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Archived PIVX Slush Fund August 2022

@flow11 Not sure what language(s) you are translating them to - but hopefully they help you build a larger organic following on Social media over time. This will help with increasing decentralization and spreading the PIVX message much further. Perhaps others will do the same. Ideally, each Ambassador does this too.
ok thanks :) that are some valid arguments, still, it wold be nice to see all of the 30images your mentioned
A couple of years ago I put images out a few days prior to the promotion date so everyone could help and promote them, but then some got over-eager. We had a wallet launch and someone rushed the image out before we were ready, another time they posted an article and graphic via their own private account and we ended up having to answer comments as to why weren't we publishing the news from PIVX official. We looked unprofessional.
When I have some time, I will grab some graphics that you can use randomly with your own copy if you wish.

If you look over my past proposals throughout the years you will see that I have changed a few ways in which we promote. I have learnt along the way what works and what doesn't. My job here is to make sure things run smoothly, on time, easy flow (excuse the pun.) ;) so that the social team members have everything ready at their fingertips to promote. My job is to keep the images private until promotion day. If you ask around I am sure you will learn that any project, exchange or business does the same thing. :)
A couple of years ago I put images out a few days prior to the promotion date so everyone could help and promote them, but then some got over-eager. We had a wallet launch and someone rushed the image out before we were ready, another time they posted an article and graphic via their own private account and we ended up having to answer comments as to why weren't we publishing the news from PIVX official. We looked unprofessional.
When I have some time, I will grab some graphics that you can use randomly with your own copy if you wish.

If you look over my past proposals throughout the years you will see that I have changed a few ways in which we promote. I have learnt along the way what works and what doesn't. My job here is to make sure things run smoothly, on time, easy flow (excuse the pun.) ;) so that the social team members have everything ready at their fingertips to promote. My job is to keep the images private until promotion day. If you ask around I am sure you will learn that any project, exchange or business does the same thing. :)
Hi, thanks for your answer, I understand your points and I can understand exactly what happened to what you've described. I'm, not the most active Twitter user, my intention was rather to help with the images and translations and not to be a Twitter publisher myself, but as this has started now I will continue with it. So to be able to prepare them for the release date it would be good to have them in advance, but we can discuss more details on discord. Let me first prove that I'm reliable :)
@flow11 Not sure what language(s) you are translating them to - but hopefully they help you build a larger organic following on Social media over time. This will help with increasing decentralization and spreading the PIVX message much further. Perhaps others will do the same. Ideally, each Ambassador does this too.

I'm not the typical social media guy. I deleted Facebook and Instagram and WhatsApp in 2018. and replaced it with a telegram. Twitter I did not use regularly but will do now. Also, it will be awesome if I can support PIVX and meanwhile get more followers The other channels I have are my websites, where I have ~1000 active users per day at the moment, So I would also publish them there, but therefore I would need some standard banner sizes. those Twitter banners are too big for that but the message can also be transported with the standard banners. As so as I'm concentrated enough I will write the proposal for it, But here I will need some more input for the message that shall be transported via the banners
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I added an email account for [email protected].


Current price for PIVX = $0.281 USD.
Current CDN/USD exchange = 1.383


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance11,850
EMail account for Hans Koning. ($40.15 CDN)$29.0010311,747
Closing Balance11,747

Please let me know if you have questions.

There was another 'Slush Fund' that was being held to pay the new Development Team doing the v5.5.0 changes. They were just paid, and there was a balance of PIV left over. In that proposal post, I made reference to moving the balance to this 'Slush Fund' so that the future spends can all be in one place.


So, this is not a 'spend' but a balance being moved from the March Slush Fund to this August Slush Fund, which increases the balance here by 3,941 PIV.


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance11,747
Move balance from March to August.3,94115,688
Closing Balance15,688

Please let me know if you have any questions.

I sent 1,000 PIV to @flow11 to pay for this proposal:


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance15,688
PTC Promotion Campaign1,00014,688
Closing Balance14,688

Please let me know if you have any questions.

I paid @Shorn for creating 3 different images, each in 3 different social formats, related to Hans Koning joining PIVX, and the up-coming Fireside chat etc.


Current price for PIVX = $0.41 USD.
Shorn asked for 4 hrs at 35 Euros per hour.
We rounded a bit and agreed on 350 PIV.


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance14,688
Images to support Hans Koning joining PIVX.35014,338
Closing Balance14,338

Please let me know if you have questions.

I paid @shorn for creating social images, to support the BasicSwap DEX announcement.


Current price for PIVX = $0.33 USD.
Shorn asked for 1.5 hrs at 35 Euros per hour.
We rounded a bit and agreed on 217 PIV.


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance14,338
Images to support PIVX on BasicSwap announcement.21714,121
Closing Balance14,121

Please let me know if you have questions.
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I paid @shorn for creating social images, and an image for the article, to support the article written by @yenachar titled; "Building, Running, and Debugging PIVX Under Linux on a Windows Computer".


Current price for PIVX = $0.32 USD.
Shorn asked for 1.25 hrs at 35 Euros per hour.
We rounded a bit and agreed on 140 PIV.


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance14,121
Images to support article written by Yenachar.14013,981
Closing Balance13,981

Please let me know if you have questions.

After a Community Discussion and further chats with Core and JSKitty, PIVX Labs agreed to take on the task of getting PIVX added to ShapeShift, which is a DEX.

The estimate/guess is that this will require a 6K PIV to complete. PIVX Labs can cover 1K PIV of that, and the balance of 5K PIV will be held in the Slush Fund, but reserved for that purpose.

Time will tell if the 6K PIV Bounty is sufficient to attract a Developer.


Current price for PIVX = $0.23 USD.
Estimate/Guess is 6K PIV, which is currently worth $1,380 USD.


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Reserved: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance013,981
Balance to support Development Bounty to add PIVX to ShapeShift DEX.5,0005,0008,981
Closing Balance5,0008,981

Please let me know if you have questions.

After a quick consult with the Community, I sent a 100 PIV tip to our long time supporter Benjamin.


Current price for PIVX = $0.30 USD.
So, 100 PIV = $30 USD.


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Reserved: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance5,0008,981
Tip to PIVian and DJ Benjamin .1008,881
Closing Balance5,0008,881

Please let me know if you have questions.
@shorn who does the official @_PIVX has requested this Slush Fund pay for an annual subscription to a Stock Photo service. There are free image libraries out there, but you get what you pay for, and end up spending more time on labor, then what would have been spent on creating the graphics. Plus, the free services typically result with an inferior outcome.

Plans come with a limit to the number of images per month, and @shorn expects to hit that limit each month, but others can request image downloads if he has spare credits for that month. To do that, the user can simply provide a link to the watermarked version to @shorn and he will then get the one without a watermark. Having said that - these requests should be random. Anyone who needs multiple images, should really apply for their own Stock Photo account.

Another reason for not sharing access to such an account, is that it breaks privacy, since anyone with access can find out the account owner's real name and home address in the Billing Details section.

@shorn is still selecting which service to go with, but cost is expected to be approx $250 USD for the year. Once he selects a service, he will go with their 'Free Trial' to confirm it is what he wants, and to buy time for discussion here in case someone wants to comment.

So, if you agree or disagree with this spend ... please let us know here!

@shorn who does the official @_PIVX has requested this Slush Fund pay for an annual subscription to a Stock Photo service. There are free image libraries out there, but you get what you pay for, and end up spending more time on labor, then what would have been spent on creating the graphics. Plus, the free services typically result with an inferior outcome.

Plans come with a limit to the number of images per month, and @shorn expects to hit that limit each month, but others can request image downloads if he has spare credits for that month. To do that, the user can simply provide a link to the watermarked version to @shorn and he will then get the one without a watermark. Having said that - these requests should be random. Anyone who needs multiple images, should really apply for their own Stock Photo account.

Another reason for not sharing access to such an account, is that it breaks privacy, since anyone with access can find out the account owner's real name and home address in the Billing Details section.

@shorn is still selecting which service to go with, but cost is expected to be approx $250 USD for the year. Once he selects a service, he will go with their 'Free Trial' to confirm it is what he wants, and to buy time for discussion here in case someone wants to comment.

So, if you agree or disagree with this spend ... please let us know here!

Stock photos are needed especially when creating great marketing materials. So yes this is a much needed spend. Shorn is also highly reputable and contributes to PIVX! so assisting him with this seems fair.

Per the above posts, the Slush Fund is now paying out the equivalent of $250 USD to @shorn for a stock photo subscription.


Current price for PIVX = $0.28 USD.
So, $250 USD = 893 PIV.


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Reserved: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance5,0008,881
Stock photo subscription for Shorn.8938,881
Closing Balance5,0007,988

Please let me know if you have questions.

Added a new email account for @johnnylaw.


Current price for PIVX = $0.37 USD.
So, $18.52 USD = 50 PIV.


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Reserved: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance5,0007,988
EMail account for JohnnyLaw.507,938
Closing Balance5,0007,938

Please let me know if you have questions.
Just a head's up, that a new expense is coming out of the Slush Fund soon. Dan Hawtchkiss has the software license and talent required to edit the PIVX Economics Whitepaper. He has been making changes to it per the direction of the team in the attached image. The changes have been focused on the new rewards. Some other wording has been changed too, for clarity while we had the opportunity. A draft has already been provided. The final version will be ready soon and loaded to the PIVX.org website.


  • _pp_team.png
    29.8 KB · Views: 876

Added a new email account for Jeffrey.


Current price for PIVX = $0.42 USD.
So, $16.83 USD = 40 PIV.

FYI: The USD price fluctuates slightly each time I create an email account. I believe that is because they pro-rate the amount to align with the first of the month.

For more info on the 'Reserved' amount, please see here.


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Reserved: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance5,0007,938
EMail account for Jeffrey.407,898
Closing Balance5,0007,898

Please let me know if you have questions.
Last edited:

Compensated @shorn for time spent updating the PIVX.org site. This involved a significant learning curve, as he had to learn a bit about the Symfony Framework. Changes made were mostly just to support the new rewards schedule. These changes will be online very soon, but are only on staging at the moment, waiting for review.


Current price for PIVX = $0.386 USD.
So, $50/hr USD x 4.25 hrs = 550 PIV.

For more info on the 'Reserved' amount below, please see here.


Item:Amount: (USD)Amount: (PIV)Reserved: (PIV)Balance: (PIV)
Opening Balance5,0007,898
Updates to PIVX.org from Shorn.5507,348
Closing Balance5,0007,348

Please let me know if you have questions.