

Toby Dancing Meme​

You Were The Chosen One​

Pepe AI Vid​

Note: These may not seem the most professional, but we are playing to our platform and target market. These are supposed to be easily repeated, quick and snappy, minimal 'corporate branding', and something you can quickly chuckle at/view anywhere (on the bus, toilet, school, etc).

XT.com Hype Video​

Featuring the new 20x margin trading along with the other great features that come with PIVX listed on XT.com. Well done @Jeffrey for continuing to kill it with growth!
Did we miss any new features or does this look good enough to represent this hype news? We'd love to hear what ya think!

XT Hype Vid (WIP)

How To Vids

Accidently hit publish - please bear with me as I finish this up! <3
Apologies for being a bit quieter the last couple weeks.

Part of what I have been doing is working hard to migrate all of our files, passwords, notes, and tasks to our NEW MARKETING.PIVX.ORG Nextcloud account!

Thanks to @palmtree we have a platform for our team to pretty much do everything on! In the long run this will help save time and add major efficiency!
We found that our current files were all on different file hosts because it was tough to put multiple creators working files all on the same server (PIVX Cloud).

Analytics Report Dec.24-Feb.25

Here is the analytics report between December 2024 and February 2025. A lot of good stuff here! We are proud to announce our success as we grow the channel and help promote the awesome stuff that PIVX is doing.

Big shoutout to @Ellamell for her amazing work at assessing the analytics on our promoted content and adjusting to see significantly more success. She has additionally create a bunch of the PIVX Tik Tok videos to great success!

From the team: Redbyrd, Ellamell, and Hawtch.

Analytics Report Link


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