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Archived PIVX Slush Fund August 2022


Compensated Dan Hawtchkiss for making 4 rounds of changes to the PIVX Economics Whitepaper that will soon be uploaded to the PIVX.org site, along with all the other changes related to the new Rewards Structure etc. Note that the source files were included too, so that if it is someone else making the next round of changes, they won't have to start from scratch.


Current price for PIVX = $0.398 USD.
So, $35/hr CDN / 1.37 = $25.55/hr USD.
14.5 hrs x $25.55 = $370.48 USD = 930.00 PIV.

For more info on the 'Reserved' amount below, please see here.


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Reserved: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance5,0007,348
Updates to PIVX Economics Whitepaper.930930
Closing Balance5,0006,418

Please let me know if you have questions.

Compensated LeacyMcK for Privacy quotes, submitted by the PIVX community for a Twitter event.


Link to above: 


There were 8 quotes chosen from the community to be placed on Graphics for a PIVX community series on Privacy.
Each person that submitted a quote receives 50 PIV; 
8 x 50 PIV = 400 PIV total..


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Reserved: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance5,0006,418
Privacy Quotes awards paid to Community winners.400400
Closing Balance5,0006,018

For more info on the 'Reserved' amount in the table above, please see here.

Please let me know if you have questions.

Note: 5,000 PIV has been moved from "Reserved" to "Balance", as this reservation was made for the below ShapeShift DEX work.

Alessandro Rezzi is to be compensated 5,000 PIV from the Slush Fund for his work on the ShapeShift DEX unchained PIVX integration.

Alessandro had completed the vast majority of the ShapeShift DEX integration work, by creating a Pull Request to their unchained DEX codebase, if merged and deployed completely on their primary frontend, ShapeShift DEX would have PIVX integrated, however, due to unfortunate management issues within the ShapeShift DAO they are not willing to merge the Pull Request until they have more resources to support the PIVX integration.

It's worth noting that PIVX Labs had offered full development support AND the funding necessary to acquire the PIVX listing on their DEX, but ShapeShift refused all offers to cooperate, quoting "This is not on our DAO roadmap at this time", regardless of the offers provided.

Alessandro's work is public, and fully re-usable, so if at any point ShapeShift in the future decide to open up to collaborations again, we can use Alessandro's code to complete the integration on their side.

Link to the above work: https://github.com/shapeshift/unchained/pull/557

Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Reserved: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance11,018
ShapeShift unchained Integration code5,0006,018
Closing Balance6,018

Please let us know if you have any questions.
Last edited by a moderator:
Just a 'Heads-Up' to everyone ..... I expect to close out this Slush Fund soon.

There is approx $2,000 USD going to a YouTuber for a Social Campaign, and a small amount going to a Upwork person to help us learn how to deploy the PIVX.org website changes.

After that, there will be very little left, and I will be looking for someone else to take it over, or submit a request for funds.

Overall, I feel this 'Slush Fund' worked well. It only happened because we knew we needed funds, but we didn't know how long it would take to get the new Treasury in place. We also didn't know what we would be spending the funds on. I feel that moving forward, there should always be a 'Slush Fund' for the small out of pocket expenses that people incur, that should be paid for, but are too small for a proposal. So, maybe there should always be one open for approx $1,000 USD? Not sure if anyone wants to do that after this one and the one Sparrow has open are finished, but it should be someone else, and it should rotate over time if possible. That will mitigate any bias or perceived bias.

This fund ended up paying for some bigger items that should have been a proposal. But, as I mentioned about, this Slush Fund was more of a 'Cash Grab' for Treasury funds being left on the table that we needed, not knowing when the new Treasury would be ready. So, it served a combined purpose. Also, given the Community had a chance to provide feedback, but didn't, it seems to have worked out well. Another concern is that when this Slush Fund started, PIVX price was much lower. This one was 16,700 PIV at the start. With the volatility of the PIVX price, it could have ended up being far more value than a person should hold - when there is no agreed place for it to be spent, let alone consensus.

I would like to see that any future Slush Fund proposal calls out every line item as I did, to be as transparent as possible. But, that is up to the person who submits the next Slush Fund proposal - whoever that is.

Thanks everyone!
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I have sent the 5,000 PIV for the Shape Shift bounty, noted above, to Labs to manage from the PIVX Labs Bounty Fund.

I have NOT paid out the items listed below yet, and the amounts may change given PIVX price changes, and contractor negotiations etc. I am just summarizing the expected upcoming costs to close out this Slush Fund, for reference.

If you came here to see if there were enough funds for an expense you have incurred, please check with Sparrow as he has a Slush Fund too.


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Reserved: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance6,018
YouTube series (@LeacyMcK). (NOT Paid Yet. $2K USD)4,8001,218
Upwork person to help deploy PIVX.org changes. (NOT Paid yet. Pure Guess.)900318
Closing Balance318

Please let me know if you have questions.

I have emptied this slush fund, by paying $2,000 for the YouTube series from 'A Chain of Blocks'.

First video of the series is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aNxLIO-a9s

It wasn't expected to use up the entire balance of the fund, but the PIVX price dropped recently.

If you came here to see if there were enough funds for an expense you have incurred, please check with Sparrow as he has a Slush Fund too.


Current price for PIVX = $0.327 USD.
So, $2,000 USD / $0.327 per PIV = 6,120 PIV.


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Reserved: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance6,018
YouTube series (@LeacyMcK). ($2K USD)6,1206,120
Closing Balance-102

Please let me know if you have questions.

There will be no further updates on this 'Slush Fund' proposal.

I have emptied this slush fund, by paying $2,000 for the YouTube series from 'A Chain of Blocks'.

First video of the series is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aNxLIO-a9s

It wasn't expected to use up the entire balance of the fund, but the PIVX price dropped recently.

If you came here to see if there were enough funds for an expense you have incurred, please check with Sparrow as he has a Slush Fund too.


Current price for PIVX = $0.327 USD.
So, $2,000 USD / $0.327 per PIV = 6,120 PIV.


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Reserved: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance6,018
YouTube series (@LeacyMcK). ($2K USD)6,1206,120
Closing Balance-102

Please let me know if you have questions.

There will be no further updates on this 'Slush Fund' proposal.
Thank you! He received the PIV. The first integrated video that achainofblocks created is now up and running! Over 1000 views in less than an hour.
Just a 'Heads-Up' to everyone ..... I expect to close out this Slush Fund soon.

There is approx $2,000 USD going to a YouTuber for a Social Campaign, and a small amount going to a Upwork person to help us learn how to deploy the PIVX.org website changes.

After that, there will be very little left, and I will be looking for someone else to take it over, or submit a request for funds.

Overall, I feel this 'Slush Fund' worked well. It only happened because we knew we needed funds, but we didn't know how long it would take to get the new Treasury in place. We also didn't know what we would be spending the funds on. I feel that moving forward, there should always be a 'Slush Fund' for the small out of pocket expenses that people incur, that should be paid for, but are too small for a proposal. So, maybe there should always be one open for approx $1,000 USD? Not sure if anyone wants to do that after this one and the one Sparrow has open are finished, but it should be someone else, and it should rotate over time if possible. That will mitigate any bias or perceived bias.

This fund ended up paying for some bigger items that should have been a proposal. But, as I mentioned about, this Slush Fund was more of a 'Cash Grab' for Treasury funds being left on the table that we needed, not knowing when the new Treasury would be ready. So, it served a combined purpose. Also, given the Community had a chance to provide feedback, but didn't, it seems to have worked out well. Another concern is that when this Slush Fund started, PIVX price was much lower. This one was 16,700 PIV at the start. With the volatility of the PIVX price, it could have ended up being far more value than a person should hold - when there is no agreed place for it to be spent, let alone consensus.

I would like to see that any future Slush Fund proposal calls out every line item as I did, to be as transparent as possible. But, that is up to the person who submits the next Slush Fund proposal - whoever that is.

Thanks everyone!
Thank you for taking this on for us. :) Thanks to @Sparrow also!