Well-known Pivian
Title: PIVX Cash Grab March 2022
Name: PIVX-Cash-Grab-202203
Term: 1 Cycle
Cycle Amount: 15500 PIV
Total Amount: 15500 PIV
Author: Eric Stanek
Receiver: Eric Stanek
Address: DA36PwDjkFmgcoLBweUSNRtFAh8D7Tijpr
Created: March 14, 2022
Status: Active
Vote Hash: f50fd6673a7169f74df3556f92e5abbbad3b6d200637e0876b8deecebb4fe1f4
There were discussions taking place on who should submit a proposal for the available balance, what it should include, and how it should be redistributed.
This is normal for team proposals to discuss things first and often things happen at the last minute. However it seems communication has stopped and I am not sure why. I hope everyone is well.
If a new Core Development proposal shows up in time, please vote this one down. I simply want to make sure the available funds are not lost. Time is running out.
If this proposal is funded, I will prompt a discussion here to get some sort of Community Consensus before redistributing the funds.
Once such a redistribution happens, I will update this forum entry, and any further reporting will be handled by the people receiving the funds.
I am not going to give Voting instructions here, since we now have a BEAUTIFUL IN WALLET Voting System that makes it easy!
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