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PIVX Coast 2 Coast Australia (Sept 2019 – Sept 2020)


New Pivian
Title: PIVX Coast 2 Coast Australia (Sept 2019 – Sept 2020)
Term: 2 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 14500
Total Amnt: 29000
Author: Samfransisco (Australia) and Gordon 1770
Receiver: Samfransisco (Australia)
Address: TBA
Created: 7/7/2019
Status: Pre-Proposal
PIVX Coast 2 Coast AUSTRALIA - Revised Proposal

We are super excited to propose a strategy for cryptocurrency adoption across an entire country. Building on the foundations of the TravelbyBit point of sale (POS) network, this proposal will bring PIVX to the main stage in global adoption strategies. Although Australia has the stickiest anti-encryption in the world, it has some of the most pro-blockchain regulations, as well as state and federal support. Australia’s innovation within the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry is at an all-time high, playing host to an advanced ecosystem of innovation and adoption. This project brings together a proven team of partners and supporters to put PIVX at the forefront of digital currency adoption.
Check out the Plan in Real Time Live Action

NOTE: This video is not for public posting. It is a concept only for the PIVX community proposal forum.

This proposal will:

Integrate PIVX payments to the TravelbyBit POS system at two anchor points in Australia:

One on the EAST COAST at - Agnes Water – 1770 - Australia’s First Digital Currency Town

The second on the WEST COAST at
Fremantle home of WhereToShopWithCrypto

Adoption will be promoted and achieved by
  • Building a network of stores with a consistent PIVX strategy in each location;
  • Organizing informational and networking events to increase merchant adoption;
  • Promote a WHO’S YOUR PIVX MATE campaign;
  • Education of new Pivians on how to download a PIVX wallet, distribute PIVX to your mate, and spend PIVX at local PIVX POS merchants;
  • Educating adopters on how to purchase PIVX via Australian exchanges;
  • Education of PIVX adopters on how to make P2P and B2B payments using wallet to wallet technology;
  • Driving a video and pictorial based social media campaign with Stix Media;
  • Ensuring compliance to meet Australia’s requirements across the TravelbyBit network;
  • Bringing together 7 key people responsible for delivering this project.
Roles and Responsibilities

Agnes Water – 1770, Queensland

Sam Fransisco – Australian PIVX Ambassador
  • PIVX event hosting
  • PIVX user education and adoption
  • Media collation for Stix Media
  • Social media management
  • Reporting to PIVX
Gordon Christian – Founder of Australia’s First Digital Currency Town

  • Induction and education of merchants in Agnes Water – 1770 about PIVX
  • Assist in media production, hosting of events
  • Liaison with POS partner TravelbyBit
  • Crypto industry partner marketing and promotion
  • Media liaison
Freemantle, Western Australia

Abheeti Kathryn Pass – Co-founder of WhereToShopWithCrypto & Founder of Crypto Clotheline Podcast


Sophie Amat - Co Founder Where to Shop with Crypto - Writer for Altcoin Magazine

  • Induction and education of merchants in Fremantle about PIVX
  • Assist in media production, hosting of events
  • Liaison with POS partner TravelbyBit
  • Crypto industry partner marketing and promotion
  • Media liaison for Stix Media
  • PIVX event hosting
  • PIVX user education and adoption
  • Media collation
  • Social media contributions
  • Reporting to Samframsico for PIVX
Media and Marketing Production

Stix Media – Video and multimedia specialist – Agnes Water – 1770 Base


Shooting and collating video media from each location and delivering Youtube productions (minimum 4 per cycle).

Rhubarbarian - PIVX Ambassador Sherpa and Creative Director at rhubarbmedia.ca


Provide PIVX marketing and branding for videos, social media and event promotions for the duration of the campaign.


Damian Bielinski – TravelbyBit Compliance, Analyst and Research Lead


Ensure compliance with Australian digital currency regulations.

Promotions Fund

The fund will serve to create exciting community adoption promotions, PIVX wallet giveaways and lucky draws to attract media attention and grow adoption for those who spend in PIVX.

For example, making PIVX transactions could see you in with a chance to win a free trip to the Great Barrier Reef, a cruise on Fremantle harbour, or a free Trezor hardware wallet.

Duration of the Campaign

2 Cycles

Total PIVX required: 29,000

PIVX funds allotment per cycle

The PIVX Adoption Team is proposing the following funding be made by the DAO’s budget:
  • Samframsico – PIVX Ambassador and Team Manager (1500 PIVX)
  • Gordon Christian – Implementation (1500 PIVX)
  • Abheeti Kathryn Pass - Implementation (1500 PIVX)
  • Sophie Amat – Implementation (1500 PIVX)
  • Stix Media – Video Media (1500 PIVX)
  • Rhubarbarian – Branding (1500 PIVX)
  • Damian TBB – Compliance (1500 PIVX)
  • Promotions Fund – (4000 PIVX)
The 4000 PIV per cycle for the Promotions Fund will be reserved for distribution to contributors, winners and participants at our discretion, any balance of which is to be rolled over from cycle to cycle in the event that it is not distributed.

Total Per Cycle: 14,500 PIVX

The Agnes Water – 1770 Story to Date

Print Media



Google Search


12 Week Crypto Challenge


Video Media

The Crypto Class

BBC Travel


The Crypto Lark

Coin Spice

12 Week Crypto Challenge

Where to Shop with Crypto Story



ABC Radio live panellist discussion (Australia’s National Radio Station)

Fremantle Herald


TravelbyBIT are a crypto success story for global coverage on crypto adoption.

Binance Podcast for the TravelbyBIT Story

Example of the Global coverage - Travel on Lite Coin

Their first major Launch - Brisbane Airport Launch


Why use The TravebyBIT POS?

Why have 1770 Crypto and Where to Shop With Crypto Chosen TravelbyBIT to Partner with?

Travelers pay with their choice of digital currency

TravelbyBit’s approach is fundamentally different. They are building awareness for cryptocurrencies from the grassroots level. Our merchants facilitate genuine peer-to-peer transactions.

Using their digital wallets, travelers pay with their choice of digital currency, creating an awareness of cryptocurrencies amongst the merchants, their staff and their customers.

It’s safe, convenient and there are no bank fees.

Most of all there currently are no merchant fees

Customers pay in cryptocurrency

Merchants can choose to receive payment in crypto or fiat currency

Ultiamtely 1770 Crypto, Where to Shop with Crypto and TravelbyBIT’s vision is that merchants around Australia will begin to receive payment exclusively in cryptocurrencies, use it to pay for business supplies and even pay their staff in crypto.

The use of this two-step system of adopting Crypto to Fiat transactions first will create greater merchant acceptance than straight up P2P implementation.

The POINT OF SALE interface

Weblink application so can be used on any device and across multiple devises

The back-end link nominates the merchant bank account or nominated crypto wallet

Settlements are next business day when converting to fiat as it passes through the fiat banking

Email Payments Requests

The Point of Sale system enables merchants to easily take online bookings and payments

PIVX Coast 2 Coast AU

TBB Sign .jpg
download (1).jpg

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Hi fellow Pivians and MN hosts.

Keen for some feed back on the proposal.

We bring together a team with a passion for adoption, education, marketing, collaboration and a track record for success in gaining consistent international coverage and success.

Thank you G
Love this! A great plan to paint Australia Purple! Once it takes off, we can pull in New Zealand and other counties near by and spread from there! Great work all!
Overall I like the proposal. Seems expensive though. Also light on details. I think it is OK to say something like 'Ideally we want each recipient to create a Masternode and spend the rewards' but it is hard to provide transparency that way. Need to see a break down on how many PIV is request in total and per cycle. My sense is that it is too much too fast to gain wide support. Would be better to do smaller steps maybe?
It is a 12-month project - so I can see this as reasonable time scope and I assume budgets will reflect the work per phase and include lots of skin-in-the-game from those on the ground. @Gordon1770 and @Samfransisco - Leave the budget at the top as TBD - but feel free to add a draft budget in the post - then we all can see the scope along with alongside cost estimates. From the drafts I've seen - for a comprehensive integrated marketing campaign, it's more than reasonable, but for many who have never experienced this level of a campaign it will seem "expensive." It's a delicate dance at this stage of the project - but I think it time to go big! I agree with Eric on more details - but maybe a google doc. As we've seen - many of our ideas get swooped up but the bigger budget projects - so I understand not showing all the cards in public. You have my support - however, I can help!
Ya. The whole 'Provision of Four PIVX masternodes' makes it sound like the funding is at the very least 10K PIV per month for 4 months. I am glad to hear this is stretched out over 12 months, and that there will be phases/milestones along the way. Sounds more promising now.
Just a note on costs - to tap into a network around travelbybit will come at a cost. Much of the work has been built from investment and support by communities including LTC, NEM, Binance, DASH, and even our GOVT. For the communities of 1770, Fremantle, and others forming around TravelbyBIT a lot of work is being done by ambassadors for adoption for little or no pay. The results for us are worth all the effort - Here is the latest that we all have to support each step of our efforts. Media like this costs more than any of us can afford to pay for. https://nuggetsnews.com.au/travelby...arket-up-with-cryptocurrency-payment-support/
Hey fellow PIVIANS we have put up final draft proposal all ready to be set as ACTIVE for voting in the next day or two. Any questions or comments before we go to the next stage - send them over.
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Hey fellow PIVIANS I have put up final draft proposal all ready to be set as ACTIVE for voting in the next day or two. Any questions or comments before we go to the next stage - send them over.
Thanks Gordon , what the community need to know is this proposal will get pivx so much media attention money just can’t buy. Let’s paint Australia purple ✅
Overall I like the proposal. Seems expensive though. Also light on details. I think it is OK to say something like 'Ideally we want each recipient to create a Masternode and spend the rewards' but it is hard to provide transparency that way. Need to see a break down on how many PIV is request in total and per cycle. My sense is that it is too much too fast to gain wide support. Would be better to do smaller steps maybe?
Thanks Erick , expensive I don’t think , what I believe is the exposure, use case, and transactions we will see is priceless . Great to have the best tech and product but we need it to be spent .
Just a note on costs - to tap into a network around travelbybit will come at a cost. Much of the work has been built from investment and support by communities including LTC, NEM, Binance, DASH, and even our GOVT. For the communities of 1770, Fremantle, and others forming around TravelbyBIT a lot of work is being done by ambassadors for adoption for little or no pay. The results for us are worth all the effort - Here is the latest that we all have to support each step of our efforts. Media like this costs more than any of us can afford to pay for. https://nuggetsnews.com.au/travelby...arket-up-with-cryptocurrency-payment-support/
Exactly Gordon , other communities have paid 20-50 x for exposure and acceptance like this .
Hi fellow Pivians we have taken on board the communities comments and feed back and have posted up a revised proposal to bring together a gun team to deliver the PIVX Cost 2 Coast AU project. We hope you are excited about it as we are !!
This is massive, but it is the next step in the Ambassador vision of grassroots engagement towards larger regional adoption. We've had such great relations with our Auzzie family and with the massive network already prepared, this seems like a no brainer. With a new PIVXSprots partnership with Maighan (Possible a return for Tarnea) as well and 2 amazing Ambassadors and tools and other outreach hubs, this will rock! Ya, ya, the cost is a lot, but turning a country Purple will be world news for PIVX and a huge leap ahead of many other top 20 projects. We have saved $10000s over the 2.5 years not spending on big marketing, advertising, etc. It's time to balance this project out with a strong focus on major marketing initiatives. It's also nice to have strong ties back to other core PIVians who have called Australia home in the past. I'll be throwing a lot of skin-in-the-game here. Nice work all!