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Archived PIVX Infrastructure Management + Support Lead V5- Jeffrey


Staff member

Title: PIVX System Administration and Support Management V4
Name: SysAdmin20209
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 5200
Total Amnt: 15600
Author: Jeffrey
Address: DUHoJPQ2Pc783WCEG4rAcZSi5CHB42c843
Status: Proposed

This is proposal is a continuation of my previous proposal found here. This marks the 5th renewal of my proposals and providing my work and dedication to PIVX and it's community.
All reporting will be continued in this thread as it was done in the previous post. You may also review the previous proposal for a brief summary of my tasks as a systems administrator.




No matter the occasion even whilst on a boat 100km away from the nearest city iv'e got you covered ;)

The proposal covers the following responsibilities/tasks: Continuation of previous proposal
  • Making of updated and simplified support guides on forum.pivx.org
  • Being the official Support Lead for PIVX which entails providing support inside various PIVX communities such as the forum, anywhere requested especially the PIVX Discord.
  • Creating guides and support material to simplify fixing issues for the client.
  • Management of the majority of the PIVX related servers.
  • Installation and setup of new PIVX communities or websites as well as managing their servers.
  • Website migration, beta testing and deployment.
  • Exchange co-ordination where requested.
  • PIVX brand representation as well as onboarding of new merchants to use PIVX wallets and resources.
  • Running test environment to replicate bugs and find solutions.
  • Customer support via tickets on https://pivx.freshdesk.com/
  • Anywhere I can assist with the growth of the PIVX community.
These are the current PIVX related sites I manage (server tasks/installations/backups/testing)
For this round I will be asking for a 5200 PIVX every cycle for 3 cycles bringing it to a total of 15600 PIVX to fund my role as a full time PIVX staff member.

I will not be asking for the 50 PIV in submission and processing fees to be reimbursed.

Voting Details:

To vote YES:
mnbudgetvote many d4d3804b212a08b09ffecf58021741f011a7ad5804785b84b2f4b83edcd6741c yes

To vote NO:
mnbudgetvote many d4d3804b212a08b09ffecf58021741f011a7ad5804785b84b2f4b83edcd6741c no

Thank you once again for the support, Please follow this thread for updates that will be delivered frequently.
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Some updates for this month so far since my last submission:

  • Updated forum.pivx.org to the latest security patch 2.1.11 to solve a vulnerability, Update found here.
  • Backups taken of all pivx related sites I manage and secured to an external drive for future storage, Online backups made for ease of access as well.
  • Cpanel/WHM updated to latest release (v90) and implemented Virus scanner for all email accounts.
  • PIVX email accounts audited, and security settings adjusted to prevent the rejection of receiving certain emails especially from exchanges with unverified SPF and RDNS.
  • Additional guides created for support simplicity, Guides can be found here.
  • Nextcloud instance found at https://cloud.pivx.org updated to latest stable release, backups taken and server errors reduced to 0 (previous issue with logins or file directories resolved)
  • New categories added to the PIVX forum, More directories coming soon to simplify categories for support guides and merchant types.
  • New server setup for the upcoming PIVX.org website and provided to Kyeno, Security tests and benchmarks to be done later in the week.
  • Assisted @PIVX Member (PM) as mentioned above with guide placement and categories as well as PIVX definitions for our upcoming website.
  • Support provided all around the clock as usual on Twitter, Discord, Telegram and Private Message.
  • Setup a free cold staking service for users that don't have the option to setup their own service. Find it here.
Hear hear!!
Great proposal indeed.

I have worked on a few occasions with Jeffrey, and have an extremely high opinion of him, on a tech/business level as well as on a human level. My tweet - see above in this thread - reflects that I am always so happy to meet engaging and energizing people, wanting to create something better.

I find Jeffrey's proposal equally lowing barriers, so therefore my full support to the proposal!